Twenty Five / 25

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In the end Whizzer had snuck off to the Roseville hospital. Not to visit his old nurse (because that would be weird) but to find Charlotte. Or someone to talk to who was good with relationships. Sure, it was Mendel's job dealing with the inner emotions - but he didn't want Mendel blabbing his thoughts to Marvin who would do nothing to hide the fact that he knew how upset he was.

He needed to do something rebellious. Vandalism, wasn't the way to go (all tho he had seen an episode of Gilmore Girls where they devil egged a car).

He was certainly not doing anything that bad. Maybe he should dye his hair! Didn't all rebellious people do something like that? Shave their heads? Dye their hair? Something dumb like that... but Whizzer loved his hair was too much to permanently dye it or shave it. Maybe he could use a non-permanent solution to freak out Marvin!

What color would he do? What would Marvin say? His reaction would be worth all the permanent hair dye in the world. Whizzer wanted Marvin to freak out. Besides what did he have to loose?

His natural hair color - for one.


"You think he went to Trina's?" