Have We Gone Bananas?

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For once, I woke up earlier than my mate. Damion was still in his wolf form, and I'm guessing that Damion is more of a sleeper than Drake. I mean I've seen the man wake up at four in the morning! He's crazy. "Damn right he is." Damion wrapped his arms around me. Oops did I say that out loud? "Nope, I just read your mind."

Hey! We agreed we wouldn't do that! I mind linked him pouting. He feigned innocence. "Oops. My bad." He winked. Oh yeah? Well now I'm going to start thinking inappropriate things. "Ohhhh you caught my interest~" Damion's eyes glistened ready for the sexual inappropriate thoughts to pop up in my head, and I had the most sexual thought pop up. Me. Peeling. A. Banana. I pealed it slowly rubbing it and licking it sensually- "I like where this is going~" and then I bit it and stomped on it violently. Damion gave me a horrified face, causing me to laugh.

I blocked him out of my mind after that. He whined. "Um ow." He looked at me protectively covering himself, causing me to laugh harder. Serves him right for invading my mind! "Why you little." He tackled me, being careful of my neck, and smothered me with kisses and tickles. Uncle! Uncle! I screamed into his mind as tears glistened into my eyes from being unable to stop laughing.

Damion chuckled and let me go. Still getting over the fit of laughter I pant and gave him a scowl. Damion grinned. "This isn't the first time I will make you pant in bed-" I smacked him in the face with a pillow, and he just stared at me blankly then grinned evilly. "Now you started it." I laughed, running out the door in small shorts and Damion's large t-shirt with him animalistically growling and purposefully letting me get ahead of him. Stupid alpha underestimating me!

Is that the fastest you can go? I taunted, and he growled picking up his pace. Oh trust me. I can go a lot faster than you think. Soon enough you'll know how fast I can go~ Freakin perve! Hey, Ayden! Look out- I bonked right into Sebastian and stood their shocked at the broad chest in front of me slowly looking up at him. He had an irritated look on his face but nonetheless gave me a "Good moring, Luna" with a smile that didn't seem very sincere. "Damion!" Sebastian's voice boomed, and I flinched. I have never heard him use Damion's name let alone talk to him with that tone. With a bead of sweat trailing down Damion's face, Damion turned around trying to escape. Unfortunately for him, Sebastian's hand landed on his shoulder with a firm grip and his eyes held a ton of rage.

"Do you know how confused your people are? I can't keep holding them at bay! They're demanding answers. There are rumors of you having a Luna that need to be specified and your people are extremely worried about the pack members that have been kidnapped by the rogues. Additionally a rogue invaded the pack's boundaries last night. They think you are neglecting your duties as alpha. You need to inform your pack." Damion growled. "They're untrusting and ungrateful. I'm not going to expose my plan to console the pack! They need to be strong, and I need time. It will only cause more trouble."

Sebastian sighed. "I understand that, Alpha. But some are wanting to go to the werewolf counsel because they find your actions inexcusable." Damion growled with more anger. "I'm not neglecting my duties!" Damion kicked the wall and his voice boomed down the halls. I placed my hand on his chest and looked up at him. Damion, we both know that you haven't neglected your duties. But your people don't. They need to hear it from you. They'll trust your word. I know it. They have been happy and to accustomed to life outside of problems because you have protected them so well. You just need to reassure them that you are still the person you once were. He seemed to calm down by my words, and I sighed in relief.

I said nothing but the truth. I know Damion and Drake has had many sleepless nights so he can spend time with me and still take care of the pack. He often over exerts himself. It makes me worry.. That can't be good for your health, but that just solidifies any suspicion that he isn't working to his fullest potential. Damion and Drake both value loyalty and an everlasting trust so I'm guessing he is feeling a bit down in the dumps and hurt by their aligations and threats.

