Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian. Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Jillian's POV)

I jumped through the doors on the train just as they were closing. I could hear my phone ringing in my bag. I eventually found it, "Hello?" I answered.

"Jillian! Where are you?! You were meant to meet us 5 minutes ago?" My mum's voice rang in my ears.

"I know, I know. I'm on the train now. What carriage are you? I'll come find you." I replied.

"We're near the front." she said sternly.

"Okay." I said & hung up.

I sighed and watched as the train pulled out of the station, then we were gone. I found my mum & brother sat on a table in the second to front carriage. As I approached my mum screamed to me excitedly, "He got the job!"

"Well done Zach!" I said.

I hugged them both and sat down on the table exhausted.

"So have a good day Missy? What did you get up to?" My mum teased me.

"Yeah.. it was a good day." I let the days events sink in for a minute before saying, "I ended up on Oxford Street just as we said."

"I knew you would." she smiled at me.

My mum then pulled out her newspaper to read for the journey home. I lent back in my chair ready to relax for the journey. I put my headphones in & continued listening to the Jonas playlist from this morning, but there was only one voice I was listening for.. his. Nick's. I got my blackberry out of my bag to check my twitter. 3 new tweets. The top one, nick jonas read, 'I had a great day today :)' and at that moment in time I forgot about the disappointment that we would probably never hang out again and just thought about how lucky I was. He had noticed me now. But would we ever see each other again on a personal level? I closed my eyes and sighed realizing only time would tell.

Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian.Where stories live. Discover now