Smells Like Christmas

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"Mmm Grammy setting up the Christmas tree is too early.. July is not the new December.. Stop making Orange is the New Black jokes, Grammy..." I grumbled still half asleep. I rolled over on the hard concrete floor as a mouth watering scent of mint and pine hit my nose.

Starving from not eating for who knows how long, I spring up. "Grammy where are the ginger bread cookies!!" I yell, my head shooting from side to side expectantly for my well desired cookies. I hear a chuckle in the cell next to mine. I pout realizing its not Christmas, and I'm not drinking my hot chocolate and wearing my favorite penguin slippers. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and it only makes it more depressing that I'm waking up in a dirty ass cell with moldy residue creeping up my nose.

But the smell of mint and pine from my dream was still evident. "Something smells like heaven~" I muttered dreamily. Joe laughs at me. "You must be delusional because all I can smell is mold and werewolf sweat." I tilted my head and letting out a "hmmm" sound. Was I the only one smelling this mouth watering scent? Like how could anyone not smell this? I decided to shrug it off, but my wolf was going crazy wanting to know the origin of this delicious smell.

"I'm going crazy man." I groaned. "I thought we already established this? You are crazy." He remarked sassily. "True, true." I respond not in the mood to argue. My belly did flips as the scent got closer. It smelt so.. yummy. I fiddled with my fingers, licking my chapped lips. I felt the origin of the scent's presence right in front of my cell, but I refused to look up. He unlocked my cell and walked over to me. "Ayden Henderson." The man boomed huskily. I felt my whole body shiver in delight. Look at him. My wolf barked. I refused but I was unable to resist. His scent was too intriguing. I looked up at him.

He had the most attractive blue ocean eyes.. black tousled hair, toned body, rippling biceps, olive skin... He was handsome. The hottest man I had ever scene and maybe I said that for every guy but he.. he made the butterflies erupt from my tummy. His tall frame loomed over me as his cold eyes stared into my own small frame.

Mate! Mate!.. My wolf rejoiced happily. My eyes lit up in realization. My mate.. This is my mate! I smiled happily rising from my knees. I saw his blue eyes hold lots of emotion before going back to ice as he forces me back down on my knees. I whimper from the impact. He growls in response. "You're weak, Henderson." I feel a stab to the heart as I look down fiddling with my fingers.

I know I'm weak.. I'm an omega..I'm weaker than an omega..But hearing it coming from him hurt a lot more. I could tell from his voice that he was an alpha. He was obviously strong and held much of authority in his voice. It made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. My cheeks were a crimson red, and my gaze was locked down on the floor.

"Ayden Henderson, you wandered into my territory without permission and not only that you came in with an unacceptable excuse. Your claim of chasing a butterfly and wandering into our territory by accident is inexcusable. Your irresponsible and disrespectful behavior shall earn the punishment of death." My whole body shook in fear at the mention of the execution. I wasn't ready to die yet.. My eyes instantly closed as he lifted up my chin and tilted it to the side.

He continued, "Is what I'd like to say, but it's quite obvious that my guards have mistreated you." My mate traced my bruised neck in the shape of handprints. I leaned into his touch whimpering as I looked up at him with glassy eyes. His affection stirred emotions within me like no other. My mate's eyes turned black, and his hand immediately jolted back to his side. He was pissed. He stomped out of my cell in a sudden burst of anger and slammed my cell shut marching away.

I sat there in silence shocked by the sudden action. He soon came back, and the look of anger was still evident on his perfect facial features. It looked like he was fighting an internal battle but soon it vanished when he looked into my eyes. He slammed the cell open. "Get up." My mate grumbled.

I stared at him blankly admiring his features slightly drooling at the sight of his flexing biceps. He marched over to me and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped in surprise. "W-What are you doing?!" I shrieked surprised. "You wouldn't get up." Was all he said. "Let me down!!" I pounded on his back blushing embarrassed by his actions, but he didn't even budge.

All my attempts to get down were in vain, and I soon gave up letting him take me wherever he was taking me. He could be taking me into a room and tying me up about to punish me for my actions for all I knew.. I shuddered at the thought, sudden arousal surging through my body. He growled in response. "Stop. I won't be able to control myself." I blushed and nodded doing my best to keep it down. I knew he could smell me. That's embarrassing...

I stared at his broad back as he took me up somewhere unbeknownst to me the various smells hitting my nose. He opened a door then shut it behind us. He set me down on the bed then grunted in approval. My mate marched over to a closet then threw a shirt and boxers at me. "Shower there." He pointed towards to the bathroom door before giving me one last glance. He marched out the door as though he was on a mission and slammed it behind him.

"He's a charmer" I muttered sarcastically staring at the clothes and back at the door. I guess I'll shower now..? I stood up and wandered towards the bathroom door. The room had a modern style theme with a king sized bed and cream colored sheets. The room was elegantly simple, but you could tell it was well kept. The central air felt so good on my warm skin.

One moment I'm in a moldy cell and the next in a luxurious room? I smiled taking in my mate's scent. "I can't keep up with my life." I laughed walking into the bathroom. I lathered soap all over my body in the shower making sure I smelt more and more like my mate. His shampoo mingling with my own scent.

I hopped out of the shower wrapping the towel around my body smiling then looked at myself in the mirror slicking my hair back. "Oh Ayden don't you look good~" I admired myself in the mirror doing several poses and wiggling my eyebrows at myself. Afterwards I thought about my mate. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror. He was so big.. Well I guess I don't have to worry about whose topping who now. I smirk confidently. "It's obviously me whose gonna do it!"

I leave the bathroom to slip on his clothes with a confident and happy aura around me. I was in pure bliss. The door slammed open suddenly and my mouth dropped. There my mate stood with wide eyes holding a tray of food as my towel dropped to the floor. His eyes glazed over black. Oh fuck...

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