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It took a deep breath. Will waited patiently for her to start. "Where should I start?" she asked nervously.

"The beginning would be nice," Will chuckled, "But anywhere you feel comfortable sharing."

It nodded. The beginning... of what?! Her life? That would work. "Well," she said, "I was born in March. I had a mother and father. My mother taught me how to take care of the house and my father taught me how to take care of others. But... one day, they were going to a party and their carriage swerved...They were killed instantly."

"How old were you?" Will asked softly. She lost her parent too?! He felt sudden empathy for her.

"I was six," she said as she pulled her knees up to her chest. "I was taken out of my home and put on the streets," she continued. "I lived in front of the bakery... it was the warmest place. I became the town's beggar. That's how I got my name... It. I was on the streets for about a year, then I was bought by the ringmaster of the circus."

"You were bought?!" Will exclaimed, he didn't think she would become property.

It nodded again. "When I lost everything, I became the property of the village. Anyone who wanted me would have to buy me. That's how it goes in the human race. But I never felt like property. He took me in and raised me. I was apart of the show. I would do flips and cartwheels. It was actually really fun. I showed Brandon some tricks, he enjoyed them."

"Could you do some for me?" Will asked, he never thought It as the circus type.

It nodded and stood up. She took a couple of steps back, the pain now completely gone from her leg. She got a running head start and leaped into the air. While in the air, she did a full front flip and landed gracefully on her feet. She looked up at Will. He looked at her in complete shock. "Ta-da," she said sheepishly as she did jazz hands. 

Will smiled, that was absolutely amazing! It's cheeks darkened as he clapped softly. His smile got wider as she took a small bow. She sat back down. Will just looked at her, he was right about her... she was perfect. "That was amazing!" he said, "How long did you do that for?"

"Three years," It said, her cheeks were now really red, no one gave her praise like that in a while.

"What happened?" Will asked.

It frowned. "The ringmaster got sick and passed away," she said. "I was back on the streets. I was on them for a month or so, when a man took me home."

"That's fortunate," Will said, trying to lighten the mood.

It gave a soft chuckle, "You would think," she said, "but he was an alcoholic and made me his stable slave. He would beat me if I couldn't reach his very high standards... Henceforth the scars and bruises... When he got really drunk, he would try to... um... he would uh..."

"What would he do to you?" Will asked as he saw It start to tear up. His anger was beginning to rise. He had to remain calm... for It's sake. 

"He would... rape me," she whispered. Just then, all those memories of him forcing himself upon her. Making her his personal bed warmer. Tieing her to the bedpost when she wouldn't cooperate. They all came back at once. The monster was smart about it, however, once he sobered up, he took It and made her infertile. He wouldn't have to worry about her becoming pregnant by accident. He was... no, he is the definition of a monster. She started to go into panic mode. She closed herself off from the rest of the world, allowing no one in... not even Will.

Will looked at her in complete shock. She. Was. Raped! That good for nothing little... Will took a deep breath, he needed to stay calm. He drew his attention back to It. She curled herself in a ball. She was sobbing her eyes out. Will internally cursed himself. He shouldn't have pushed her! But, of course, he just had to ask. He picked her up and placed her up against his chest. Worry filled him when It didn't calm down like she did last time. He put her up to his eye level. Her eyes were closed and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"It?" he called softly.

She didn't move or respond.

"It?" he tried again, "If anyone tries to hurt you, I'll see to it that they will regret it."

It still didn't respond, but she looked up at him. Her eyes were big, and for the first time ever, Will noticed that they were a beautiful hazel. He stared at them and she stared at his. She was beautiful, even with her flaws and insecurities. The world around them wasn't there. It was just them two. The whole atmosphere changed. A feeling welled up inside of Will. It was love. He loved her. Even he knew her for two days, she had changed his life in so many ways. She wasn't something to be studied. She was something to be loved and cherished.Before he knew it, his lips were on hers. She gave a small gasp but didn't pull away. When he retreated, he saw that It's cheeks were as red as a tomato. She put a hand over mouth and looked at him with wonder. Well... at least she calmed down. It took a minute to regain her composure. Once she did, she took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"You just..."

"Yes, I did."

"Why? I thought I was just a human."

"I love you, It," he said, "I will protect you and cherish you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll be your rock and friend."

It didn't say anything. He loved her?! Why? She was a nothing, she was an It. What did he see in her besides a worthless nobody? Did she love him? She wanted to make him smile, but she never saw it go on from there. But all the things he did for her. He cared for her and treated her with respect. She...did love him! And he loved her! But before she could go further in this relationship, she wanted to befriend him. She wanted to get to know the real him and see how goes from there.

"Will," she said, "I return your love. You have been so kind to me, but before we go any further, I want us to become friends."

"I agree," Will said as he placed It back on the table. "And to do so, Will you finish your story? I know it must be hard, but we aren't too different when it comes to our pasts."

It sighed, "Very well... I slaved away for him for the last seven years. Then, I had enough and ran away. They followed me and caught me. They were giving me the punishment for running away. That's why they were beating me when you saw us. Then, I met you and that's the end of my story. What happened to you?"

Will took a deep breath, "Well..."

There's the fluff!

Plz vote and comment! What do you think happened to Will? (*hint, I left traces of his past all through out the book!)

Love ya!

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