15 (Not the last chp!)

303 21 11

That voice...

The voice that haunted her for years.

That voice could be as smooth as silk and a sweet as honey.

Or it could be as harsh as a hurricane and as frightening as the eternal darkness.

It took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't stand to look at his face. Her body was whipped around and she still refused to open her eyes. Her hands were held behind her back by a set of strong hands. A rope was tied around her mouth so she couldn't scream. She knew better than to struggle, that wouldn't help her situation.

"Tsk tsk, It," the voice, "Don't you know that it's rude not to look at someone when they're talking to you."

She slowly opened her eyes. There was Sir Leo. His hair was disheveled and dirty. His eyes were bloodshot and he smiled. It tensed as he walked up to her and caressed her cheek. He twirled her hair between his grimy fingers. He wiped a tear that fell from her eye. He smiled even more as he looked over at her with lustful eyes.

"My my," he said, "You do look pretty in that dress. I do, however, would like to see it in a different color. How about red...blood red... Yes! That would look simply beautiful on you! But how are we going to get that deep red color? Hm?"

It's eyes widened and she screamed through the cloth. She couldn't go through that pain again. She struggled to get out of the goon's grip. He tightened his grip and she whimpered in pain. She lifted her foot and slammed it down on her captor's. He swore and released his grip to grab his now aching foot. She kicked Sir Leo in the groin and he fell to the ground in pain. It pulled the cloth from her mouth and ran. She had no idea where she was going, but she had to make a distance between them. She jumped and hoisted herself up on the root above the ground. Her back tightened in pain, but that didn't matter, she had to get away. She ran along the root and hopped to the next one. She heard footsteps behind her. She didn't look back...that would only slow her down and she couldn't afford that. She was about to hop to the next root a familiar voice call her name.

Will was staring at her with wide eyes. She looked back to see that Leo and his two goons were closing the gap. She gave one last look at Will before running again. Will followed her gaze to see the three male humans from when before. Those were the ones who hurt her. He dropped the book that was in his hand and stormed towards the three bugs. He placed himself between It and them. They froze in their place. The tallest one, who was obviously the leader, pulled his gun and shot Will. He winced as the tiny bullet pierced his skin. The two others followed his lead and shot him. Pain erupted as these metal balls went through many layers of skin. They shot at him again and more pain went through his legs. He knelt on the ground. He swatted at the annoyances and they fell back. They got again and shot again. This was getting annoying. Again he swatted at the pests but they came back shot again. Now, Will had many small holes in his arms and torso. He was about to swat again when It screamed, jumped out from behind him and ran towards the tallest one. She tackled him and they both fell to the ground.

It ran until she heard a gunshot fill the air. She whipped around to see Will standing between her and the three men. Leo shot at him and he winced in pain. His two goons followed his lead. He knelt and swatted at them, but they kept firing. She had to do something...anything. They were hurting him. He was trying to help her. Not having any other ideas, she ran towards the monster and tackled him. She reached for his gun, but he pushed her off of him. He struggled to get back up and It tackled him again. He swung his arms and tried to get her off of him. She grabbed his wrist and squeezed it as hard as she could. He moaned in pain dropped the weapon. She felt two sets of hands grab her and yank her off of the monster. She kicked and screamed in frustration, but to no avail.

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