Nonetheless Sebastian looks at me and smiles. We communicated with our eyes, like a conversation unspoken but understood. It was like he was saying, "Thank you" and I was saying, "You're welcome." Damion tapped his foot in thought and then asked me if we could postpone our little chase. I giggled and said, "S..u..re" Damion looks at me shocked and then puts his hands on my shoulders and says, "Try that again!" He looks at me in hope, and I muster up all that I can and mutter, "S..u..re....Su..re...Sure..Da..m..ion...Sure, Damion!" Damion grinned in happiness, picking me up and smiling with great glee. "Keep talking! Keep talking!" I smiled back super happy that I have my voice back. "I..am.. Damion's.. and Drake's.. mate... I am Damion's and Drake's mate! Also.. my.. favorite..holiday is Christmas! Did I tell you how weird it is to be talking right now? My mouth feels funny."

Damion smiles in incredible happiness, kissing my face all over and ruffling my hair. I leaned into his touch smiling. He kept stroking my head and eventually an animalistic feeling came over me. Damn you Alec. Stop falling so weak to the knees. I know you like to be pet, but geez. It feels so good~ I rolled my eyes as the color of our eyes turned into a black haze. Alec looked at Damion and said, "m-more~" Damion's eyes turned an darker shade of black as he rubbed our head faster. Alec let out of moan of pleasure, which made me internally blush, and then Damion started furiously rubbing our head. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Alec screeched slightly shifting away.

"I'm sorry was that too rough?" Damion said worriedly the look of want leaving his face. Alec clutched his head slightly wincing then smirked. "Did you get too carried away?" Alec said with a smug grin, and Damion just wiggled his eyebrows back. "You know it~" Alec chuckled, and I just internally face palmed with shame. Alec rolled his eyes. Damion raised his eyebrow. "What's the eye roll for?" Alec laughed. Don't you dare tell him I'm- "Ayden is just embarrassed at our little session." I cringed interanally but Damion just chuckled. "Typical." HEY! What's that supposed to mean?! They kept laughing with each other, making fun of me.

They made there way down the hall, and I asked Alec, if I could take over. "Already?" He groaned. Yes already. Now hurry your bum up. Damion looked at him. "Already what?" Alec pouted tugging on his sleeve. "Ayden wants to take over..." Damion stroked his head. "So does Drake. Actually for a long while, but I've been ignoring him this whole time...He is kind of pissed at me." He chortled, making Alec laugh. "Kiss me." Damion demanded Alec. "Of course, Alpha." Damion licked his lips as Alec jumped up onto his big frame, kissing him deeply, as he slowly let me gain control.

When I pulled away, I was met face to face with Drake and smiled. "Morning." Drake said to me and I shook my head. "Little late for that." I winked with a grin, and Drake tapped his foot in annoyance. "All Damion's fault." I giggled, and Drake still had a look of annoyance. "Now I have to do a speech in front of the whole pack and haven't been able to be replenished with energy by my little mate..." He trailed off sighing. "Y-You c-can k-k-kiss me too." Drake's eyes widened. "I-I mean o-o-only if you want too!!!" I screeched out; my face tomato red. "I m-mean you s-said th-that you needed to be r-replenished with m-m-me, r-right?!?" I hid my face in embarrassment. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Smooth Ayden. Shut up wolf!

Drake growled, pulling me in by the waist. "I've been waiting for permission." Drake pried my hands from my face and placed his lips on mine. Unlike Damion's rough kisses, his were sweet and gentle. But one thing was for sure. They were both full of love. I smiled in the kiss. Only a twinge of the embarrassment left on my pink cheeks. "I love you." I said my heart full of warmth. Drake was "too enraptured by my beauty to listen". You could pratically hear his thoughts a mile away. "I love you." I repeated smiling genuinely as he just stood there stunned by my words. But he soon returned my smile with a panty dropping grin. "I love you too, Ayden."

After a long stroll through the halls, he lead me into a room and I tilted my head in confusion, hearing several voices beyond the next door. "Where are we?" I asked. Drake squeezed my hand and said, "Just beyond this door I got to give quite a convincing speech and announce you as my own." I blushed in a daze at his comment, and he kissed my cheek. "I'll see you in a minute. I'll call you out on stage, when I mention the good news of you joining our pack." He said as he left the door, leaving me shocked. He'll what?!?!

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