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That was the only thought that went through her head.

Run and don't get caught. I've had enough of this bullshit! It's time to get as far away from here as possible.

She didn't look back. That would slow her down. Tears streamed down her face, stinging her eyes. She weaved through the dense forest, the sun was just about to rise. She knew the forest like the back of her hand. As she hopped over an uprooted tree, she heard the sound of horses. She quickly glanced back to see three men riding horses. Two of them had crossbows and one of them had a thick rope. She quickened her pace, trying to gain more ground.

"Get her!" she heard someone scream. "I want her alive!"

The wind rushed between her short blonde hair. It went to her jawline. Her hazel eyes darted from one place to another. She felt alive and wild. Her scars didn't hurt and her fear was pushed down.I have to get to higher ground. She thought as she made a quick left. She climbed up the tree that fell but was stopped by its neighbors. It was like a ramp that only she could climb up. 

Once she got up to the canopy, she made her way by jumping from tree to tree effortlessly. She laughed as one of the men screamed in frustration.

"It!" the man screamed, "You better get your ass back on the ground this instant."

"Or what?" It yelled back like a little kid. "Are you going to whip me again? If you want to do that, you'll have to catch me first." With that, she started to make more distance between her and the man she once called "Master".


She limped over to her living space, the hay loft in the barn. Fresh blood staining the back of her torn dress. New bruises formed around her arm. As she climbed up, Ben the barn owl and her best friend, came with bandages in his talons.

"Thanks, Ben," she said wearily. She undid the corset of her dress, revealing a scarred and bloody back. She got the sponge and bucket full of water and started to clean her back. The cold water felt nice as it ran down her bare back. Once she finished cleaning her wounds, she started to wrap the bandage around her torso.

When she finished, she put her dress back on and sighed. "At least he went easy on me tonight. Although the alcohol helped him miss a couple." She chuckled to herself and shook her head.

Just then, a pebble hit the barn's window. "It!" a voice called, "It, are you there?"

It went to the window and peeped her head out. "What do you want, Tris?"

The boy smiled. His black hair shined in the moonlight. His brown eyes danced with a mischievous look. He was tan and the same age as It. "Why, my dear It, may I come up or do you have another suitor?"

It chuckled. "You may come up, my dear Tristan. But be quiet, the monster might still be lurking."

"I would slay any monster for you." It rolled her eyes. Tristan awkwardly climbed up the side of the barn and hopped in through the window. He took a low bow and kissed It's hand.

"I am flattered," It said. "But why do you come to see me tonight?"

"I must ask you a question."

"Oh? And the question is...?"

"Will you run away with me?"

Again, It rolled her eyes. Tristan had been asking her this question for the last two years. Every time she would decline. Tonight was no different. "I'm sorry my sweet Tris, but I cannot run with you." Tristan sighed and sat down. Something was different this time. He wasn't his playful self. It sat down next to him and asked in all seriousness, "What's wrong?"

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