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"Hit me again," he said slamming down the shot glass.

The bartender filled his glass. "That's your tenth one. Tough day Leo?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," he mumbled as he downed the alcohol.

He still couldn't believe what he saw in the woods that day. It was a giant! A damn giant! Yes, he knew that weird and mysterious things lived in the woods, but he never thought he would see a giant! He couldn't wrap his head around. Mike and Tim (the two goons from earlier) went home. They had enough excitement to last them a solid month. Before they parted, they all made a pact that they would tell no one. Leo groaned and ran his hand through his hair. He left a tip on the bar and walked out. He rode his horse home, not trusting his own two feet to carry him. When he got back, he facepalmed himself as he now remembered that he killed the servant boy that he sold.

"Crap," he groaned, "Oh well, I'll deal with it later."

"I don't think later is the best time," a voice said, "How about right now?"

Sir Leo whipped around to see Lord Sampson glaring at him angrily. Next to him, the corpse of Tristan. "So," he said, "You can't even keep your end of the bargain!"

Leo rubbed his face, "You can have another one for half-price, alright. Now, leave me alone, I need to think."

"I think you need to sober up and actually have some sort of responsibility! Sampson said.

Leo pulled out his gun and pointed it at Sampson's head. "This was the same gun that killed the boy, it can kill you as well. Now take one, give me my money, and get out!"

Sampson turned on his heel, "I'll take the girl if you still have her. I'll be back in a month to pick her up. You better have her or else you'll regret it!" With that, Sampson stormed out of the property and Leo put his gun back. He walked inside and into his study. His was full of books and scrolls. He had a desk with a quill pen and an ink well on it. There was also a couple of letters and such on it. Next to the desk was a small black sofa and a small coffee table. Sir groaned and flopped on the sofa, letting sleep take him.

A couple hours later

Sir woke up with a knock on his door. He sat up, brushed himself off, and answered the door.

"What?" he said as he saw that it was Mike and Tim.

"Well boss," Mike said, "We need to talk in private."

Leo huffed and let them in. He sat on the desk as the brothers sat on the sofa. "Spit it out," he said.

"So me and Tim went back to the place where the girl was," Mike said.

"And?" Leo said impatiently.

"She wasn't there," Tim said, "The rope was cut and her body wasn't there. We looked for any traces and got one."

"Yeah," Mike said, "There was a pair of footprints that led west."

"Did you follow them?" Leo asked, now pissed that his slave wasn't where he left her.

"Uh, no..."Mike said.

"What?! Why not?" Leo growled.

"They were the giant's, sir," Tim said. "So we came back here to tell you... The giant took her."

Leo now was fuming. She was to be sold in a month. A month! That means that he would have to get her back from the beast. How the hell was he supposed to do that?! He put his face in his hands then rubbed his temples. He took a deep breath.

"Boys," he said, "Get your shit together and meet me at sunrise tomorrow."

"For what, boss?" Mike asked.

"We're going hunting," he said in reply. "Now go and tell no one."

Mike and Tim walked themselves out the room and closed the door. Leo pulled out a map and marked the stop where they last left the slave. He sighed as he saw that the giant took her into uncharted areas. He left the room and got prepared for the long month ahead of him.

"I've hunted giant before," he said as he stepped inside his weapons closet. He grabbed three items: A cross bow, his favorite hunting gun, and a whip.

I know this is really short compared to my other parts, sorry!

Shout out to @Ehlora for helping me with the Block! Thank you so fricken much ya little chicken nugget!

Love Ya!

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Love ya (part 2)!

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