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Will woke up with a jolt. He had dozed off while waiting for Brandon and It to finish. Although he was very curious as to what they were doing, he knew better than to intrude on their conversation. He looked around and was surprised to see It sleeping on the windowsill. There was a handkerchief over her and a small pillow next to her. He slowly got up and made his way over to Brandon's room. He was also asleep. Will smiled, whatever It said or did made Brandon happy. For that, he was grateful. He went back to the living room to check on It. She was tossing and turning. She mumbled something and twitched. She gritted her teeth and moaned softly. Her breathing became labored and heavy. She bolted upright. She put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath. She stood up and brushed herself off. It pulled the handkerchief over the pillow and smoothed any creases. She was talking to herself the whole time. Will couldn't hear, but he assumed that she was trying to calm herself down. What was she dreaming about? Did she always have nightmares?

"Uh...Will?" she called, causing Will to snap out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" he said as he walked over to her.

"How long was I asleep for?"

Will looked out the window, the sun was going to set soon. "About four hours," he said looking back at the girl.

"Oh, okay."

Will raised an eyebrow. She was a lot more passive than before. She was hiding something. But what? What happened to her that she couldn't even share her feelings? He had to know, but if he asked, would that be too much for her? He didn't want to push her farther away. He looked down to see that she was staring out the window. Her blonde hair was pushed behind her ears and her hazel eyes were focused on the horizon.

"I must go," she said, not taking her eyes off the horizon.

"What?!" Will said, totally unprepared for that, "Why?"

She took a deep breath. "I've been gone for too long. If I don't go back, they'll make a hunt for me and take me by force. They'll do anything to get their prize. I'm that prize. I don't want them to hurt you or Brandon. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me."

"It," Will said, "What happens when you go back?" The tears forming around her eyes already answered the question. She closed her eyes and hugged herself. "They won't take you," he said, "I won't allow that. I will do anything and everything in my power to protect you."

It slowly shook her head. "No, you don't understand. If I don't hand myself in, they will kill you. Yes, we might be smaller than you, but enough of us get together for the same purpose, blood will be shed. And if you fight back and hurt some of us, they will take that as an act of war and will stop at nothing to try and take you down. There is no other way. If you want peace between you and my kind, you must let me turn myself in. I don't want it to be like this, but my kind are too stubborn to listen to any logical explanation."

"But if you hand yourself, they'll kill you, and I will not let that happen."

"Why must you be so kind?" It asked crying. "I am thankful for all that you have done for me. You've shown me kindness and compassion that I haven't received in almost seven years. Your brother reminded me what is was like to have fun again. For the first time in ten years, I wasn't somebody else's property. I wasn't beaten or assaulted. I was never accused of doing something I didn't do. I wasn't in fear of the next time I would disciplined heartlessly. Yes, I am scared, but not for the same reasons as I was back in the human village. I was given hope and confidence although I did nothing to deserve it. I felt... loved. Never will I forget this feeling... never. But now... I must leave to repay my thanks. Goodbye, my dear friend. Tell Brandon that I'm sorry for leaving."

With that, It jumped off the windowsill and on to the couch. Will didn't move. He couldn't. He watched as the human jumped off the couch and ran out the room towards the door leading outside. He followed her, still not saying a word. He saw her squeeze underneath the door. He waited a minute before opening the door. Once he did, he saw the small figure running through the grass. He heard a whine from behind him. Oscar was sitting behind him. He nuzzled his leg and barked. Will just shook his head. This was her choice, he wasn't going to stop her. He didn't have that power over her. Oscar barked louder. Will shushed him and turned back to look at the figure in the grass. Oscar, not having any of this, pushed his way through Will's legs and ran towards It.

"Oscar no!" Will screamed as he chased after the dog. 

The huge mastiff ran over to the small girl and put his snout right in front of her way. He laid down in front of her. The human ran right into his nose and fell backwards. She got up and placed her hands on her hips. She tried to go around, but Oscar put his face in her way again. Frustrated, she climbed on the dog's snout and started up the head. Once she reached the back of his head, Oscar got up. Poor It held on for dear life as the dog trotted back inside. He went into the living room and put his head on the couch. It slipped off and Will ran into the room.

"Oscar!" he exclaimed, "Bad dog! Go outside, now!" Oscar didn't move. He just stared at Will and tilted his head. His ears were flat against his head. He gave a soft growl and looked at It. She wasn't moving. She looked at Oscar, then at Will, not knowing what to do. Will glared at Oscar. "Out...NOW!" Oscar finally gave up and left the room. 

The sun was starting to set. Will internally cursed and thanked the heavens above at the same time. It would have to stay overnight, but she made it quite clear that she had to go.

"Goodbye," she said, "I'll miss you."

Then, a huge flash of light came and blinded Will. When he got his vision back, all that was left of It was a puff of smoke. His world swirled around him. Everything got larger... or he got smaller. He looked around, not knowing what to do. He saw a foot above and crash down on him.

His vision faded.

So did he...

Will woke up breathing heavily. It was just a dream... but it was so real. The dream could have been a warning. He was confused... very confused. He looked to the windowsill, It was sleeping on the pillow, wrapped in the handkerchief. She made no sound. The only moment she made was that of her rising and falling chest.

"I will protect you," he said, "I promise."

He left her and went into the kitchen to get some food. He sat down at the table and pondered what had just happened.

And you thought I would kill a main character! Ha! I don't even know what I'm doing rn. Writer's block is settling in. Plz vote and comment ant ideas!

Love ya!

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