You're Beautiful

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Blonde Pretty Girl looked me with a grin. "Close your eyes girlfriend." I tilted my head confused then was like, "Uhhh sure?" I closed my eyes and waited for what's to come. I heard her rummaging and said, "This is perfect!" I felt her presence by me and then all the sudden I felt my airy skirt come off of my waist. She let out a shriek, and I opened my eyes and shrieked back at her. "You're a guy?!" She exclaimed with shock and a funny face. I laughed embarrassed by the situation. "Y-Yeah.." I responded quietly.

"But your frame is so small! And HELL you're even shorter than me!" I scowled. Whispering, "I'm manly.." under my breath but Blonde Pretty Girl just shook her head faintly. "Whatever though since I'm not attracted guys, shouldn't matter anyways right?" I laughed at her remark. "But my mate would kill you. Do you mind if I change myself?" She shrugged and replied, "Sure, why not?" She proudly handed over her outfit, and my eyes immidiately shined. "So pretty.."

I ran my hand over it studying it. The dress was a baby blue and the top was lace. There was a faint intricate design on it that shined in the light. On the back of the dress there was a low cut to expose the person's, who wears it, back. It was a work of art. "Can I really put this on?" I looked up at her like it was an honor to wear it. "Of course!" She smiled and turned around.

I quickly changed out of my outfit and slipped on the beautiful dress looking at it in the mirror. "Holy this thing makes me look like a goddess er god I should say." I twirled as Blonde Pretty Girl admired it on me. "YOU LOOK AMAZING!! Now lets go shows those bishes whose boss~"

She threw me out of her room, and I follower her back to the ballroom. I timidly walked through the door with Blonde Pretty Girl and it made a deafening creaking sound. All eyes turned on us. "What are they looking at?" I whispered. "You obviously, like boy you look drop dead gorgeous." I blushed and then my eyes immediately fell on Drake's. His eyes were looking at me as though he was engraving the sight into his memory. I smiled and tucked a loose hair that was in my eye and waved at him.

This seemed to catch his attention and bring him back to reality because he immediately started to walk towards me in all his handsomeness. I tensed. "What do I do?!?! Do I look okay?" I shrieked in a panicked. Blonde Pretty Girl rolled her eyes at me then said, "Strut your stuff, arch your back and walk to your mate with confidence! You look gorgeous!" She pushed me towards him, after our little pep talk, and I gained back my composer, doing as I was told. Once Drake came to me, he hugged me right then and there.

"You look beautiful." He stated and pulled back with loving eyes. A grin went on a spread right across my face, feeling incredibly happy. "Really!?" I exclaimed happily with bright eyes, doing a little twirl for him. He just smiled back as though he was entranced by my appearance. "Really. Both on the inside and outside." I blushed at his comment fiddling with my fingers letting out a small "Thank you."

He took my hand and laced his fingers through mine, heading us over to an empty table. "You're here just in time. We were just about to finally start our meeting." I groaned, and he just laughed. "The meeting is just starting?!?" He shook his head, holding in a laugh. "Ugh just in time for hell you mean." Drake pulled out my chair for me and shook his head for the millionth time as I sat down with another groan. He took the seat right next to mine and gently put a hand on my knee.

Once everyone sat down, Drake announced with authority and confidence, "Thank you all for coming. Now you all know I would not request your presence unless it was of importance." All the alphas nodded, and Drake squeezed my knee. "The majority of rogues have declared war against all of us." Everyone gasped, including me, at his declaration. One alpha announced, "That's preposterous! They would not declare war aggainst us all! They are little ignorant runts, but they aren't stupid." Drake shook his head.

"I would've thought it was a prank too, but signatures from important rogue members have signed this declaration from all around the world." He laid the document out for all the alphas to see. Their shock died down and then they began to talk how they're going deal with this situation. They talked about gathering troops and sending out a rule that they only must fight in certain places so that innocent werewolves won't get involved.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my bare back. I tilted my head. There weren't sparks coming from this hand,like when Drake touched my skin. No, this wasn't Drake's hand. My heart immediately sank as I looked to my left to see an arrogant dink of an alpha smirking at me in a suggestive way. EW what the hell?! GET HIM OFF! We are only allowed to be touched like that by our mate! I know that! I responded back to my wolf. But... we cannot cause a commotion, we don't want to ruin Drake's reputation.

I gave Arrogant Dink a look and politely tried to shove his hand away but then he trailed his hand down my lower back. I shivered but in a bad way. In a flash I saw Arrogant Dink bent over the table with his hand pinned behind his back, after being slammed down on it by The Fiery Woman. "What in the living hell do you think you were doing to her you god damn pervert?!" All of the alphas looked at us confused. "N-Nothing I wasn't doing anything!!" The Fiery Woman made a tsk sound and disgustedly said, "She's obviously alpha drake's mate. She has a pink collar that has his name written on it. So let me rephrase my question. Why were you touching her alpha Drake's mate in a pervertedly, disgusting way?"

My eyes darted to Drake with big eyes. My face was flushed red and tears were in my eyes. I was super embarrassed. Drake looked back with me with a shocked look, but it was completely wiped away with a look of rage. His eyes immediately turned black, and he growled with  muderous intent. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" He took Arrogant Dink away from The Fiery Woman'a grasp, dragging him by the neck and pounding him into the ground.

Drake landed countess punches on him as he howled in pain. His bones started crunching, and I winced. Several alphas got up to take Drake away from Arrogant Dink and trust me it almost took all of them just to hold him back. "LET ME GO!" He boomed. One of the alpha's tried to talk sense into him. "Think rationally! By trying to murder him your declaring war against his pack. We don't need this, when we are already in war with the rogues!" He growled loudly and said, "I. Don't. CArE."

I looked at the sight with wide eyes but then shook my head. This isn't good. I need to get to Drake. I stood up and ran over to Drake as he tried to punch one of the innocent alphas. I embraced him immediately, and he looked down at me with his eyes pitch black with only a hint of slight slight shock but mostly rage.

I put one of his hand on my face and said, "Look at me. I'm okay, alright? Only your's." He growled back. "But he TOuCheD yOu." He remarked, spitting it out in disgust. I gave him a slight smile. "Doesnt change that fact." I pulled myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck and then wrapped my legs around his waist. He sighed with slight contentment then growled out. "Meeting DISMISSED."

He angrily stomped out of the ballroom and marched to our bedroom slamming the door behind him. He placed us on the bed, and I never let go of him. "Mine.." He muttered, and I rubbed his back. "Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look, and I gave him a reassuring smile. "Where did he touch you?" My smile faded. "Just my back.." He growled and turned me around. He kissed my back all over, showering it with kisses. I blushed deeply as he did it.

After what it seemed like hours, he calmed down. "Lets go to sleep together." I smiled and laid down with him, taking off and placing the dress to the side snuggling close to him. "Night, Night!" I said to him childishly, and he smiled back. "Sweet dreams."

A/N: AHHHHHH I SHIP THEM SO HARD. This strangely makes me feel content with life. Anyways the conflict is starting >:) BEWARE~ READ THE REST AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. Lol just kidding...maybe >:)

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