Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian. Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Jillian's POV)

(The chase continued..)

"Ow!" I felt the impact of the hit on my body. I looked up to see a guy wearing jeans, a tight fitted plain white t-shirt, converses & a black hat covering his face.

"Are you alright?!" I heard. He reached his hand out towards me to steady me. Surprisingly I hadn't fallen over, but I was very dizzy.

"Hey love?!" a voice called. "Where are you? We'd like to have some fun with you."

They were still after me. I was worried for the guy I had just bumped into. I turned to see the 3 men who had now spotted me.

"Oh found someone have we?" One of them said.

"Hey punk, she's ours. We were just playing a game of... hide & seek. We found her now though, give her back & we'll take her home." Another said.

I felt my body starting to shake and felt myself fainting. The guy behind me still had his hand rested on my shoulder but he moved it towards my waist and pulled me behind him. "Rob" he yelled. Then a side door slammed & as I started to drop, I could see the outline of a huge body guard, from the looks of it, & was that more security coming out? Next thing I knew I was being carried inside.

I opened my eyes to find myself laid out on a massive sofa with a pillow under my head. As my eyes focused, I saw a very familiar face above me.. but no, it can't be.. "Nick Jonas?!" I screamed.

I sat up suddenly, that was a bad idea. I don't know whether it was because I had fainted, because I had hit my head or because the guy of my dreams was standing before me, but I was very light headed.

"Alright Nick?" I stern voice called.

"Yeah I'm good Rob" Nick's voice yelled back.

He then turned to me, "You alright there? Had a pretty nasty experience back there."

"Ye-ye-yeaahh" I stuttered. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Do you want a drink? Water? Juice? Coke?" He offered.

"Yes please, just anything." I replied back, over the initial shock.

"Alright. I'll be right back." He said calmly.

Wow, his voice, his eyes, I thought I was going to faint again. I lay back into the cushions behind me & let them support my tired body. I must have run pretty fast to be this tired I thought to myself. I looked around the room. There was a fairly normal sized flat screen on the wall in-front of the sofa & to the left was a huge window. Where was I, I thought. I then cheesily thought to myself 'in heaven Jillian, your in heaven'. The floor was laminated & I could see my bag to my right. I reached for it to check the time on my phone, it read - 13.05. I sighed a breath of relief seeing that I hadn't been out of it for very long & then started to think how lucky I was to be safe. I heard a noise behind me & turned to see the one & only, Nick Jonas, walking towards me with 2 glasses or orange juice in his hand. I swear my heart stopped for a second as he walked in. Was this really happening? He passed me one of the glasses & sat down on the sofa next to me.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Well, I was out the back, running over my lines for my performance when SOMEBODY," he glanced at me nodding, "ran into me & knocked my book out of my hand." He joked.

I let out a quick & quiet laugh. "I meant with those guys though." I pressed him for answers.

"Don't worry about that, Big Rob & the rest of security have got that under control. They won't bother you again."

"Thanks." I replied quietly taking another sip of my juice.

He turned sideways to face me on the sofa.

"So since you, um, ran into me AND knocked my book out of my hand.. do I get to know your name?" He questioned.

"Oh right, I'm Jillian. I'm sorry about that. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I thought I was heading to a park & got a bit lost. I shouldn't really walk down alley ways by myself hey."

"Well you certainly shouldn't, a pretty thing like you." He smiled at me.

I returned the smile & closed my eyes for a second. My stomach rumbled loudly in the silence. I blushed.

"Guess I'm hungry then.." I filled the silence.

"Sounds like it. I would offer you something, but I don't have much here." He apologized, while gesturing towards the small kitchen behind us.

"Nah, it's fine. I must have interrupted your day quite a bit already. Don't you have rehearsals?" I asked.

He lent in a bit and looked in my eyes. "Rehearsals for what then hey?" He tested me.

"Well Les Miserables obviously."

"A big fan are we?" He raised his eyebrow.

".. I guess." I blushed again.

"Well in actual fact, I have the next few days off, so I suggest we go grab you something to eat."

"Erm, really? I'd love to & everything but surely you have stuff to do?" I asked anxiously.

"Well right now, it's lunch for me and as I said, there's never much food here. I usually just head out for meals, so why don't you join me today?"

"You sure?" Don't get me wrong I was very excited for this lunch 'date' - come on, it is sorta a date - but I also felt guilty & a little bit embarrassed at how it all happened. Being attacked by some guys, surely too much drama for someone so famous & so busy?

"Of course, you seem like a cool girl. So what do you say?" He looked at me waiting for my answer.

"Okay then, yes." I finally responded slowly.

"Yes?!" he exclaimed jokingly.

"Yes" I smiled at him.

"Okay just let me grab my hat."

He got up from the sofa & walked into another room. What's with the hat I thought to myself. He came back down and then we were off.

We came out of the building onto a very nice looking street. Not like the back alleyway I had come across. A very ordinary looking car was waiting out front for us. He opened the car door for me (something I would protest to had it been any other male, I like to take care of myself & feel able) & I sat down inside it. The car started and we were on our way.

I glanced at Nick as he looked out the window. He really was much more attractive in person. The photographs really don't do him justice. Of course I had seen him in person before, when he was on tour, but never this close. He had muscles now too - & lots of them. He was 'pumped'. I laughed in my head at the inside joke my friend Holly & I shared. Wow, if Holly knew where I was now, she would have a fit. We were both massive Jonas fans, & we both liked Nick the most. She managed to convince herself she was going to marry him last year. In fact it was her that gave me one of Nick Jonas' support for diabetes dog tags, as a present when we left school. I wanted to text or call her, but I didn't want to seem over the top, like the typical screaming fan. He must get fed up of that, besides then she'd be trying to talk to him all day - in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in London. No, calling her would be a bad idea.

Nick turned his head to look at me. I was embarrassed to have been caught starring at him, so I gave an awkward smile and turned away to look out the window.

Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian.Where stories live. Discover now