Chapter 27: Regrets & Apologies

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It feels like I can't trust her anymore, she's still doing her old ways. "Hello, Beauty" I rolled my eyes, who dares to disturb my thoughts. I look behind me to see Charles, he's sweating again but the thing is he doesn't smell bad this time. "I see you're alone, wanna hangout sometime?" He ask.

I shook my head and before I could answer, we heard someone spoke. "Nahh, she's not available. Cause she's reserved for me and me only, so you better not show your face again or else...." She crack her knuckles and glare hardly at him, he scoffed and walk away.

"Babe, did you see his face when you're threatening him. He's like going to pee" I laughed.

She chuckled, "Well, he's a fucking peasant"


Chase called and said that Angel and I should go to her mansion first, she's going to do something in the school so after I got Angel, we proceed to the mansion.

"Mommy? Why daddy not with us?"

"She has something else to do, let's just wait for her, okay?" She nodded.

I turn on the TV and we watch cartoons, after an hour we finally heard the door bell. Looking at Angel who was engrossed watching, I stood and open the door. Chase was carrying a boy in her arms, he's hair is just like Chase. They're too look alike except only at the color of the eyes, its hazel just like that bitch's eyes.

"Kitten, I brought someone"

"I know, and I believe he is Bryan" she nodded and they enter, we walk to the living room. "Angel, daddy's here with big brother"

She look up to us, Chase let Bryan down. "Hey Bry, that's your little sister, Angel"

"And I'm Beauty, but you can call me 'mom'," I smiled at him.

"But I have a mommy" he said, I look at Chase who froze.

"Well, Bry. She's your other mom cause I'm with her now" Chase tried to explain, I smiled warmly at him.

"I'll just make our dinner" I said and leave them.


"So how was the baby?" I ask her, we're both laying bed doing nothing. She returned Brian to that bitch's house and also to check her if she was still okay with the baby.

"Well, she said she's doing fine with the baby" she shrugged, I rolled my eyes.

"It looks like you don't care about your unborn child" she didn't answer.

She closed her eyes and breathed, "Its just that im feeling guilty about knocking her up"

"Well, that's your fault. Its not the baby's fault. The baby is innocent and needs a parents' care, you need to be there for the baby but not for that bitch"

She sighed, "I understand"


"But dad...."

"No buts, its final. You need to be the next CEO, cause I'm retiring"

"I don't want to be like you dad, that you don't have no time with your child. I want to have a strong bond with my children"

"I'm very sorry Chase but its permanent, I verified the documents already..... And also, your mom and I will leave the country for a long time. You'll now live in peace without us bothering you" he said then turn his seat so he's back facing me, I look down.

My mind was so messed up, I don't know what to do. GUILT, that's what I'm feeling. I regretted having affair with any other girls that is not Beauty, I regretted not giving my parents a chance to have time bonding with me or my children. I'm so fucking selfish!


"Just go, Chase. I know your little family is waiting for you" he said not turning around, he's still facing the wide window glass.

I sighed deeply and go out of his office, but I bumped into an old man. I look up and saw that it was Uncle Gary. "Oh! Chase, its been a while. How are you"

"Um, I'm still fine uncle. How was Briela doing?" I smiled at him for the first time.

He seems surprised at my sudden conversation with him, "Well, she's doing fine with the baby"

"Um, uncle Gary........ I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry I disrespected you, I'm sorry for knocking up your daughter two times"

"I already forgave you little one" he chuckled, and ruffled my hair. Well, for many times that I said, he's really a softie..... but I appreciated it.


I thought this baby inside me will be then reason to break them up, but I failed. I really want Chase to be mine alone but I always failed, for her we're just fuck buddies.

I felt something wet on my legs, I look down and see blood. My eyes widened, I quickly get my phone and call her.


"I'm sorry Ms. Villan......" I didn't let her finish what she's going to say cause I stop her and walk out.

The baby is gone, my baby is gone, my own flesh and blood. I blame myself, I didn't take care of her. I get in my car and stay there for a while, I grip the steering wheel.

Starting the engine, I drove out of the parking lot. Don't know where to go, can't go back to the mansion. I drive fast, I don't care about the speed limit. All I heard was big crash and honks, then darkness overcome my vision.


"Hello, Ms. Gudhart? Chase had a car accident, she's in the ER now" a lady's voice said over the phone. "Miss? Miss? Are you still there?" I drop my phone.

Did I heard her right? Chase got into an accident? No, no, no way. Its impossible. Maybe that's a prank, but she know my name. I pace back and forth rubbing my temples, my hands and knees were shaking.

After I dropped Angel at my parent's house, I drive straight to the hospital. Oh my poor Chase.


Chase Me (Beauty) *Futanari,GxG*Where stories live. Discover now