Boy Meets Girl. Rock-star Meets Fan. Nick Meets Jillian. Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Jillian's POV)

I woke early the next morning forgetting where I was. I expected to open my eyes and see my old fashioned box of a tv set but instead I opened them to see a very well lit black & white room. To my right there was a huge window that was the width of the room. Light was pouring in from it. 'No wonder I woke up so early' I thought as I rolled over and rested my head back on the pillow. Then it hit me. I was in Nick Jonas' flat! I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. I jumped out of bed noticing a full length mirror on the left side of the room next to a wardrobe. I starred at my reflection. My skin was looking lovely and brown in the black top Nick had given me but I desperately needed a hair brush, some spray and some mascara before facing him. I looked around the room for my bag but it was no where to be seen. It was then I realized I must have left it by the sofa last night. I was going to have to sneak out and get it before Nick woke up. I had no other choice.

I carefully opened the door trying to avoid it creaking too much and slipped through the small gap. I walked into the lounge stealthily. I spotted my bag on the other side of the room and I rushed to get it. In my hurry I slipped on the rug that covered the wood flooring and hit my knee on the corner of a small table. "OW!" I screamed aloud. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand realizing I had said that out loud. I looked to Nick's door but I heard no movement coming from his room. I breathed a sigh of relief and went to pick up my bag. As I reached down for it, I heard a sniggering coming from the open kitchen behind the lounge. I turned around and there he was. Nick Jonas, eating his cereal, standing there watching me. I went bright red.

"Alright there?" he chuckled to me.

"You.. Me.. ah! Were you watching the whole time?" I managed to blurt out.

"I'm afraid I was Jillian. Luckily for you, helping damsels in distress seems to be my thing." He said referring to the day he had met me.

"Okay, well I am going to go freshen up.. I'll be back." I said. As I walked towards the bathroom I slipped once more. I heard Nick opening his mouth to say something behind me, but I put my hand up to silence him.

When I was in the bathroom I locked the door and lent against it. 'That was so embarrassing!' I thought to myself. I looked around the bathroom. It had both a bath and shower. I opted for the shower, they were usually quicker and wouldn't leave me much time for thinking over what had just happened.

I grabbed a towel to wrap around me but before heading back to my room, I called out the bathroom door for Nick.

"Nick!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"The lounge." he answered puzzled. "Why?"

"Stay in there okay? Just stay in there!" I insisted.

"Okay?" He replied.

I opened the door and moved me and my bag as fast as possible back into the spare room. I went to go dress but then realized all I had was a dress. I put it back on feeling dirty wearing something two days in a row. After I fixed my hair and make-up I went to see Nick as he sat on the sofa reading a magazine.

"Good morning Jillian." He said cheerfully. "Your looking lovely and clean."

"I feel quite the opposite," I replied as I sat down. "Wearing the same thing two days in a row. I definitely don't feel clean."

"Then I suppose we'll just have to go out and buy you something." He said casually.

"You do this a lot don't you?" I replied after picking up on the casualness in his voice.

"I'm not greedy, don't think that, but we move around a lot. There's not room for me to bring tons of clothes on the road and if we find ourselves in a climate we don't have clothes for. Well Joe takes care of that." He looked at me. "You want some breakfast? I just had some bacon and there's still a couple of pieces there?" He offered.

"Yeah, bacon sounds great thanks." I said.

After breakfast we headed out to get me some clothes. We hadn't discussed how long I would stay with him for, but he definitely wanted me for the day which required a new outfit. We were back by midday with our bags - well mine. Nick had managed to disguise himself well enough with his usual hat and various other items so we didn't get bugged or followed around all day. If we had, I'm sure the shopping would have taken us to the middle of the night rather than the day.

I went and changed into something new, which ended up being the cute purple playsuit with small red spots dotted on it. As I went back into the lounge I saw Nick's worried face as he listened to the radio. I listened in to what the news-reporter was saying.

'We have our expert from the national geographic centre here with us today, John Walker. John earlier you mentioned that this was not the first time the Thames had flooded?'

'Yes Robert, this unfortunately has happened before. Back in 1928 the River Thames flooded causing trouble throughout the whole of London and some areas on the outskirts. Many, in fact thousands, were made homeless and 14 deaths occurred before the flood could be controlled which took 7 days.'

'Do you think this flooding is a small scale or is there more to come than even 1928 went through?'

'We are researching into the way the flood is heading to predict it's path as a result of the weather but at the moment we are not sure how it is going to turn out.'

'So what can our listeners do to stay safe John?'

'The best advice we can give is to stay inside. Make sure you have enough food and drink to last you for a week and do not leave your house. If you live in the further away from the Thames, such as to the north and west of London there is still time to run down to your nearest corner shop to grab some goods, but keep on the highest ground possible. People on lower floors are advised to ask neighbors to allow them to stay.'

'Obviously in the past week there has been a lot of rain but in the last couple of days the weather has been glorious. How has such a disaster happened?'

'The Thames links to many other rivers up and down the country where there have been small scale flooding issues. At the moment we think a water centre has broken releasing tons more water causing the Thames to take the hit from this breakage and for the other parts of the country.'

'That was John Walker once again from the national geographic centre on the flood that is hitting London right now. People are advised to stay inside with plenty of food and water to keep safe. Those of you-'

Nick cut the power on the radio and looked at me.

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