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Will gasped. They killed their own kind!? That was terrible! Yes, giants had punishments for those who did wrong, but no one killed their own kind! "Do humans kill their own kind often?"

The girl stayed silent for a bit, then she said, "Only the men with twisted minds kill others. But the human who killed my love... he was a monster."

It was confused about the giant's reaction. She guessed that giants didn't kill one another. She huffed softly, this whole experience was weird for her. She looked at the giant, he was writing again. It slowly made her way over to the notebook. The giant didn't say anything, he just watched her with interest. She looked over the scribbles. Some of them she recognized, they were numbers. Sir Leo made sure that she learned numbers. She traced over some scribbles with her finger. After looking over the scribbles, numbers, and drawings, It knew that these were about her. "What are you writing about me?" She looked up and the wide-eyed giant.

"You... you can read!?"

"Some things like numbers," she replied, "And those drawings look like me." It pointed to the drawings.

"I am interested in new things," he shrugged.

"New things?"

His cheeks reddened slightly, "Well I uh... I've never seen a human before. When I was walking in the forest and I saw you and the three others. They were hurting you so I scared them off and took you here. You were bleeding and so I put the bandage on you. I saw the scars on your back and the bruises on your arm. I thought it would be best if you stayed here while you healed."

"You... you saw my scars!" It said. Her cheeks darkened. If he saw her scars, that means that he took off her dress. "Why did you take off my dress?!" she said as her look darkened, "That part of my body isn't supposed to be open for any peeping tom to look at!" She was going to say more when a hand wrapped around her, making her gasp. It's stomach turned and coiled and she was brought up to the giant's face. The soft look in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with annoyance.

"Look, I didn't want to do it, "Will growled, "but you were severely hurt, and you were going to die of blood loss. So before you make the accusations, I didn't take your whole dress off. I only undid the top half so I could tend to your wounds. I didn't even take it off! I'm am not a perverted beast! Got it?" The human nodded and looked away. He placed her down back on the desk. "I'll be back," he said curtly. Will walked out the door. Once he closed the door, he took a deep breath. The second he left the room, he heard crying. Shit! He had scared her. He didn't mean to, but he had to make it clear that he had no perverted intentions.

He huffed and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed two toothpicks and a scrap of cloth. He also grabbed some dried jerky and headed back to the room. The door was ajar... didn't he close it?! He rushed in to see that the human was not on the desk. Shit! Where did she go? He look around the desk to make sure she wasn't hiding behind anything, but she couldn't be found. He now was panicking. Where the hell did she go? She couldn't have jumped off the desk, that would kill her. The window was closed, so she didn't get out that way. Fear clutched him as he heard a blood-curdling scream. He ran out the room and looked around. He heard laughing. Will's heartbeat quickened. He sped to the door at the end of the hallway and opened it to see his little brother, Brandon, trying to play with the poor human.

"Brandon!" Will said, causing Brandon to snap his head up and look back at him.

"Oh...Hi Will! How's it going?" Brandon said as he whipped around with the human behind his back.

"C'mon give her back," Will said with his hand out.

"How come you get a pet and I don't?!"

"She is not my pet and she's hurt, so unless you want to hurt her even more, I suggest that you gently hand her over."

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