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"Boss, can we please make camp? It's going to be dark soon."

"Fine!" Leo growled, "If it will shut you up!" He threw his stuff down and sat on the ground. He buried his face and his hands. They've been searching for the giant for three days and still no sign of him or the slave. He took his flask and took a swig of whiskey. He should have just killed her when he had the chance. Now he has to go into the Western woods... again. The last time he went this deep in the woods, he found a great prize.


Leo was in his prime age of twenty-five. He and a group of men heard of a great beast in the woods. It was said that anyone who killed the creature would be rewarded greatly. They have been in the woods for a week now and they were growing weary of the woods. They were one day away from giving up until one of his men found something. It was a footprint, a large footprint. Excited, the group followed the footprints and stumbled upon a house. It seemed like a regular house except that it was ten times bigger than any house they've seen! This had to be the great beast's house. They made camp and took rounds watching the house. One day, the most beautiful creature emerged from the house. She had long black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. She wandered into the woods. Leo and his men followed her. She stopped to collect some berries and pick some flowers. That's when they decided to attack. They shot at her and tied her arms and legs together with thick rope. She put up a fight, but they were able to overtake her. She lied on the ground with her eyes wide. Leo and his men climbed upon their prize.

"Sorry dear," Leo said as he and his men pulled out their guns, "Nothing personal." With that, They started shooting at the helpless giantess. She cried out in pain and struggled against the ropes. They had used all their bullets, and she still hadn't died. "Give me your sword!" Leo barked and he was handed a longsword. "Give me the poison!" He was given a vial of liquid arsenic. He poured some on the tip of the blade. He went to her arms and sliced down the vein. She whimpered in pain and struggled more. He went to the next arm and sliced down the vein. This time, the giantess was able to break free form the ropes. They snapped as she pulled them from her body. She swatted at the men and ran. They never saw her again, but he knew that she wouldn't live for long. Besides, she had bled so much that they could take some home as proof that they killed the mystical creature. Each man (there were seven not including Leo) took about a liter of blood and stored it in a glass jar.

They started back home, happy that they would be paid in gold for what they had done.

End of Flashback

Mike and Tim made camp and started a fire. They were exhausted and really didn't want to be back in the woods. Seeing the giant from before made them paranoid and jumpy. They slept lightly and always had a weapon on them. Once they realized what they were hunting, they wanted out. But a gun to their head convinced them otherwise. They both looked at each other and both came to a conclusion.

Leo finally lost his marbles. He finally went insane. But he was a fine hunter and wouldn't hesitate to shoot the brothers.

"I don't like this," Tim whispered.

"Neither do I," Mike replied in the same hush tone, "But what else are we supposed to do? He'll kill us if we run."

"Yeah, but we might escape. The giant could kill us and we wouldn't even have the option of running."

"What if we took away his gun?"

"He would notice it's missing and he has two other weapons."

"What if-"

"What are you two blabbering about?" Leo barked.

"Nothing, boss," replied Mike.

"It better be nothing," he hissed. "Get to bed, we continue when the sun rises. Got it?!"

"Yes, sir," both brothers said simultaneously. It was going to be a rough night.

Both brothers went to their tents, leaving Leo to stare at the fire. He watched the embers glow a bright orange color. "She's lucky she has to be alive," he grumbled to himself, "Or she would be six feet under by the time I finished with her." He chuckled to himself, "Well, He never said I couldn't hurt her. I just can't kill her. She has to be breathing, that's the requirement, but no one said how much I could beat her. So it's decided, I'll make her on the verge of being dead, then give her over because she will still be breathing... barely."

With that, Leo doused the fire and retreated back to his camp. He fell asleep thinking of all the ways possible to bring pain upon the wretched little slave.

"Until tomorrow," he said to himself as he let sleep wash over him.

Hey guys! Plz vote and comment! (Sorry it's shorter than usual)

What do you think of Leo? on a scale of 1-10, how bad is he?

(You know what... from now on, I'm going to ask a 1-10 question. I want your insight!)

Well, gotta go!

Love ya!

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