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I looked at him in shock. I squeaked, trying to get out from under him. "N-No you can't mark me." His eyes turned dark, and he slammed me to the ground. "Why not?" He seethed. I didn't answer him. "Answer me!" He yelled, and I whimpered from beneath him.

I couldn't possibly talk about that. I'm not ready to mate with him! When I first learned that two guys can do the do, I was horrified! Scarred even! That isn't going to fit in there! The mating process is bound to happen if he marks me who ever is the bottom is bound to go into heat. Like hell the other mate could resist! I mean look at him! Those rippling abs..Yummy tan skin.. Seductive lips..icey blue eyes.....

You know you wanna mate with him. Shut up wolf! You're not making this easier! I shake my head out of those thoughts. I need to convince him not to mark me without telling him my reason. I mean like how could I talk about it? It's like telling your parents the first time you wet the bed! I ain't doing that! So I met the gaze of my terrifying alpha. I opened my mouth but I was lost for words. I was cowering from my resolve under his intense gaze. I was frozen.

"You're mine." He growled. "I am the alpha! I won't have anyone, including my mate, disobeying my orders!" I yelped as he grabbed me by my hair and lifted me from the ground throwing me over his shoulder. He threw his jacket over me and changed himself into some shorts. "Cover yourself." He growled out marching back toward the pack house as I struggled to cover myself.

He bursted through the doors. "Welcome back, alpha." They bowed. "At least someone obeys my orders." He mumbled under his breath. I flinched. He made his way up to our room. "I-I'm sorry, alpha." I muttered. I felt his whole body shake. He quickly opened the door and slammed it behind us. He set me down on the bed. His eyes kept shifting from blue to black as he sat me on his lap trying to take deep breaths. He buried his face in my shoulder, nuzzling his face against hair like a child.

"Why won't you let me mark you?" I noticed the waver in his voice as though he was going to break in any second. I couldn't come up with an answer. I wanted to let my voice out but it was like someone was holding it back. He shook again. "Fine don't tell me." His eyes were black again as he threw me on the bed and stood up throwing on a shirt. "Wait-" I stumbled from the bed, but he quickly shuffled out the door slamming it behind him.

I went for the door knob but he locked me in! He actually locked me in! "Let me out!" I banged on the door. But he just walked away leaving me behind. I threw pants on and sat on the bed. "He's.. He's such a.. Such a jerk!" I threw the pillow at the door tears glistening in my eyes. I held the blankets close to me, curling up into a ball. I'm tired. Tired of all this.. I just wanted to get to know him more before we jump into things! Is that so wrong!?

I bit my lip frustrated then I sighed. You should tell him that. My wolf muttered anger lingering in his voice. He's not a mind reader you know? Although I'm angry to think he could suppress us like this. I already know that! I rubbed my eyes sniffling. Stupid alpha.. I closed my eyes as my breathing slowed and I hiccuped from crying. I eventually fell asleep.

I heard the door creak open. I was still half asleep so knowing me I mumbled nonsense. "Stupid alpha and his abs.." I heard a faint chuckle but it soon stopped as his hands hesitated over me. But soon after his fingers glided around my neck. I felt a strap like object wrap around my neck and I stirred in my sleep. I moaned unhappily. "Shhh it's okay.." His voiced cooed, and I snuggled against the soothing voice's side.

I opened my eyes confused as I heard a clicking sound. "Mate..?" I looked up at him rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Good morning, Ayden." He smiled almost guiltily. "W-What's going on?" I felt something around my neck. "What's this?" I pulled on it and whimpered as it shocked me. "Hey don't do that." I looked at him in horror. "What did you do?!?" I got up and scrambled to the mirror. A pink collar went around my neck and it read "Alpha Drake's". I looked at him in horror.

I growled tears lacing my eyes. He stood up and gulped. "Until you let me mark you, I'm not taking this collar off, Ayden Henderson. My orders are final as you are a member of Dark Lupī pack and I'm its alpha." He looked at me with faint determination as though he was questioning himself. I snapped and felt my wolf take over. "Who said I was apart of your pack?" My wolf spit out slamming his fist on the dresser beside him.

I watched as Drake's wolf took over. "You're apart of my pack! You're in my territory! You're my mate!" He growled towering over me. My wolf shivered knowing the status between omega and alpha was great. My wolf's natural instincts were to bow his head. "Yes, alpha." I internally glared at my wolf. So much for standing up for yourself huh? My wolf whined and muttered sorry..

Meanwhile Drake's wolf looked content as an alpha. Alpha's hated it when someone else defied them. It was disrespectful and as though they were questioning their power and authority. Drake's wolf rubbed my head and my wolf leaned into it arching his back. "M-mm.." Did my wolf just.. just moan? Drake's chest rumbled and growled as he ran is hand up and down my small back.

"You like it when I do that don't you?" He bit my ear whispering in my ear seductively. My wolf made the most lustful gaze toward Drake drooling and blushing. "Drake!~" I freaked out. My wolf let his guard down, falling at the hands of my mate. Once he did that, I took control of my body. I pushed my mate away blushing incredibly as Drake's wolf licked his lips. "Pink looks good on you by the way. Very cute." I felt my cheeks flush a shade darker and tried to punch him but he easily caught my fist. He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Pervert!" I yelled. He just smirked. "Says the one who was moaning for me earlier~" I looked at him horrified. "'Mmm Drake~ yes!~'" I threw a pillow at him laughing. "Jerk!" He laughed back easily deflecting the pillow. "You know you could let it hit you." He laughed heartily. "And what good that do?" I smiled. "All the good." I launched for another pillow but he caught me by the waist. I laughed kicking my legs. He chuckled.

I laughed at met his blue eyes. I was now looking at the mate I knew. I sassily moved my head to the side. I was still angry at him. He frowned and poked my cheek. "I like it better when you smile." He gripped my waist harder wanting me to smile again. I shook my head. "Should've thought of that when you decided to collar me like I'm your pet." He pulled at my shirt and mumbled, "I'm sorry..." I sighed looking down. I can't stay mad at him for long..

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