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It woke up with her head pounding. Where am I? She thought to herself. She felt a comforting warmness around her. She didn't want it to go away. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened her eyes. A bright light blinded her and she quickly shut them.

What happened to me? Am I dead?! No, I can't be dead. But what happened? Let's see, I was teaching Brandon how to cartwheel. I was demonstrating and I twisted my back. Then I blacked out. That sounds right. How long have I been out? What happens if I'm not at Will and Brandon's home? That's impossible... Brandon would have rushed me inside... right... Let's try to open our eyes again.

It slowly opened her eyes. Light flooded her vision, but she didn't close her eyes. She felt the warmness around her and found out that it was the handkerchief that Brandon gave her. She also realized that she was on the pillow from earlier. It gave a soft groan, she had to stand. She rolled to one side then the other, then on her stomach. She pushed herself up and let the handkerchief fall off of her. She slid off the pillow and landed on a hard surface. She looked around and realized that she was in the same room from when she first came here. She looked out the window to see that the sun just finished rising. She turned around and looked at the small chair in the corner of the room. Will was fast asleep in the comfortable chair. From the looks of it, he didn't get much sleep. It smiled at the thought of him taking such good care of her. Not wanting to wake Will, It sat down on the pillow and started to hum a tune. A few minutes went by and the door cracked open. Brandon peeped his head in and stared at Will. He pulled a small blanket over Will and made sure he was comfortable.

"Brandon," It called softly.

Brandon whipped his head towards the desk. "It?!" he said with a smile. He crept over to the desk. "We were so worried about you," he said as he sat down on the chair that went with the desk. "How do you feel?"

"My back is sore, but other than that, I feel fine." Brandon's face relaxed and It smiled.

"It... I am so sorry," Brandon said.

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything."

"I never should've asked you to teach me. You still needed time to heal and it's all my fault that you hurt yourself and-"

"Brandon," It interrupted, "None of this was your fault. I should have said that I needed time. I thought that my injury would be fine. And don't you ever say that me getting hurt is your fault. You didn't give me the injury. You gave me a something I haven't had in a long time."


"Fun. I never thought I would have as much fun as I did as I did with you. You brought out my inner child and I'm so glad that we became friends. So don't ever think that any of this was your fault because then, you would be dead wrong."

Brandon smiled. She said they were friends. That meant the world to him. He never had a best friend... Will doesn't count... and he was so happy that he met It. "You are my best friend, It. You are my only friend actually."

"And I am honored to be your best friend," She said as she bowed her head slightly.

"Are you sure you don't need anything," Brandon said, "You've been passed out for the past four days."

"Four days!" It said totally dumbfounded. "No... four days!"


She had been out for four days! No wonder Brandon was excited to see her awake and Will was passed out on the chair. That also meant she went four days without food! Although she's been with out food for weeks before, she was a little bit hungry. And right on cue... as always... It's stomach made a slight rumble. "Well now that you mention it, I am a bit hungry. Do you have any bread or fruit? I don't eat meat."

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