The Typical Butler: Sebastian

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"I forgive you." I murmured. He looked at me shocked. "R-Really..?" He looked at me as though he was desperate. I smiled softly. "Yeah." His face lit up but I added on. "I'm still not happy about it though." I looked at him with an irritated look. "It's annoying. I don't like the collar. Why do we need this stupid thing anyway?"

He gritted his teeth. "Less males and females will look at you like a piece of meat with this on. You're mine. No one looks at you that way but me." I smiled slightly. Don't get me wrong I don't want to be marked yet but hearing him sounding so possessive and him calling me his.. I like the sound of that.

His gaze shifted. "And.. And.." I looked at him tilting my head. "And?" I said. He bit his lip and continued, "I think the pink collar suits you too. I picked it myself." He looked away a slight pink grazing his cheeks. "W-Well I'm not a girl! Pink is for girls!" He turned his head and gave me a dead panned look. "That's sexist." I crossed my arms. "Well it doesn't look or feel any less embarrassing!" Drake chuckled. "Cute." I blushed.

"How would you like it if I put you in something pink?" I asked, and he shuddered. "Exactly." He looked at me and shrugged. "It looks good on you." I sighed. "Well I guess if you like it.. I'll wear it.." He looked up at me wide eyed. "Don't get the wrong idea! This is extremely embarrassing, and I'm only wearing it around you and no one else." He growled. "We'll see about that." He said crossing his arms. "Indeed we will." I sassed back.

He growled again, taking me in his arms from behind, and I smiled leaning into his broad chest. He smelled really good.. "Did you know you smell like Christmas? Mint and pine.." I mumbled, earning a heavenly chuckle from him. "You must really like Christmas." I sat up and looked at him in the eyes crossing my arms. "I really like Christmas? No, I LOVE Christmas!!! It's the best day of the year!" He smiled. "Oh really?" He added on. "Yes!!" I pumped my fist in the air. I can't wait for Christmas!

"You smell like vanilla and strawberries.." Drake added on and nuzzled his nose into my hair sniffing me. I cringed. "Don't do that I really need a shower." He held me tighter. "Trust me I know." I heard him holding back his laughter as I looked at him mortified. "Then stop holding me and sniffing me!!!" I blushed trying to move further away from him, conscious of my smell. But he just holds me even tighter! This cocky little- "You're crushing me, you big oaf!" I hit his chest, and he laughed.

As I struggled to breathe, a sudden knock came to the door. "Excuse me, alpha, for bothering you. But there is quite a lot of paper work on your desk, and it would be helpful if you actually came to your office for once!" Some Dude said angrily and kicked the door down fuming. He looked at us with a shocked look and then I realized how awkward this looked. Drake hovered over me, holding me close, with his face in my neck in nothing but boxers. I was in nothing but his tightly fitted jeans with our legs intertwined.

"Well then..isn't this awkward." I squeaked out. Some Dude quickly regained his composure ignoring my presence. "Excuse me alpha. But you have duties to attend to, and may I remind you there is a gathering to be held with alphas all around the world in our pack house!" He yelled angrily. I looked at Drake, and completely ignored Some Dude. "Hey, Drake. Why is Some Dude in our house? Some Dude seems very bossy." I played with his hair, and he raised an eyebrow. "Some Dude?" He questioned with a confused face. "Oh yeah! That's what I named him. Some Dude. I name people before I know their real names." Drake nodded, and Some Dude just face palmed.

Drake played with my hair for about five minutes as I leaned into him with my eyes closed. Some Dude wouldn't go away so it was hard to relax. Drake sighed. "Fine. I'll do pack work." He grumbled. "But Ayden is coming with me." Drake picked me up, and Some Dude raised an eyebrow. "Who is this Ayden anyway?" Drake looked at him and said, "Ayden, this is my beta Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Ayden your Luna and also my mate." Sebastian bowed. "It's an honor to meet you." I shyly shrank into my mate. "Likewise." I managed to let out.

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