You're on Fire!

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My tummy rumbled. "Drake, I'm hungry~ Can we go get some food?" I shook him, but he was fast asleep and clinging to my waist. "Please!" I started bouncing on the bed and being annoying. I poked his cheeks multiple times, but he wouldn't budge.

"You're either a really good sleeper, which you are not, or you're blatantly ignoring me!" I threw my hands up in the air slightly frustrated. He cracked a smile. "Hey! I saw that!" I jumped on him. "Can we go to IHOP? Please pretty please with a cherry on top! Their pancakes are the best and I want to pig out, but I don't feel like cooking and I wanna go out on a date so pretty pretty please?!?!" I pleaded desperately.

"Will it make my mate happy?" He said, holding me by the waist, with me on top of him. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I chanted with a big smile of hope. I already knew I was getting what I want. Hehe I'm spoiled.

"Lets go!" I tried to leap off his lap but was instantly jerked back down with his firm grip on my waist. My head went face first in the bed. "Let goooooo" I whined. "Need. My. Pancakes." Drake chuckled. "I feel like I'm in a war against food." Drake said.

I tilted my head. "Get in the car. I'll meet you there." He said while shaking his head. I smiled brightly. "Okay!" I got out of bed and slipped on my favorite black combat boots. I left the room skipping down the halls and chanting, "I'm going on a date~ I'm going on a date~" The pack members bowed as I skipped by. "Morning, Luna." They said with smiles, and I waved. They all seem touched when I respond, like it's some "honor." I don't get it, but I roll with it.

"Tell me what you're gonna do now!" I said overly happy. A little child jumped in excitement and chimed in, "Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'!" I smiled at the kid.
"Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'!"
"Come on!"

The kid started rolling around the living room, and I laughed. You think I'm just going to stand there? Hell no! I rolled with the kid and we sang, "Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'!" The boy suddenly stopped, and I stopped with him.

The boy flicked his black hair to the side and said, "They see me rollin'~" I flicked my brown hair to the side and did finger guns at the little boy. "They hatin'~" The boy put his hands up and then rolled behind the couch. His blue eyes flickered toward the hallway.

"Patrolling they tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty!" The boy screamed and bolted for the hall. I was about to run after him but a heavenly voice interrupted my ability to function correctly, and I stumbled. I earned a chuckle from the addicting voice.

The child tried to make his way around Drake but in vain. "Oh no you don't, Joshua." Drake picked up the small boy. "Noooo! The Luna is gonna get me!" Joshua screeched and squirmed.

I smiled evils and did sharks sounds. "Dun dun. Dun dun. Dununununu- got ya!" I grabbed the boy and tickled him in Drake's arms. "Ahahaha noooo!!! Luna stooooppp!! Ahahahhaha!" The boy's eyes filled with tears as he laughed. I decided to let the boy go because I'm the best Luna there is. What has gotten you so cocky? My strong self and awesome new super power. My strong self and awesome new super power~ Alec mocked, causing me to growl. I could feel Alec smiling internally. Freaking brat.

Drake let the child down. "So I see you met my nephew, Joshua." Drake purred as I leaned on him. "Your nephew is awesome." I said.

Joshua rocked back and forth on his feet bashfully. "Y-You give me too much credit." The boy blushed. "Awe is someone embarrassed?~" I teased pinching his cheek. "N-No!" Josh said, protecting his man pride. Awe he is so cute. I mind linked Drake, and he smiled. Not as cute as you.

My face burned up. "Luna, are you okay? Your face is red." Joshua said tilting his head. "I-I'm fine!" I screeched. "Awe is someone embarrassed?~" I growled. Cute. Using my words against me. I huffed mind linking Drake and a big grin spread across his face. Keep smiling, and you'll never see me in those workout clothes again. He clamped his mouth shut. Heh. Good boy.

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