Rogues, It's the Rogues

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A/N: Now I promised some god dang conflict! But I wanted them to have their marks, and come on can you blame me? The story was ADORABLE in my opinion. So you lucky readers are getting two chapters this weekend<3 Just so y'all know I post a chapter every weekend and the picture was made by my friend @-Just-a-Cat- in case you were wondering;)

I ran my hand through his hair as he slept and smiled. His sleeping face was incredibely endearing. He seemed so vulnerable compared to his usual state. After staring at him, like a creeper, for several hours, I finally decided to get up. I groaned as I struggled to get out of the bed with his iron grip around me. "OW!" I screeched as I fell head first off the bed. I carefully peaked up and over the bed and saw my alpha still sound asleep in the bed. I sighed in relief but then he began stirring. I carefully placed a pillow in place of me in his arms. His nose scrunched up, but he gradually went back to sleep.

I slipped on one of his big shirts yawning. I need breakfast. I feel like my stomach is eating itself. I'm going to die, if I don't eat! I made my way out of the bedroom and down the hall skipping and humming. Eventually I made my way to the kitchen and was greeted by a familiar woman, Wanda. "Hi, Cutie! Sorry that I mistaked you for a a kid the last time we met up, Luna." She bowed her head apologetically, and I just smiled. "It's okay! Do you mind if I look through your cupboards?" She lifted her head and smiled. "No problem! Is there anything you want for breakfast? I'm not the chef here for nothing!" She said pointing to her apron with a hand on her hip.

I shook my head fiddling with my fingers. "Well I that'd be nice, but I want to make the alpha something for breakfast." I blushed, and she grinned. "Well a little bird told me that his favorite breakfast was a traditional bacon and eggs breakfast." She winked at me, and I gave her a thumbs up. I immediately started taking over the kitchen, making him bacon and eggs with toast and a little bowl of fruits on the side. I started swaying my hips, when Zeus by Croosh came on. I smirked. I'm a very confident dancer. My wolf and I got skillz.

I laughed and then accidentally bumped into someone. I'm sorry I murmured as I looked at the little boy who fell. "Are you okay?" I held out my hand and then boy blushed. "Pretty... I mean I-I'm okay, miss! I'm sorry!!" He quickly scurried off with his face tomato red, and I giggled. Soooo cute. I put Drake's breakfast on the tray, after shoving yummy pancakes down into my tummy. Where are you? Drake mind linked me, and I jolted. Oh yeah we marked each other last night. I glanced at my neck smiling and replied: coming!

I walked down the hall with the tray of food. Once I got to our room, I quietly opened the door then saw Drake in bed leaned up with his glasses on, working on paperwork. "Ayden, where were you?" He got up and then wrapped his arms around me. "Is that breakfast?" He drooled, and I giggled. "Yes, so get your bum back in bed. You're defeating the purpose of breakfast in bed, if you get up." He quickly scurried to the bed then tapped his lap. I giggled.

I was about to set it in his lap but then he pulled me onto his lap. "HEY! Be careful! Don't ruin the breakfast I made for you!" His eyes widened in glee. "You made it?" I nodded happily, and he immediately started digging in. "This is heaven.. I'm so happy right now I could die." I chuckled at his comment. "I'm glad you like it." He leaned his head on my shoulder in contentment. "Thank you." He smiled. "You're welcome!"

Once he finished his breakfast, he went to go and work with the alphas. It was so difficult to pry us away from each other. Sebastian had a lot of persuading to do, before he separated us. It was a nightmare for Sebastian. Poor Beta. Alec muttered, and I shrugged.

Sebastian left me with Hot Stuff because Drake was too much of a worry wart. You know Hot Stuff, right? The guy who guarded my cell because I trespassed into the Dark Lupī pack from the Silver Moon pack. Yeah that guy. "Hey, Hot Stuff. What's your name? I can't keep calling you Hot Stuff, especially since Drake would probably kill me if he heard me call you that." Hot Stuff chuckled. "It's Xavier, if you needed to know."

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