His Speech

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A/N: We reached 300 votes😭💞 thank you all so much for the support!! I love you all! The comments and votes and everything just feels amazing. It makes me so happy😭 Y'all are so amazing💗💖💞❤️🌺

Oh my moon goddess.. Oh my moon goddess.. Oh my moon goddess.. Do I have to go on stage? Calm down. It's going to be alright. No it's not, Alec! I started pacing back and forth. They'll love you. I'm sure they'll be happy for you and Drake. I place my hand over my heart. Maybe you are right.. As if I'd say that!

I took a deep breath in attempts to calm my heart down but in vain. Drake's voice boomed, "Settle down everyone. I have important news." The crowd went dead silent. "I have found my mate." Once the words left his mouth, the crowd went in an uproar of cheers and you could here tons of whistling and "congratulations, alpha"s.  I smiled; they're so happy for him. "I know you are all excited as was I." The crowd would not settle down.

In fact it only got louder as he said, "Ayden Henderson, our Luna, come out please." My heart leaped out of my chest at my cue. I opened the door hesitantly and headed out onto the stage. I blushed as Drake winked at me and tugged me close.

"Here is your Luna!" The crowd went wild as he lifted me up so everyone could see me past the large podium. Is this the Lion King or something? I'm not freakin Simba! My eyes were wide as I looked at the pack. So many people! I blushed while the pack still cheered loudly. I immediately got shy and tugged on Drake's sleeve. He chuckled heavenly and brought me closer to his side. Some muttered awes, which made me turn a crimson red as the crowd only settled down a little. I looked up at Drake like a lost puppy and Drake gave me a reassuring smile, which gained me some confidence.

Drake spoke one again and said, "This is not the only reason I've gathered you here today." The crowd settled down and the voices stopped as they listened to their alpha. "I know many of you have concerns. Recently, my mate was captured by the rogues." You could hear multiple gasps and murmurs among the pack. "I have noticed that this has become a problem among many. This is no out of the ordinary in our pack."

He slammed his hands onto the podium. "I have my suspicions. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that we have traitor among us. Our pack has never failed to defend before." The pack members looked at each other accusingly as Drake's voice was laced with venom. "If anyone has any clue as to who, report to me immediately. This matter is to only get worse. As many of you know I was first to witness a rogue invade the pack boundaries last night. Let alone invade my chamber and attack my mate." Many emotions went onto their faces, including shock, anger, and fear.

"You rogues dare think you can stand up to my pack?!? Attack MY MATE?!?" He howled. "Bring out the rogue!" The burly man from last night was brought out by Drake's pack soldiers. "This is what happens when you stand up to our pack." Drake shifted into his wolf form growling as the burly man showed no fear willingly becoming a sacrifice for his ways.

I winced as I watched Drake bite his neck and tear his head clean off. The crowd was cheering. But I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the guy, even if he was trying to capture me and do horrible things.. Can't help it. Drake shifted back to his human form and the put on some clothes. I could see some of the girls drool, making me growl immediately coming to his side. He tilted his head in confusion but nonetheless picked me up and held me close. I could feel the anger still radiating off his chest.

Drake growled as he returned to the podium. "I also have heard some of you have been questioning my loyalty." His voice cracked as his canines came out. "I am disappointed in the lot of you! Have I not proven to be trustworthy over the years that I have been alpha?" I squeezed his hand in reassurance but this only seem to calm him down a little. "I am working just as hard to keep my mate and pack safe. If you care to question me, then speak up!" He screamed out for everyone to hear. A lot of the pack members winced as they heard the pain in his voice unable to help feel a strong connection with their alpha. No one spoke up but I could hear many murmur, "Sorry, alpha", under the breaths.

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