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As Will and It were inside, Brandon came out of his room. His eyes were red from crying. He hung his head low as he walked by. It felt a pool of guilt well up in her stomach. It was her fault that Brandon got in trouble. She patted Will's chest and he brought her up to his face.

"Can I talk to your brother?"

Will stared at her before nodding his head. "Brandon," he called softly.

"Yes?" Brandon said.

"Can you come here for a minute? Someone wants to talk to you."

Brandon slowly up to his older brother. He turned around to see the tiny giant (note- he has never heard of a human before) in his hand. Brandon stared at her with wide eyes as she stood up and gave a little wave.

"Hello," she said, "Do you want to be my friend?"

Brandon's mouth opened and closed. He nodded quickly. The tiny girl smiled. "Can... Can I hold you?"

The girl's smile widened, "As long as you promise to be gentle and not throw me."

"I promise!" Brandon exclaimed. He put both hands out to make a small platform for the girl to climb on.

It took a deep breath. She cautiously walked on Brandon's hands. She sat down on his left palm and his fingers curled to create a wall. She grabbed his thumb as he slowly walked into his room. He gently put her on the pillow and flopped on the bed, making It lose her balance and fall on her butt.

"Are you okay?!" he said, worry spread across his face.

It just laughed. She nodded. "I'm alright." She didn't try to get up, she knew she would just fall back down on the plush surface. "So," she said, "What's your name?" She already knew, but it was the only non-awkward ice breaker she could think of.

"Brandon," he replied with a smile, "What's yours?"

"It," she said smiling back at him. "How old are you?"

He puffed out his chest, "I'm twelve years old, turning thirteen in a few days."

"Wow," It said, "Why, you're practically a grown man."

Brandon smile grew even more. He liked her. She was very nice, but one question was buzzing in the back of his mind. "What are you?" he asked, "Are you a very small giant?"

It chuckled softly. "No, I'm not a small giant. I am a human."

"A human," Brandon repeated. "Are there more like you?"It nodded. "Where?"

It shrugged. She actually had no idea where they were from here. She was unconscious when Will brought her back with him. "I have no idea where they are from here. Sorry"

"That's okay," Brandon said. "So... what do you like to do for fun?"

"Hmm... Well, I liked to take care of animals and run in the forest."

"Do you like to climb trees?" Brandon asked.

"I love to climb trees!" It exclaimed. "Do you?"

"Yea! Do you want to climb a tree right now?"

"I don't see the harm in it."

"Hop on," Brandon said excitedly as he placed his hand down next to It. 

She climbed on his hand and sat down. Like before, Brandon curled his fingers and It held onto his thumb. He walked outside and down a path. At the end of the path was a ginormous weeping willow. Its branches were twisted and knarled. Compared to It, the tree was larger than the village she lived in.

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