We'll Protect You

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A/N: Fan art above by Gunnolf444 !
I love it~ Thank you so much!
And thank you all for your support😭👌 Love you!💗❤️💞 and I apologize for the following chapter;-;

I yawned and stared up at the ceiling. My back is killing me. Geez our alpha is something. I know right!~ So dreamy and hot and- He's something alright. I cut Alec off grumpily, getting out of bed. "Ugh I don't think I am ever going to get used to this." I grimaced. I looked around the room, clutching my back. I looked at the disheaveled bed sheets but they were bare. No Drake. He was probably working on pack work after getting behind on it from being an animal. He's such an animal in bed~ Alec swooned. Fish sticks, I'm actually missing him now. But I shouldn't bother him.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes sleepily as I left the room. I looked outside. It's such a bright, warm, sunny day. Stupid sun. It's blinding my eyes. I hissed at it, squinting with aggravation. I know I'm a werewolf and all but sometimes I wonder if I was meant to be a vampire. I laughed at the thought. I looked out at the woods and felt my wolf itching to shift and run. Alright alright I get it. I haven't let you out, and you need to get out. Alec yipped in excitement while I groaned at the bright light.

I started walking toward the woods as Joshua bumped into me. "L-Luna, what a coincidence! I was just looking for you." I crouched to his height and gave him a high five. "Nice word!" His face lit up for a bit. "Thanks." He said. "Now come on!" Joshua took my hand, and Alec seemed happpy enough. He didn't mind not going for a run. Alec and I have become pretty accustomed to Joshua and protective. He led us deep through the woods. I love Drake's territory. It's so beautiful and well cared for.

"Where are we going?" I asked in curiousity, and Joshua said, "It's a surprise," with nervousness. It must be pretty big if he is this worked up about it. "Don't worry! I'm sure I'll love whatever you show me." Joshua looked down and then I heard him sniffle and start to cry. He cried out, "I can't do this!!" I was startled. "What's wrong, Joshua? Hey it's  going to be alright." I hugged him close. His small frame was shaking in my arms. "I'm sorry, Luna. I'm so sorry." I looked at him with corncern and confusion.

"You couldn't keep your mouth shut. Could you brat?" A rogue stepped forth with a stern look. I growled and immediately shifted. I snapped my jaw and hovered over the child like he was my own. I dug my claws into the ground as more rogues emerged. The rogue laughed. "How can you protect the little monster with such earnesty? He is the one who sold you out for his idiotic family." He shoved the twin sisters of Drake that I had met not too long ago in front of us.

I growled almost taking a step forward to protect them but then I remembered the cowering child beneath my small frame. If I move they're going to get to Joshua, I can't let that happen. I mind linked Joshua. "Luna said," Joshua sniffled, "that to take him in place of the twins." The rogue let out a hearty laugh. "You honestly think I'm that dumb? I'm not letting you take my leverage." Damn they're smarter than I thought.

"However we don't really need them anymore. We can easily take you down." The rogues lifted two blades up to the twins throats. Joshua cried louder. The twins muttered, "It's okay, Joshua. We'll meet each other again up in heaven, where mommy said Grammy is. We just get to see Grammy sooner than we thought." They smiled and instinctively I ran toward the twins in a panic.

I was pounced on by a ton of other wolves. I struggled and growled and fought with all my might, trying to get to them, but it was like trying to fight a brick wall. This wasn't just some rogues passing through. It was an army of them. This is an ambush. I thought and my eyes widened in realization. I got pounced by a ton of rogues, and they kept me down as I whimpered for the twins and growled. I desperately tried to reach them. They were only a few feet away from me. Moon Goddess, if I can just get a bit closer!!!

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