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He got up just to see the sunrise. He always loved the sunrise. Will got out of bed and scratched his head. He was seventeen and loved the outdoors and reading. He had silver hair and blue eyes. He had fair skin that freckled in the sun. He changed into a green t-shirt with front pockets and black shorts. He washed his face with cold water, he shivered as it made contact with his neck. He heard whining at his bedroom door. He opened it and his large mastiff, Oscar,  charged into his room and flopped on his bed.

"Oscar," Will groaned, "C'mon, get off." Oscar rolled on his back and looked at Will. Will huffed. "Fine... but don't get too comfortable." Oscar barked softly and wagged his tale. Will went back to finish getting ready for the day. He packed a small pack with a canteen full of water, bandages, a compact knife, a compass, a map, and a small journal. "Maybe I'll find something new today," he said to himself. Once he was sure that he was totally prepared for the day, Will pet Oscar's head and headed out the door. 

He followed a makeshift path he made that led him deeper into the woods. He had wondered around the forest, ducking under the tree's branches when they came too low. Then, he heard a loud bang. It echoed in the forest. What could have made that noise? He thought to himself. He determined that the sound came from the east. He slowly made his way over to the source of the noise. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw something move. He looked down and could not believe his eyes. Humans. Will thought to himself. I thought that they were myths. They could only be found in storybooks. Where did they come from? Why are they here? I have to stay and find out! 


It woke up to the sound of laughter. She slowly opened her eyes to reveal Sir Leo and his two goons. The had tied her to a tree by her wrists. 

"Well now," Sir Leo said, "The sleeping beauty awakes. How was the rest? Was it good? Or did the princess have a bad dream?"

It said nothing. She couldn't find any reason to. She had lost Tristan. Her love and light. Tears formed around her eyes and threatened to break loose. 

"You know the price for what you did," Sir Leo continued. "Let's get it done and over with, shall we..." He snapped his fingers and his two goons spun It around and held her in place. She heard the crack of the whip. She hated that whip with a burning passion, but she had to go through the pain. If she resisted, they would beat her more. She drooped her head and waited for the first lash. With another crack of the whip, pain exploded up her back. She whimpered in pain. This made the trio of men laugh with amusement. Again, the whip cracked and pain shot up her back. Again and again, as the lashes droned on and on, It began to see stars. With one last crack, It faded into darkness. The stars danced in between her eyelids. She drifted into a dream of black and white, that's all she saw. Black and White.


Will was curious about these creatures. They looked like smaller versions of his own race: giants. There were four of them, three male and one female. The female was tied to a tree. Will raised an eyebrow. Why were they doing that? The female human looked to be knocked out, but he could see her slowly waking up. The human was actually very pretty. Her short, blonde hair was curly and she had a nice figure. Her clothes, however, were tattered and dirty. The male humans were dressed more nicely and one had a weapon of some sort. The tallest male human said something inaudible, he snapped his fingers and the others grabbed the female and turned her around. He took out the weapon and it snapped in the air. Will's eyes widened as he realized that the weapon was a whip. The man whipped the girl, she cried in pain. The males were laughing at her pain. They were hurting her and enjoying it! What creature could be so sadistic and cruel?!

He had to do something. He couldn't just sit around and let them hurt her! That would make him just as bad as them! What could he do? He could scare them... yeah... that might work. Gathering up all his anger he stomped on the ground, causing the three male humans stop and look around. Will came out of his hiding spot and made a low growl in his throat. He felt ridiculous, but it was working. He gave the darkest look he could to the humans. He took one step towards them and they bolted. They mounted their horses and ran for the hills. Will chuckled to himself as he kneeled down next to the small human. He pulled out his compact knife and carefully cut the rope that bound her to the tree. Once the rope was cut, the human fell. Will quickly put out his hand to catch her. She landed in his palm. He picked her up and brought her to his face. She was badly hurt. Her chest was slowly rising and falling. Good... she was alive. He had to help her. He slung his sack over his free arm and started to head home as quickly as possible.


It woke up with a massive pounding in her head. She was lying down on a hard surface. She slowly opened her eyes, letting her eyes adjust to the light. She groaned softly as she tried to sit up. She looked down at her side, there was a bandage over her wound. Well... the bandage was around her entire torso, but still... she was thankful for the thought. The big question was... who did this to her? She rubbed the back of her neck. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then looked at her surroundings. She was in a type of study, but everything was huge! Even the pen next to her was larger than she! Did she shrink? No... that was highly impossible. She thought about all the possible scenarios and only one made sense. 

Giants... oh god...

Sorry this one is a bit shorter than usual...

Love ya!

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