Put The Pan Down

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"Ayden, put the pan down for god sakes." Xavier said holding out his hand. "No!" I screamed waving the pan around.

Aurora rolled her eyes, causing me to growl. "Why did the alpha and Evelyn have to come here too?! Don't they have better things to do?" I said holding up a pan to everyone's faces, including my mate's.

"Common it won't be that bad~" Zen smiled acting like the world was fine. "Stop acting like a baby, Ayden." Aurora said crossing her arms over her chest and then Evelyn scolded her for being mean. Aurora only half listened. "Ooohhhh I swear you get on my nerves some times!" Evelyn jumped in frustration, having another fit, as they bickered back and forth.

In the midst of their argument, I started scooting my butt across the floor. If only I can make it to the doorway-"Ayden, it's cute that you think you're invisible. But I'm not letting get away." Drake said with an evil smile, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I told you I don't wanna!" I pouted and kicked my feet. "Please Drake. Don't let them do this to me. I'm so injured see?" I pointed to my leg and then slouched to the floor acting cute and fragile. Drake gulped.

"Enough. I'm tired of waiting." Aurora said irritatedly and grabbed me by the ear, causing me to whine. "Common we can do this another day!" I screamed as she pulled me by the ear with no mercy.

I whined and winced, causing Drake's chest to rumble. "BE CAREFUL WITH HIM, AURORA." Drake yelled, and Aurora rolled her eyes. Drake came marching over angrily and then pulled me into his arms. "Yeah, Rory." I said angrily, hiding into my mate, and she smack upside the head. "Hey!" I screeched.

"You kind of deserved it." Xavier said, and I growled. "No one asked you, Xavier!" He chuckled.

"It's not that big of a deal." Aurora said. "To you! It was some weird fudging shiz that happened on the fields!" Evelyn crouched by my side. "Don't worry. It isn't that weird. It's pretty cool." Aurora looked at Evelyn lovingly as I poured unhappily.

"I'll teach you how to control it so come practice with your friend yeah?" Evelyn said with a smile on her face, holding out her hand. I looked at her, and she continued to smile. I looked back at Drake, and he blinded me with his handsome white canines. "Stupid aggravating, convincing, beautiful people."

I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Okay."

Everyone sighed in relief, except for Aurora. "Either way I would've forced you." She said, earning a kick from Evelyn. "What? Using a pan as a defensive mechanism isn't very affective."

I looked at Aurora with a deadpanned look and said, "Are you serious? Have you not seen Tangled?!? Pans are freaking awesome!" Everyone gave me a strange look. "Has no one in this room seen the movie?" I said with a shocked look as everyone shook their heads. "Drake? Not you too." Drake rubbed the back of his neck with sweat trailing down his forehead.

"I'm forcing you to watch Tangled, when I get back!" I smiled then got up skipping and then turned around. "Come on! What're you guys waiting for?" I asked. Aurora said, "You." But I chose to ignore it.

I looked at Evelyn. "So I heard you were the expert here." I said, and she nodded. "I can talk to animals and plants." I gave her a 'woah' face. "That's cool." She fiddled with her shirt. "You think?" I nodded with a smile.

"It's always come effortless to me. Something triggered inside of you. It's a blessing from the moon goddess." Evelyn said, and I shrugged. "I've never been a strong respecter to the moon goddess. I don't know why she would have chosen me." I said.

Evelyn smiled. "Maybe she sees something in you that you don't." I hummed at her response. "Maybe." I said.

"Oi shortie. Are we training or are you going to stand there and look pretty?" Aurora shoved my shoulders. Drake growled as Xavier and Zen held him back. "Get your hands off my mate!" Aurora shoved me to the ground.

"Do something, Ayden! Be a man!" I growled. "SHUT UP!" Instantly her mouth shut closed. She couldn't speak. Aurora touched her mouth and then gave me a thumbs up. Evelyn sighed.

"You didn't have to provoke him, Aurora." She shrugged, and I stood there like a deer in head lights. "You can talk now, Aurora." I said but she still couldn't speak. "Talk." I said more firmly and that seemed to work.

"This is weird.." Evelyn nodded. "Very. Ayden, your eyes are gold." I held my face in my hands. "Really?" She nodded. They looked at me amazed. "I'm not an exhibit, you weirdos. Back it up," I said putting my hands on my waist and crossing my legs.

"Your eyes are very beautiful." Drake said with the anger gone from his voice. I fixed my brown hair. "Really?" He nodded. It's hot too. Damion mind linked, causing me to roll my eyes, while Alec swooned.

"Since I can control this now, can we go to bed now?" I raised my arms expectantly, wanting to be carried. "Hmmm I don't know~" He teased. "Now." I demanded commanding him. He picked me up and immediately started bringing me back to the pack house and to the bedroom. Everyone shrugged like it wasn't their problem dispersing.

"Hehe oh! And get ice cream too!" Drake changed his course, got some ice cream, and finally brought us to the bedroom. "Thanks Drakey!" Drake huffed crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

"Don't do that again. I don't like to be commanded or controlled or told what to do." I chuckled. "Yes alpha~" I teased, and he growled. He pounced on me. "You're bad." He said and kissed my neck. I giggled. "Get off you big oaf! So heavy!~" I teased again.

"Oh really?" Drake said and then leaned all weight on me. "Oh. My. God. Drake. Help. Please. Off." I wheezed as he chuckled not getting off. "...UNCLE!.." I wheezed, and he decided to get off of me,

I hugged my ice cream. "Only you are nice to me." I said whispering to my ice cream. Drake kissed my head. "You know that's not true." I smiled. "Maybe." I said and then ate all the ice cream. I scraped the container and then fell asleep with a happy alpha by my side, clinging onto me. Mmmm.. I love him too much

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