Chapter 8: The Date

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I didn't know if its formal or casual date, so I just wear crop top, skinny jeans and stilettos.

She said that she would pick me up at 6:30, its already 6:20. I'll just have to wait for her.

After exactly 10 minutes, I heard a car horn. I go down and walk out of the house. She's leaning on the car with crossed arms. She's wearing black leather jacket, red polo shirt and ripped jeans. I'm glad, she didn't wear too formal or too casual.

I observe that she's eyeing me up and down, "So? Where to?"

She snapped out of daze and open the passenger seat for me, I thanked her. She jogged around the car and get in the car, then she drove off.

"Its a secret, kitten" she smirked.

While she's driving, I look at the window that we're heading out of town. I felt her hand on mine, I jumped out of shock.

"Relax kitten"

She intertwined our hands, while she's driving one hand only. I blushed at the contact between our hands.

I observe that this days, she's now being good. What's happening to the villain? Now, I don't see her as my frenemy anymore. Am I falling in love with the beast? I craved for her attention lately and now....... maybe her love that I crave?

Oh Chase, I keep on chasing you. I hope that you feel the same way, not because we had a child but because you really love me.

We reached our destination, we hop out of the car. We're at....... the fields, there are cabins here with post lights beside it.

She lead me to a cabin, we got in and its empty but there's a door there. We walk until we reach the door and she open it. We walk out from the cabin.

I gasp, its beautiful here. There's a picnic mat, and basket. Lights surrounding it, "Did you like it?"

I nodded, and she chuckled. We walk to the mat and sit there, she opened the basket and bring out foods.

After we ate, we both lied on the grass gazing at the stars. I laid my head on her chest and hug her body, its cold here and I want her warmth. I can hear her heart beats fast, I felt her arms wrapped around me.

I smiled and snuggle more her body, she laughed. "That tickles, you know?"

"Oh is it?" I look up at her and grin, I sit up and mount her body. I straddled her and start tickling her sides, she laugh again and pleading for me to stop.

We got tired, and I lay again on the grass facing each other. She turn her body to the side and put her elbow on the grass, her fist on her temple.

She leaned and capture my lips, I push her on the grass still our lips connected and I got on top of her, and caress her neck.

Our date night was successful, we walk to the door of our house hand and hand. We stood in front of the door, we face each other. She grab my other hand, then she sighed.

"Thank you so much Beauty, I enjoyed our date" she confessed.

I smiled, "Me too, and I should be the one to thank you. You brought me in that place, and I really enjoyed it too"

"So, ummmm. Maybe next time again?" She asked shyly.

I giggled, "Of course, no need to be shy. So, the Villan that I know who's a boss is shy to a person like me?"

She laughed nervously, "Well, I'm usually like this if I like someone" she shrugged.

My eyes widened, did she just confess her feelings? Then her eyes widened after she realized what she just said.

She scratch the back of her head, "Ummm, maybe I should go now. Its getting late and there's school tomorrow. Bye, see you tomorrow" she peck my lips and ran to her car then drove away.

I chuckled and shook my head, I entered our house and go straight to my room. After I showered and get dresses, I go to Angel's room opening the door slowly. I peak and she's already asleep, I entered and walk to her.

Then I kissed her forehead, "Good night, sweety" I whispered and go to my room.


"Captain, you look so happy and in love today" Leila commented.

I felt my cheecks burned, "Well, our captain is not only who's like that today. Look at the villain" Felly said and we all look to what she's pointing.

There's Chase, so happy teaching her gang how to dance. When she caught us staring at her, she wink at me. I felt my cheeks burned more, oh gosh it felt so hot.

"See, she's even flirting at our captain in public" Felly continued.

"Did you hooked up with her?" Leila asked surprised.

"Let's just continue eating, gals" I ignored all their questions and just eat while watching my Chase. Yes, MY Chase. She's mine only. If I need to be possessive, then so be it. There's many girls out there wanted her, who knows. Of those hundreds that she hooked up with, I believe I was the one who captured her heart.

We heard the bell rang, but I proceed to my locker and get my books. I jumped when someone get my books, "I'll carry it" I look up at Chase who's smirking down at me.

"Okay, thank you"

We walk to our first period, gosh we're both late. Every eyes were all looking at us, and there's our teacher glaring at us.

"You're late again Ms. Villan and now you're late as well, Ms. Gudhart" he said disappointed at me. I was always on time, that's why I'm his favorite.

I look down, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gallio" I felt Chase's arms wrapped around my waist. Everyone saw it, and many gasps and whispers. I look up at Chase and she's glaring at our teacher.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Gudhart but you have to go to the library and clean. You know that's the rule, right?" I nodded and about to walk but Chase is still frozen there.

"No! She stay here and I'll be the one to clan the whole library"

"Woah, that's first time Ms. Villan" Mr. Gallio chuckled.

"Go inside now, babe" she said then give me my books, then she ran out. I was still dazed there, unmoving. Still processing what she just called me, babe!

"Ms. Gudhart, please sit now" I slowly walk to my sit beside Leila.

"So captain, what's that? She called you 'babe'," she emphasize the last word.

I just smiled at her and think of Chase, she's so sweet grabbing my responsibility. Its her first time to clean the library, well the whole library. Whenever she's late, she just sleep there.

After class, I go to the gym for cheering practices. There's the gang of Chase here, and they're all practicing a dance. I tried to look for her, I go to her locker room and see her there shirtless. Oops, she's changing.

"Please close the door" she said, oh she knows that someone barged in. I entered and closing the door, then she faced me. I look down at her abs, woah that's so hard. "Take a picture, it won't last long" she chuckled.

She came forward and wrapped her arms around my body, "Babe, can I ask you a question?"

"You already did"

She chuckled, "I'm going straight forward, will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widened, its unexpected and it's so sudden. "Babe?"

"Ummm.... Y-yeah.... Of course" when I answered, she pulled me more closer and closed the distant.

She laid me on the sofa that was there, and got on top of me. But we heard someone barges in, and gasps.

We look and see my teammates, I push Chase. "We....... s-saw you.... c-came here so we f-followed you..... but we guess y-you're busy" Leila stuttered, still shock.


Chase Me (Beauty) *Futanari,GxG*Where stories live. Discover now