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Will paced back and forth, constantly looking at the unconscious It. She hadn't awakened. It had been three days. Three days! She needed to wake up. He had to know that she was okay. He should never have let them go. She still needed to heal! This was all his fault... and now his best friend is in a coma like sleep and won't wake up. He put a wet sponge on her cracked lips. 

"Please wake up, It... Please wake up"


Will watched them go outside. Brandon placed It on the grass. He stood there for a moment or so. Then, he took a couple steps and tried to do something. He fell on his butt. Will chuckled to himself. This was going to be funny. A couple of failed attempts and Will was on the ground in tears because he was laughing so hard. Once he got over his laughing fit, he peered out the window. Brandon was sitting on the ground, clearly upset and It was on his knee talking to him. He didn't know what she said, but Brandon cheered up and It got off his knee. Will decided that this would be a good time to have some quiet time. He walked into his study and pulled out a book. He was a page in when he heard Brandon rush in and call for him. 

"Will! Will! Help it's It! She's hurt!"

Will rushed out of his room to see Brandon with tears streaming down his face. In his hands was It. She wasn't moving, but she was breathing. "What did you do to her?!" he screamed after he gingerly took It from Brandon's shaking hands.

"I didn't do anything I swear! She was showing me how to cartwheel and then she screamed and fell to the ground. I brought her right inside! What happened to her?"

"I don't know!" growled Will. He took a deep breath. "Brandon go in your room and don't bother me. I'll be in my study."

"O-Okay," Brandon said as he rushed into his room. He thought that he made It black out. Guilt welled up inside of him and he cried into his pillow. He didn't want to hurt anybody, especially It. She was so kind to him and she offered to teach him a trick. This was all his fault. If he didn't ask, she wouldn't have fainted.

Meanwhile, Will cleared everything off his desk and placed it down. He went into the bathroom to wash his hand when he noticed that the hand that he held It in was red. His eyes widened and he quickly got a fresh bandage, scissors, tweezers, a sponge and some warm water. He rushed back to his study and looked at It. The back of her dress was red. Panicked, he undid the back of her dress using the tweezers and a magnifying glass. Trying his best to give It some decency, Will laid her down on her stomach and pulled the top of her dress off of her. He carefully removed the old bandage and inspected her back. All of her wounds opened up. This was getting serious. He took the sponge and dipped it in the warm water. He carefully dabbed the sponge on her back, in an attempt to clean the wounds. Once they were clean, he cut a strip of the bandage and wrapped it around her petite torso. Once the bandage was secure, he gingerly put her dress on and tightened the laces it so it wouldn't fall off.

He quickly left the study and went into the living room, he grabbed the small pillow and handkerchief from the windowsill. He went back to the study and placed It on the pillow. He laid the handkerchief on top of her and took a deep breath. 

Now it was a waiting game.

End of Flashback 

Will was still pacing back and forth. All these terrible scenarios went through his head. What if she didn't wake up? What if she never healed? What if every time she tried to use her back, an episode would occur? He took a deep breath. If he ever found out who did this to her, he was going to kill them. Why would they do this to such an innocent person?! This was not natural! All these thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

"Will," Brandon said from the other side of the door, "You need to eat something...please come out."

"Go away, Brandon!"

"Food is at the door if you want it," Brandon said as he walked away. He was worried about his brother. Ever since It fainted, Will wasn't eating or sleeping. If he kept this up, he would be under the same condition as It. Brandon flopped down on the couch. Oscar was on his bed beside the couch. He got up and climbed on the couch next to Brandon. Oscar whimpered and put his head on Brandon's lap. "I know, Oscar," Brandon said as he patted the dog's head, "I'm worried too. This has been going on for long enough. I don't think It or Brandon can take much more of this. Let's just hope that she'll wake up soon." 

Oscar barked in agreement. He liked the tiny person. When he first met her, she was in the paper room and she was very scared. He didn't know why, but she finally opened up and walked up to him. She put her paw out for him to sniff. She smelled like outdoors and blood. He looked in her eyes and sensed that she was still scared, so he let her pet him. It felt nice when she rubbed her paw up and down his nose. "You must be a very good tracker," she said. Oscar barked in agreement. He was a good tracker. Then a loud sound hurt his ears. He saw the tiny person grab her hind leg. Then, the master told him to get out. He didn't want to, but the master was master, so he had to listen. 

The next day, he saw the tiny person near the invisible wall. She found his itchiest spot and scratched it. She was a very good scratcher. Her paws her tiny enough to get in the best placed. But, she got tired of scratching and said that she was finished. Oscar walked out to find someone else that would scratch him. The master walked by him and patted him on the head. He walked into the room where Oscar just came out of. Oscar followed him and noticed that the master was staring at the tiny person. Losing interest, he went to bother the smaller master. 

But now, the tiny person was hurt. When the smaller master walked in with her in his hands, all Oscar smelled was blood. That was not good, but the master wouldn't let him in the paper room like before. Now, he was with the smaller master in the comfy room. He knew that he was bothered by the tiny person not feeling better. So he comforted him by putting his head in his lap. The smaller master patted it and said something. He closed his eyes and fell asleep on the smaller master's lap. He dreamt that the tiny person woke up and everybody was happy again.

Brandon smiled as Oscar fell asleep on his lap, he was a good dog. Getting comfortable, he closed his eyes and let sleep take him as well. He hoped and prayed that everything would turn out in the end.

Hey guys! Plz vote and comment! 

From 1-10 how much did you like Oscar's P.O.V? Be honest!

What do you think will happen next? Will It wake up or stay asleep forever? What will happen with Leo?  Plz comment!

Love ya!

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