Sex Gods

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Ayden's POV

"Give it back, Aria!" I yelled as I chased my sister around the house. "No way! Wait until my friends learn about you stealing my magazine of the sex gods!" She laughs loudly, before being picked up by her hunk of a mate. I swear if he was single I might have jumped his bones not that I'd tell my sister that. She'd kill me.

"What sex gods hmm?~" He purrs into my sister's ear, and I almost gag until I see his playful act had hidden anger in it. "U-Ummm... No sex gods here..R-Right? Ayden? Help me out here?" Her voice was laced with desperation. I smirked then said, "How dare you call them sex gods, Aria! There's only one man for you and that's Jakey~ Isn't that right Jacob?" He growls in response nodding his head in agreement as his eyes glaze over black. His anger was escalating.

"You made it worse! I hate you bro!" She threw the magazine at my face and I muttered a "thank you" while bowing. I admired my work as my sister desperately tried to calm him down. After feeling satisfied at my creation of chaos, I merrily skipped back to my room but not before hearing Jacob talking about punishing her. I gag in disgust. "Get a room!" I yell slamming my door and flopping in my bed starring at the so called "sex gods" in the magazine. God werewolf abs are to die for!!! I drooled slightly squealing like a girl. "Soooooo sexy!" I rolled around in my bed.

I dreamily set the magazine under my bed stashing it in my collection along with my bl. I swear if my sister found out that I was gay she'd tell the whole world. I sighed fiddling with my fingers. Seeing my sister with her mate always made me a little envious. I want to meet my own mate some day.. Most werewolves meet their mates at the age of sixteen, but it had already been a year for me. Patience, Ayden. My wolf muttered. Don't give up hope yet. I sighed then picked myself up. My wolf is right. I shouldn't feel dejected just yet!

I smiled then changed into an oversized t-shirt. I'm thinking too hard. My wolf and I need a run. My wolf purred in response happily at the thought of letting loose. I bounced down the stairs leaving my sister a note that I was out and I'll be home soon. I strut into the woods in all my fabulousness then strip down behind a tree shifting. My wolf's hair was light brown fur that matched my own hair in human form. My wolf was small after all I was an omega. Not the best status to have in a pack. Not at all admired by any.

Oh well. I'm very proud of my wolf and me. We're pretty fast and agile compared to the average wolf. We weren't very good in combat but using our fast reflexes allowed us to escape brute strength a lot easier. I smiled in pride at my reflection of my wolf. He was panting happily from the run. I wouldn't want to be paired with any other human, Ayden. I silently thanked him. I had a lot of respect for him, and I can feel it being reciprocated.

I see a butterfly perking my ears up. I wag my tail playfully ready to get into a pouncing position, but the butterfly had other intentions. I growled playfully chasing the beautiful butterfly. I felt as free as it looked as it flapped it's wings away. I made a wolf grin, chasing after it. I giggled.

I paused looking at the forest around me, and I tensed. You're in another alpha's territory, idiot! Hurry! Move back towards our pack. I nodded scrambling back terrified and stumbling. Of course I make the loudest twig snap causing wolves circling the boarder to patrol growl. Nice going Ayden. You have no stealth at all. I inwardly cringed at my stupid actions. The werewolves easily surrounded me in an intimidating stance. They didn't see the need to shift into their wolves underestimating my wolf's and mine's abilities. Unfortunately I had no chance of escape so I had no chance.

"Shift." The largest werewolf ordered. I fiddled with the grass beneath my paws nervously. "Shift!" I flinched as he barked with warning. Anger was lacing his voice, and I did as I was told hesitantly shifting. I quickly placed the oversized t-shirt I had tied around my leg over my head to cover my naked self.

"What is a member from the Silver Moon Pack doing in the Dark Lupī Pack?" I shifted as power radiated off of him. I could tell he was a beta and that only terrified me further. "Answer me!" I flinched once again. "I-It was an accident! I swear! I-I was chasing a butterfly and got distracted and then I ended up he-" I blushed clamping my mouth shut as the werewolves snickered and laughed at me.

"Y-You chased a butterfly into the most fearful pack b-because you got distracted b-by a butterfly!!!" One of the men dropped on the floor laughing making me blush even more from embarrassment. He was loudly cackling and I could help but let out a little laugh at the silly behavior.

"Enough!" The beta shouted and the men shut up including me. But the wolf on the floor wouldn't stop. The beta only rolled his eyes then looked at me. "Turn around." He ordered. I nodded and he took my wrists and put them in silver handcuffs. I whimpered. "W-Why are you handcuffing me? I-I told you why I ended up here!" I struggled as my wrists were burning from the contact of the handcuffs. Silver burns werewolves.

"We need to make sure you didn't have any ulterior motives for coming into our pack. Additionally your story sounds absolutely stupid and unbelievable, like honestly a butterfly?" I grumbled embarrassed and he continued with an eye roll. I swear his eyes will get stuck up there one day.

"We'll consult with our alpha. We don't tolerate werewolves who don't belong here to wander into our territory. You should know what we do to people like you." I shuddered as he spit out his last word. Some of werewolves looked at me in pity others ignored my distress as though they've seen it a million times before.

I kept my head down as the beta led me down to the prison where they kept other people like me. Many of them were reaching from their cage begging to be set free. I swear I almost peed. This is fudging terrifying. He locked me in a cell then looked down at me. "What's your name, pup?" I growled at the degrading name. Calling a werewolf a pup is one of the most insulting things you can do. My wolf and I were not going to be tolerating disrespect no matter who he was. "Name." He dragged out.

I turned my back to him. "Ayden Henderson." I spit out. He must've been satisfied with my aggressive response because I could hear him shuffling away. I sighed. This was going to be a long night. I curled myself onto the floor of the cell before closing my eyes. I would've sworn I could never sleep here on this cold ass floor but I was exhausted. Before I knew it, I was out just like a light.

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