You Smell Like A Woman

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My mate growls as he stares at me his eyes completely black. Fighting for self control, he grips the tray harshly, but he is still unable to stop looking at my naked body. I stand there shocked and blushing deeply. He can see all my manly parts! He's staring at me! What do I do?!? You should let him take us and let him shove his- AHHHHH Shut up wolf! I swear your hormones are haywire 24/7.

After calming my wolf, I panic realizing I'm still standing standing stark naked in front of my mate. I frantically bend over for my towel, but it only earns a growl. "Don't move." He says as I'm flushed and bent over. I feel so vulnerable..His canines were growing as he growled in content. After a long time of him staring at me and me shifting under his hot gaze, he walks out of the room and slams the door. "Get dressed." He barks.

Did that really just happen..? You know what.. I'm not even going to question it. I first slipped on his boxers. They were lose as hell so I threw them into the corner. I also threw on his black t-shirt over my small frame and might I add it was literally a dress on me. It came down to my mid-thigh and the sleeves went passed my elbows. I blush looking down at myself. "Hurry up." He grunts behind the door impatiently. I feel a little awkward because again how the fudge is this so big on me? But then again it's almost like he's claiming me and.. I liked that way too much.  "Uhh.. Come in?" I mutter as though it's a question.

The door creeks open cautiously this time as he peeks then walks into the door. He grunts in approval as his eyes roam my body. "This is almost worst than seeing you.." He trails off biting the inside of his cheek but I only tilt my head. He growls frustratedly then he points to the bed. "Sit now." I immediately do as I'm told, and in return he places the food on my lap. I stare at the soup or so called "soup"? What even is this.. I wrinkle my nose. It smells gross. This looks like a child made it.

"You don't have to eat it but you need to eat something.." He trails off. I look at him then down at his hands. They had cuts all over them.  He tries to reach for the bowl, but I immediately put the spoon up to my mouth eating my meal. He looks at me wide eyed and shocked, before his face goes back his signature cold stare. It was obvious that he did his best to make me a meal and for that I was grateful. He tried his hardest.. and that made it taste like the best meal in the world. I smiled as I took the last bite. "Thank you for the food."

I yawn and he takes the tray from my lap. "You should get some sleep." I nod sleepily laying down on the bed not in the mood to argue. He surprisingly tucks me in, and it makes me smile. But what came next surprised me beyond belief, he slipped right beneath the covers next to me and pulled me against his broad chest. I lied there shocked. "U-Uumm what're you doing!?" I shriek. "Sleeping." Is all he says before drifting onto a deep sleep.

Okay I know mates sleep together right away and everything and sometimes you know even do the dirty right when they first meet, but I'm not ready for this shiz! The hell!? Everything's moving so fast! First he sees me naked and now I'm in bed with him? I swear I'm going to have a heart attack! But he smells so.. heavenly. Ugh he's so addicting, and I can feel the mate bond growing stronger.

I stare at him as he sleeps. His eyelids were closed and I couldn't help but study all of his features. He had long eyelashes, thick eyebrows, strong cheekbones, and the lips of a god. Feeling like the biggest creeper on the planet, I trace his lips with the tip of my finger and let my gaze wander to his slightly lifted shirt, revealing his rippling abs. I shudder. Moon goddess is this a test? Have I been a bad boy? I drool looking at his sexy self. It's so hard not to touch him.. It's like placing a cookie in front of a child and telling him not to eat it. I've always been known to disobey and eat that cookie. Cookies are yummy.

I squeal as he gets closer to me. I swear I've become the biggest girl on the planet, after I've met this guy. I don't even know his name yet! I need to get out of his hold. As much as I love his embrace, I'm terrified.. He's an alpha and I'm an omega. I feel like he's going to reject me, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to take it...I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. Okay Ayden stop being a baby! Alrighty now if I could just get out of his hold...

This dude has the strongest iron grip! I swear he's the hulk. After struggling for what seemed like ages, I finally managed to slip out from under him. He stirred unhappily in his sleep but still remained asleep. I wandered out of the bedroom peeking around every corner. Before my scent was met with the best aroma. Well besides my hunk of a mate's addicting aroma. I wandered before staring at it. Cookies.. Cookies.. The best cookies to have ever been made. Chocolate chip.

I try to grab one but some lady snaps me out of my trance with a slap to my hand. "Now is that how we ask for them little man?" I look up at the six foot tall lady and tilt my head. Is everyone a giant around here?!? "Umm no?" I managed to squeak out. "Awe such a cutie! Well if you ask with a please you can have two cookies!" I smile then say, "Can I please have to cookies?" She nods her head then pats my own. "Of course! Here you go!" I drool at the sight of them. "Well now head along child~ You wouldn't want your mommy and daddy to worry about you being out so late at night! Sweet dreams little-cutie-kins!" She kisses the top of my head giving me a sweet goodbye.

Does this woman.. Does the woman think I'm child?!? "I'm not a child!" I yell shocked. She giggles kindly. "Oh yes of course my manners! You're a very macho man." She pats my head sickly sweet, and I look at her horrified. She's serious. I walk away my pride hurt. "B-But I'm.. I'm nineteen..." I drag my feet along the hallway heading back to my mates room.

I need to hurry up I don't want him to wake to me not being there. I hurriedly stuff the two cookies in my mouth licking my fingers. "So yummy!" I skip merrily back to the room and slip into our room. Hehe I like the sound of that. I look ahead to see an awake and very angry looking mate. His eyes were glazed over black. "Where the hell were you?!?!" I flinched as he strides over to me taking in my scent. "And why do you smell like a woman?" I shiver frightened. I haven't heard him speak so much since the time when I first met him. He was furious..

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