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Will took a deep breath. He was never too keen on sharing his past, but fair was fair. "Well," he said, "I was born in September. I was raised by my mother. She had Brandon and raised him too. God, she was the best. She had long black hair that went to her hips. And her eyes were as blue as the sky. She loved to sing and tell stories. She never got angry or upset with us. She would just smile and shake her head. She always knew how to brighten the mood and she loved everyone and everything."

"What happened to her?" The second she asked that It instantly regretted it. Sorrow filled Will's eyes. He looked away and bit the inside of his lip. "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean-"

"No," he interrupted, "Don't be sorry for something you didn't do." He wanted to get rid of the lump in his throat. He took another deep breath. This was the one topic he hated to talk about. His mother died about six years ago. One day, she went into the forest to look for something. When she came back, she was brutally injured. She had been attacked by something... no one knew what. They (meaning Will) rushed her to the village to find a healer, but they were too late. She already lost too much blood. There was nothing the healer could do besides make her last minutes on this earth more comfortable. He remembered holding his mother's hands. She asked him to take good care of Brandon and to never lose hope. Will, with tears streaming down his eyes, promised. With a final smile, she left this earth, leaving her two beloved sons behind. From then on, Will tried his best to keep his promise to his mother, but as the years went on... he began to lose hope. He lost what his mother gave him, he could no longer feel her spirit with him. Remembering all of this, Will burst into tears. He put his elbows on the table, brought his hands to his face and wept. All these emotions of sadness, fear, anger, loneliness, confusion, and hopelessness washed over him. He was a mess. He tried so hard to be strong for those around him. He pushed his emotions down into the pit of his stomach. But once that pit overflowed, he finally let it go.

It watched this in complete shock. Will was by far the most composed person she knew and there he was, crying his eyes out. She felt complete empathy for him. Her mother and his sounded very similar. Not knowing of any other way to calm him, It walked up to his arm and gave it a hug. She closed her eyes and squeezed it with all her might. She didn't know if he even felt her hug him, but at least she tried. Just as she was about to pull away, Will pinched her waist and lifted her up to his eye level. His eyes were red from crying and tears still flowed out. It gave him the most comforting look she could. She smiled softly and patted his thumb. His eyes softened and he smiled back. He wiped his eyes with his free hand. Then he put his thumb on her cheek and wiped away a tear that fell from her eye. It had no idea she was crying as well. She laughed softly and shook her head in embarrassment.

Will also laughed, he was such a baby. Crying wasn't very manly. But It didn't seem to care, she was crying as well. He couldn't help but laugh. There they were, two teenagers... no, two friends who never shared any emotion with anyone, balling their eyes out in the kitchen. Once Will thought about it like that, he started to chuckle. The more he thought about it, the more it made him laugh. He was a weeping mess though he tried to be strong. Letting all this emotion felt good. He felt like a volcano with a lid on it. He had to explode, but the lid kept it all in. But the second he opened up, the lid broke and it all came flowing out of him. He wondered if he would ever stop... until he felt pressure on his left arm. He looked down to see It hugging his arm. He felt the compassion flowing from her body. He felt that he had to look her in her beautiful hazel eyes so he used his thumb and index finger to pick her up. She looked at him with such a soft and loving look that he had to smile back. He noticed the tear falling from her eye. He gently wiped it away with his thumb. Her cheeks darkened and she looked away, making the moment even more precious.

"Thank you, It," he said softly as he gently put her back on the table.

"You're welcome," she said, her cheeks got darker.

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