Murderer Much?

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"Can you please let me go now!?" I whined like an annoying child as though I was asking 'are we there yet'. The guard didn't even flinch at my pleas though. He looked pretty handsome. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a muscular body. He'd probably make every girl faint with the smile he gives including me.

"Please let me out, Hot Stuff!" I whined as he tried to stifle a laugh at my name for him. I snickered. "He smiles!" He shook his head smiling but still looking forward. I sighed in defeat, knowing I wasn't going to get much out of him. I looked around my cell. It was quite ugly not fashionable at all. Not only was it super bland, it was also utterly disgusting. I looked at the filthy bucket that I'm guessing was in case you needed to do your business. I guess they at least give you one. That's nice of them. I glanced at the mold in the corner causing me to look at all the bugs crawling up the wall. Spiders. Cockroaches. You name it. Ew. I hate bugs.

A door creeped causing me to peek through the silver bars holding me captive. "It's time to switch." The man said. Hot Stuff that was sitting by my cell nodded leaving me with Not So Hot Stuff. He took his seat by my cell, and I couldn't help but gag and wrinkle my nose. "You smell like alcohol and like you haven't showered in days. Eeeewwww." His eyebrow twitched. "Oh god please sit somewhere else." I didn't mean to sound so mean but holy hell! He smelt terrible. Sometimes being a werewolf with a sensitive nose is not so.. pleasing.

He slammed his fists on the chair standing up menacingly by the silver bars. "What did you just say to me?!???" I swear the whole ground shook with his angry voice. I gulped. "I don't mean to be mean Sir but you smell like rotten eggs drowned in alcohol. Please move. I beg you." I whined. I think this ticked him off but think is kinda an understatement. He started unlocking my cell. This can't be good. Oh crap. Oh crap. I did a bad. A big bad.

I tried to retreat to the moldy corner of my cell but he marched in and grabbed me by my neck.  I gasped flailing in his arms. He smirked with a twinge of pleasure in his eyes. "Do you wanna say that again?~" I scratched at his hands on my neck unable to breathe or focus on his taunting words. "Oh right! You can't! Because you can't breathe. Serves you right you potty mouth, spoiled brat! I wonder how long it will take until you stop flailing like an idiot~ Maybe thirty seconds?" I felt myself go limp and my eyes roll back into my head feeling darkness consume me. "Two seconds?!? Wow! I need to really work on my guessing skills!" He laughed sickly.

"Apollo, let him go." A voice demanded. Apollo aka Not So Hot Stuff didn't budge. "NOW" The voice commanded, and I felt my body drop to the floor. I winced at my body hitting the concrete. But that was the least of my concerns. I started coughing desperate for air. Once I calmed down, I clutched my stomach in a fetal position. Apollo left my cell.

I heard my cell shut behind me and then an angry voice raise. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!???" Mr. Savior yelled. "Not only did you engage with a prisoner which is against our code. You almost murdered him! When the alpha instructed us not to until his say so! Do you think that you can defy our alpha!? Huh?!?" Mr. Savior's voice boomed across the prison. I swear the whole prison shook. Apollo flinched. "I-I'm sorry, Sir." Mr Savior gave him a harsh glare. "Come with me, you idiot." I heard Apollo's feet shuffle behind Mr. Savior's loud stomps and then the door shut. I was embraced by silence. Well until an idiot broke it.

"Well that sounds like it hurt." I heard a voice perk up. I raised my eyebrow. "Whose there?" I said straining my voice. My vocal cords were kinda hurting at the moment. "Just your average Joe in a cell, right next to your's." He laughed at his own joke right afterwards. His joke was so lame but his laugh caused me to laugh with him. "I don't know. You kinda sound like the average idiot to me." Average Joe laughed heartily at that one. "Touché." I smiled.

"You know you got some balls to stand up to the hot-headed Apollo." I hummed. "I still would. He ain't that scary." I rubbed my neck as the words left my throat. To be honest I was a little scared but I won't let my fear get to me. I wasn't that type of person...or so I'd like to think. "You're crazy." I snickered at his remark. "Maybe."

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