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Horror gripped It as she realized where she was. She was in some giant's home. Why was she there? Where was she? Is the giant friendly? Where were Sir Leo and his goons? Did the giant do something terrible to them? All these questions buzzed around in her head. She tried to stand, but the second she was up, a sharp pain erupted in her bad leg. She cried and fell back down. Taking deep breaths, It tried to figure out how this all happened.

First, Tristan wanted her to run away with him and she said yes. Second, Sir Leo killed Tristan. Third, she ran away and climbed a tree. Fourth, she was shot from the tree. Fifth, she was whipped by Sir Leo and then blacked out. Last, she woke up here. She looked around her and found that she was sitting on a desk that was up against a window. There were shelves along the wall that were filled with books and some sort of science instruments. Next to her was a large notebook and a pen. It had some drawings and scribbles. It assumed that the scribbles were letters and words. She never learned how to read, but something told her that those scribbles were about her. She looked at the window. Freedom. 

Just as she thought of a reasonable escape plan, the door swung open. In walked a boy. He had silver hair and blue eyes. His eyes widened as he saw It. His mouth opened and shut. He slowly took a step towards It. She was frozen in fear, her hazel eyes were wider than the boy's blue ones. He slowly pulled a wooden chair up to the desk. He was huge! His index finger could easily be bigger than It. He wasn't doing anything, but he was making It more scared by the second. She began to shake. Finally, her legs started to move. She began to creep backward, never taking her eyes of the giant. She kept going until she felt the wall on her back. She gasped softly as she felt the cool wall against her sore back. Still, the giant didn't do anything, he just watched her.

Finally, he did something.

"Hello," he whispered, "Are you hungry?"

It nodded without even thinking. The giant boy pulled out a knife, making It's heart beat faster, and an apple. He cut a sliver and gingerly placed it in front of It. The piece was about as long as It's arm and just as thick. She picked it up and inspected it. Once it got the OK, It took a small nibble. Compared to the stale bread and moldy fruit she was used to, this was delicious. She didn't stuff her face however, she savored that sweet piece of heaven. It was about a fourth of the way done when It couldn't eat another morsel. She put it down and looked at the giant. He was writing something in the notebook. When he was done, he put down the pen and looked at her. She returned the stare. His eyes were fascinating. She could see every detail in his iris. She just looked at them in awe. A few moments went by and the giant moved, causing It to flinch back.

"It's okay," he said softly, "I'm not going to hurt you." 

It just stared at him. How could she trust him? Plenty of men had said that to her, but they always lied. Why would this one be any different? 

Again, the giant spoke, "Can you talk?"

"Yes," It whispered. The giant's eyes widened, he wrote something down in his notebook.

"Do you have a name?" he asked

"Yes," she replied.

"What is it?"


The giant raised an eyebrow, "That is your name?" 

It nodded. Well... that was kind of true. It wasn't her birth name, but ever since she became a slave, that's what people called her. It. She hated it, but if anyone knew her real name, that would give them power over her. So she became an It.

"Do all humans have odd names like that?" the giant asked.

"No," she said. After a few minutes, she finally got the courage to ask, "What is your name?"

Again, the giant's eyes widened. "Will," he said. "Nice to meet you."

It smiled, "And you as well."

"Do you have a home?"

It frowned, "No... not anymore."

"What happened?"

It remained silent. This was too personal. Ever since her parents were killed, she had been a slave or on the street. She was six when this happened. It has been ten years of hell. She felt the tears coming down her cheeks. She brought her knees up to her chest and looked down.

Will watched her with amazement. Humans were so neat and far-fetched. From what he could tell, they were smaller versions of giants. They had emotions and they could speak the same language as him. He was probably the first giant to ever come in contact with a human in years. Although he knew that she was scared of him, she accepted food and talked to him. But now she seemed upset about something. Was it something he said? Did he push too far? He wanted to know everything he could about humans, but he had to cautious, humans were very touchy. He was going to ask another question when he heard scratching at the door. The human snapped her head up and looked at him, her eyes were wide with fear. 

He smiled, "Hold on, I'll be right back" Will walked up to the door and opened it. Oscar was sitting in front of him waiting for him to let him in. "You can come in," Will said. Oscar bolted in and went straight to the desk. 

Horror gripped Will as he heard the human scream. Great, now she was totally afraid, but Oscar wasn't doing anything. The great mastiff sat right in front if the desk and put his head down on it. The human pressed harder against the wall and closed her eyes. Oscar whined softly. The human popped open her eyes and relaxed a little. She inched over to Oscar, wincing whenever she put pressure on her left leg. She was right up to Oscar's nose when she put her hand out. Oscar sniffed and closed his eyes, allowing her to pet him. She took a step closer and started to run her hands up and down Oscar's snout. Oscar licked his nose and she giggled. She said something inaudible and Oscar barked softly as if he was agreeing with her. 

Will watched completely dumbfounded. Oscar usually never let anyone pet him except him and a selected few. She was able to pet him in a matter of seconds. Oscar's tail was wagging back and forth very quickly. He stood up and barked happily, causing the small girl to yelp in pain and fall backward.

"Are you okay?!" Will exclaimed. The girl said nothing. She hugged her leg and made her way back to the wall. She looked up at him with wide eyes, tears were streaming down her cheeks. He mentally cursed at himself. He shouldn't have let Oscar in just yet. She still needed to heel! "Oscar, out," he said. Oscar walked slowly out the door, ears low and eyes big. Will walked up to the desk and sat down. "Are you okay?" he asked again.

"My leg," she said, "It's broken."

"Oh... How did it break?"

It looked up, "I fell from a tree."

"Do you need anything?"

Why was he being so nice? He didn't know her. Why help? "Why am I here?" It finally asked.

He took a deep breath. "I saw what the male humans were doing to you." Her eyes widened even more, she looked away in shame. "Why were they doing that to you?"

It took a deep breath, "That's what they do to runaways," she said, "That's the punishment."

"Why did you run away?"

"They killed someone I loved."

Hey guys sorry it took so long to update... got busy

Hope you enjoy!

Love ya!

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