Chapter 18: Acceptance

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"Man, do you know the feeling that its like you're longing for someone?" I asked Chase, we're sitting on the roof of her car and drinking some beers.

She sips and look at me, "You know dude, I felt that before but I ignored that feeling" she chuckled and sip again.


I was walking tipsy when someone grab my arm, "Hey Maximilian, walking alone this time?" She asked, how dare she say my last name.

I pulled my arm and glared at her, "Bitch!" I continue walking and just ignore her.

"But Dallas, I'm pregnant" I look at her. I believe its not mine, she have many one night stands. How can I believe it's mine.

"Jaia, just leave me alone and that's not mine, don't fool me" I continued walking until I reach my house. I locked it and go to my room, I plopped myself on my bed and let sleep overcome me.


My birthday will be in a week, I'm gonna be 19 soon. When I ask Chase's birthday, she said that it was her birth last month. So she's 19 now, she didn't even tell me so that I prepared a gift for her. That woman doesn't really care about herself.

"Kitten, wanna go to the park? Let's take Angel with us. This time, it's a real family bonding" she smiled. I pinch her cheeks until it goes red, "Ouch, kitten. You know that hurts" she massage her tortured cheeks.

I chuckled, "It isn't my fault that you're so cute" I was about to pinch her cheeks again when she grab my hands and kiss me. Her phone rang, she excuse herself and answer the call.

Then she returned, "Who's that?"

"Ah its Dallas, she's wasted again. She wants me to give her a ride"

That name remind me of Amy, Chase is like also Dallas. They're very similar to each other, but Dallas is more bad for all I know.


"Okay, the big game will be in two weeks. You all prepare, remember that you'll be defeating the most popular players in town from other schools" our coach said.

I look at my teammates, some of my gang were also players. We started our practice.

"Maximilian, wrong move that's a foul. Now ran two laps around the gym" coach yelled. He's very strict now huh? I heard Dallas scoffed and started running.

"Roxas, ran two laps, you should block his way not just watching him shoot the ball" Brooks rolled her eyes and ran as well.

I was dribbling the ball when I caught a glimpse of Beauty entering the gym. I jumped when I heard coach yelled, "Villan, you're stepping. Go ran two now!" Then he whistled, I scoffed and ran.

While running, I see my kitten talking to the cheerleaders. Woah, that uniform. Its so short that it showed their thighs. But then I saw Charles walk to her and flirt again, I stop and walk to them. "Beauty, you fit that uniform. You should wear it often" he wink, that fucking asshole. I saw Beauty rolled her eyes, and trying to shoo him away but he didn't budge.

He grab her arm and pull her, I clench my fists and ran to him. I push him, he fell down. I go on top of him and punch him repeatedly until I felt something wet on my knuckles, I didn't care. "Villan, stop that" I heard coach yelled. My teammates grab me away from him, I was breathing so hard.

"Babe, you shouldn't do that. You almost killed him" I look at Charles, they're carrying him out.

I saw coach glaring at me, "Villan, that'd unacceptable. I'm sorry but I have to kick you out from the team. Maximilian, you'll be the next captain" then he walk away but Dallas spoke.

"Coach, you shouldn't have kick her out. We need her, if she's gone then out team would lose the big game. And she just defend her girlfriend from that asshole, if I was Chase I would also do that. I'm sorry coach but I can't be the captain, Chase is always our captain, right mates?" Our teammates cheered, coach signed and he look at me then walk out.

"Thanks man" I hug her.

"Of course, you'll always be our leader no matter what" I smiled. We heard someone gag, we all look at the source of the sound. Its from Amy, she's cupping her mouth then she vomited.

"Oh no!" I heard Beauty mumbled.


"So its Dallas's?" I ask her. She explained to me everything, and she really does supports Amy cause experienced it.

She nodded, "Now that you know, don't ever tell Dallas. Let Amy tell her herself, its not your place okay?" I nodded.

"So where will we go, your place or mine?" I ask while we're putting our seatbelts.

"Yours" she answered so I started the engine and drove off.


I was still following Amy, but she's ignoring me. Wait, why does it goes the other way around? Last time she's the one who's chasing me but now, its me who's chasing her? What the actual fuck.

"Why don't you just go home, Maximilian. Leave me alone"

"I want to meet Anna" I said or lied maybe, cause I don't even know why I'm following her.

She glared at me, "Go home Dallas, she has a boyfriend now so leave her be"

I bit my lips and grab her arm, she shrugged off my hand. But then she stop and she put her hand on her mouth and I heard her gag, is she going to throw up again? Why is she even vomiting?

I hold her, "Are you okay? She nodded. We walk until she stop at a house. "Is this your house?" She nods, she walk to the door and open it then enter but she look at me. She sighed and let me in.

I sit at the couch, we heard someone running down. I think, her father. "Amy, what's the meaning of this?" He showed him three pregnancy tests. Then he look at me, he throw down the tests and he grab me by my collar. "Is it you who knock my daughter up?"

"Dad! Put her down" she said terrified, I saw a women and Anna appeared.

"Dennis, what are you doing. Put him down, he's our guest" the woman said. We all settled at the living room.

"First of all, she's not a guy" Amy started, her father look up shocked.

"Then why did you bring her here, I thought you're gonna present to me the father of that child you're carrying" my eyes widened, I look at Amy. She's pregnant! I thought she likes me.

I look at Anna who can't look at me. Well, I courted her through Amy but yeah I'm not her type. "Actually, she's really the father" Amy confessed, my jaws dropped. Anna and her parents were confused. "She's special, she can get me pregnant"

"B-but..... But how?" I asked, I don't remember bedding her.

"You're wasted that time so you don't know what happened"

"We accept that child but you, you have to be responsible enough for my daughter and the child" her father said to me. "Wait, what's your name and how old are you?"

"Um, I'm Dallas Maximilian and I'm 19 years old"

"Maximilian? The billionaires before the Villan?" I nodded, he gasp. "You're a Maximilian, I'm sorry for what I did awhile ago" Well Villan and Maximilian are well known billionaires and respected so much in the town.

"Its okay sir, you don't need to apologize"

I look at Amy, she's carrying my child. She's carrying a Maximilian.


That is Dallas, on the picture.

Chase Me (Beauty) *Futanari,GxG*Where stories live. Discover now