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"Can you do it one more time?" Will asked.

It was sweating profusely. She had been at this for a half hour and her back hurt like hell. After Will and Brandon's bonding moment, the focus was put back on It. How could they make sure that she wouldn't have another episode of pain? What could they do to make It's back stronger? They came up with a few simple exercises for her to do so that the muscles in her back would become stronger. She would have to bend down and touch her toes, twist from side to side with out moving her feet, put her her hands over her head and stretch, and sway from side to side. She and Will were in the study doing these exercises. She was one more toe touch away from being finished. Her back muscles stretched and popped as she bent down. She touched her toes and fell to the ground breathing heavily.

"Good job, It," Will said, "How do you feel?"

"I...hurt," she said, "That was more painful than being lashed."

"Do you need anything?"

"A new back," she said.

Will chuckled as he put his finger out to help It stand. "Besides that," he said.

It wasn't hungry so she didn't need food. She felt disgusting. That's what she needed!... A bath. The idea sounded so good to her. A nice bath to clean all the filth and grime off her. "Could I have a bath?" she asked as her cheeks darkened.

Will's cheeks also darkened. That was unexpected, but she did look like she did need one. "Um...okay...How is that going to work?"

"Do you have a bowl? You could put warm water in that and I could use that as a tub. Or a sink might work...I really don't know."

"I think a bowl might work," he said as he laid his hand flat out.

It slowly climbed on his hand, she still hurt. He carried her to the kitchen and placed her on the table. He rummaged through the dark wooden cabinets until he found a deep bowl. He picked up It and went to the bathroom. He set her down on the sink and drew warm water. He placed the bowl of water and fresh bandages on the sink and gave a dry washcloth to It so she could use it as a towel. He closed his eyes and It slipped out of her tattered dress. She embraced the warm water as she sunk into the bowl.

Once Will heard It go into the water, he opened his eyes and took the dress from the sink. "I'll be back when you're ready," he said and walked out of the room.

"Okay," It said not looking back. She took a deep breath and dunked her head under the water. She scrubbed her greasy scalp and resurfaced. The warm water relaxed her aching back. She felt no pain whatsoever. She took a deep breath and let the warmth seep in through her skin. She washed the rest of her body and climbed out. She shuddered as the cool air chilled her. She wrapped the washcloth around her and dried herself off. It put the fresh bandages around her torso. She looked around for her dress but couldn't find it. Where is it?

"Are you almost finished?" Will called from the other side of the door.

"Uh, yeah!" It called back, "But I can't find my dress!"

"Oh...I have something better," Will said as he slowly opened the door with his eyes closed. "Make sure you're decent."

It wrapped the washcloth around her body, "Alright, you can look now."

Will opened his eyes and they widened, making It's cheeks turned a bright shade of red. He cleared his throat and tried to find his voice. He internally cursed as he felt the tops of his ears heat up. She looked so exposed and uncomfortable, but he had just the thing to change that. "Now you have to close your eyes." It raised her eyebrow. "C'mon...please?" With a reluctant huff, she closed her eyes and Will placed a pretty doll dress in front of her. It had a floral pattern on the skirt and a white top. It was one of Will's mother's doll dresses and It would look perfect in it. "Okay... open."

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