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I mumbled with slight gurgling sounds as I felt my whole body being shaken. "Sister, look out! It's an..earthquake..." I gurgled. I heard a faint chuckle as my body shook again but a little more gently. The chuckle turned into a heavenly voice and the puddle under my face increased greatly. "Grandma, it's..flooding!" I mumbled, and afterwards I heard an angry voice in my ear. "I cant keep waiting for you to wake up, when there is a very important meeting for you and my alpha to attend to!" I immediately jumped but a strong hold held me in place. 

I looked around and squeezed Drake's arm. "Careful now... I just felt an earthquake and heard a very evil voice by my ear... Don't worry though I'll protect you." I said this as I rubbed my glossy eyes and then I heard a silent laugh from behind, like you know the kind of laugh when you wheeze but can't quite laugh? Yeah that one. It was coming from my mate as he attempted to hold his stomach with me in his lap "Ahahhaah!!!! I can't..Breathe!!!" He laughed hysterically as a very mortified Sebastian looked at me in utter disbelief. 

I tilted my head in confusion and then a wall of realization hit me. Oooohhhh that's why they're laughing. There's no earthquake and the evil voice by my ear was Sebastian. Isn't that obvious though? You're such an idiot. I rolled my eyes at my wolf and responded: Says the one whose talking. That comeback was so lame. I know right? Almost as lame as you. My wolf just huffed in response, and I did a small victory pose. Another score for me~

I felt my mate get up and hoist me up onto his side like I was a child. I yawned and mumbled a five more minutes as I laid my head onto his shoulder. When I came back to reality, I rubbed my eyes once again. Drake looked at me lovingly. "You ready?" He asked gently, and I nodded with not much care. Once the door opened a large ballroom came into my view. I stared at all the people dressed in fancy dresses and tuxedos. I gaped at the food strewn across twenty rows of tables and the extremely expensive looking chandelier and bouquets of pretty flowers with other several elegant decorations. 

The lights reminded me of glitter. That's so gay. I ignored my wolf's comment as my mouth was left agape. Drake just chuckled. "Do you want to look around?" I nodded my head vigorously. "Yes please!" I jumped up and down excitedly. He seemed to love my extreme happiness because he gave me a panty dropping smile back, showing me his canines. I have way too many fetishes. Don't judge. I'm judging. 

I ended up having to wander around on my own though because he had alpha's to greet. I rolled my eyes at this because like that's so boring. What're you supposed to say? Oh hey fellow alpha! Let me just greet you and have a fancy party so I can appeal to you in order to not have Territorial World War 7. Sounds like too much responsibility. I nodded my head in agreement. 

I headed over to the tables of food and drooled. THE. FOOD. SMELLS. SO. GOOD. I immediately started chowing down on the feast lain before me, but stopped when I heard a snicker. "What is that Luna doing?" One said. Another replied, "Being a pig." The other added on, "And what is she wearing? A plaid skirt and a collared shirt to a professional meet up? That's so tacky!" The whole group of girls laughed.

 I looked around and then caught there gaze. Were they talking about me? I mean I'm not a girl but... It sounded like they were talking about me. Suddenly feeling conscious I tugged on my skirt and wiped the residue of cake on my chin. "I feel bad for Drake for having such a poor omega mate." I growled angrily. "I can hear you, you know?!" The ladies continued to ignored me. "And what is she wearing? That pink collar? Isn't she embarrassed?" I put my hand around my neck and blushed a crimson red, hanging my head in shame. They continued to laugh at me, put me down, and make fun of me. But that's not what hurt me. It was the fact that I wasn't good enough for Drake. I had forgotten about the weak person I am. I'm not fit to be his mate. 

I turned around and felt as though my tail was between my legs as I headed for the corner for some solitude. "Oh no you don't." A tall woman with beautiful curves in a tuxedo, freckles, and fiery, short red hair stopped me by putting her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, bitches! Mind saying that to her face?" The group of girls suddenly went silent, looking at each other. "Oh right! You're just angry because this pretty girl right here was able to be mated with the most powerful alpha and you're just the side bitches that no one else cares about." She patted my head as though she was reassuring a child. All of their mouths were agape including mine. 

"Let's go." The Fiery Woman grabbed me roughly and dragged me across the ballroom. She shoved me into a cute girl with long blonde hair, wearing a pastel pink, flowy dress with a ton of diamonds and other gems bedazzled. She was truly pretty and that dress definitely did her justice. In all my confusion, the girls nodded at each other as though they had some conversation I wasn't a part of. The Blonde Pretty Girl dragged me off out of the ballroom. What is up with these girls dragging us through an emotional and physical ride?! Don't ask me!

So I ask Blonde Pretty Girl where we are going and she responds, "My temporary room." She stops abruptly causing me to bump into her. She throws the door open with all her energy skipping into her room. "Welcome to my room!~" She greets and my eyes immediately shine bright. "Clothes!!! Glitter!!!" I ran into her room, and I fanboyed over every cute/stylish outfits strewn across the room along with the glitter covered walls. Blonde Pretty Girl held my hands with glee. "Oh my ra! I finally found someone who loves fashion as much as me!" She had the largest grin on her face. "So what should we dress you up in...?"

A/N: I told you the next chapter was coming super soon;) The two girls I introduced may or may not be a hint at to what the next book may be like for this series *discretely winks* I hope your enjoying my book so far!  

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