One / 1

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Marvin wanted a tight-nit family. He wanted his son, wife and friend to all get along, and make dinner together. Or something that normal families would do, what would a normal family do?


"Whizzer! Trina's at the doctor's so I need you to do the dishes," Marvin stomped into the living room where Whizzer, his boyfriend was watching the baseball game with his son, Jason.

"No!" Whizzer whined, "Just because your wife is busy doesn't mean that I'm not!" Whizzer sunk further into the couch cushions. Jason rolled his eyes as he snuggled up to Whizzer.

"Jason, son can you do them?" Marvin asked nicely. Jason shook his head no and let Whizzer pull him into a hug. The guy on the TV just hit a home run.

"No! I'm busy too!" Jason pouted and Whizzer laughed. Both boys turned their attention back to the TV, and they pretended to ignore Marvin's hissy fit, because that meant that he had to do the dishes. From the living room, Jason and Whizzer could tell Marvin was throwing the dishes around in the sink, like a child.

"If he picks up and leaves I'm taking you with us," Whizzer whispered to Jason who's face was curled up on Whizzers chest. Jason nodded, imagining a life without his mother. Hearing a crash from the kitchen, Whizzer sighed. "I better go see what your dad is doing, not the dishes I'm guessing," he left Jason to watch TV by himself and prepared himself to see the craziness of his boyfriend.

"Why do you have such a good relationship with him Whizzer? You just got into his life! I've been there for forever! What's your secret? Huh?" Marvin rambled while dropping a dish back in the foamy sink water. He turned the faucet back on and washed the soap off of his now soaked skin.

"Jason just likes me," Whizzer shrugged, "What can I say? These days all kinds of guys like me!" he laughed, waiting for Marvin to join in on his laughing fest. He didn't. "Come onnn!" Whizzer crossed his arms, leaning against the side of the counter. "That was a really good one!"

"Stupid," Marvin muttered to Whizzer, "now leave me alone! I need to do the dishes because nobody else wants to!" Marvin raised his voice so both Whizzer, who was standing feet away from him and Jason could hear him, who was still watching TV.

"Marvie, are you jealous because we were watching the game and you have no idea what in the heck is going on?" Whizzer tilted his head to the side. "I could tell you what's going on in the game, if you just spend some time watching you might like it!" ever since the day they met, Whizzer had been trying to get Marvin to watch the ball game with him, and he refused.

"I'm not jealous! It's just that someone around here has to be doing something!" With Trina always off at the Psychiatrist, and Jason always doing his chess games with Whizzer, Marvin was starting to feel left out.

"Well, I'll try to pitch in around here a little bit more 'kay?" Whizzer pulled the sleeves of his sweater down, the reached past his wrists, he frowned fumbling to roll them back up. During all this, Marvin was glaring at him.

"I won't believe it till I see it,"


564 words

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