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He went inside and went into the study. He placed her down on the desk and left the room. He walked into his mother's old room and opened a large wooden chest that revealed a ton of tiny doll dresses. He pulled out a baby blue dress with a white trim. He walked back into the study and went to the desk. He gingerly took off the dress that Hope was currently wearing. The dress was now red instead of white. This was the last memory of her... he couldn't throw it out. He placed the dress on the desk and slipped the blue one over her. She looked so peaceful and relaxed. It was if she was just sleeping and would wake up any second. But she would never wake up...never. Will broke down crying. A new wave of tears came flowing down as Will fell to the floor. Brandon rushed in the door, a worried look plastered on his face. He rushed to Will and hugged him.

"What happened?" Brandon asked.

"She left me," Will whispered. 

"What? Who left you? Did It leave?"

Will pointed a shaky finger toward the desk. Brandon's eyes landed on the desk. He stood up and saw her lying there. She wasn't moving...She wasn't breathing... She was gone... Now tears started to flow down Brandon's cheek. Anger welled up inside of him.

"Who did this?" Brandon demanded. Will just looked at him with sorrow in his eyes. "Did...Did you do this?"

Will shook his head. He wanted to scream. He wanted her to wake up and go on living. He wanted to take her place. Why did this have to happen to her? What did she do to deserve this? He stood up and took a deep breath. He walked up and picked her up. Not saying a word, he walked out of the room and outside. Brandon followed him silently. He walked up to the willow tree and knelt down at the roots. Again, the branches moved in this non-existent wind. They brushed over Will and Brandon. Will gingerly placed Hope at the base of the tree. The branches of the tree brushed over her as if they were trying to pick her up. Will closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt the warmth envelop him. 

"Her name was Hope," Will said.

"Hope," Brandon repeated, "That suits her...Hope."

"I miss her..."

"I do too," Brandon said, "What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know what to do anymore... I'm so lost."

Brandon bit the inside of his lip. This all happened so quickly, there was so much to process. She was gone... Though she had only been there for a week or so, this little girl impacted both Will and Brandon. She was so kind and compassionate. She listened and tried to help as best she could. She was a friend...no...She was family. He took a deep breath. As much as he wanted to feel angry or sad...he couldn't. He felt strangely calm. The atmosphere had a soothing sense with it. Deep in his heart...he could feel her.

She was here...

Her spirit flowed all around him and Will. 

"She's here you know," Brandon said.

"How do you know?" Will asked as he looked at his brother.

"I can feel her."

Will took a deep breath. He inhaled the cool air and felt her presence. She really was here! A wave of calmness washed over Will and he smiled lightly.

"Hello, Hope," he whispered into the air. The branches of the willow brushed over him. She was watching over him, he knew it. She would always be watching him. That comforted him. As long as he remembered, she would never leave him. 

Never did he forget that little girl. The one he fell in love with...the one that gave him hope. Her spirit flowed all around him and went with him where ever he went. And if he listened...truly listened, he could hear her laugh. She was in his heart...

She was no longer an It...

She was Hope.

The End

Hey guys! Plz vote and comment! I know the ending sucks but I had literally no other ideas (I hate the Block so much)

Do you guys have any other ideas for a new story? I'd love to hear them!

Love ya!

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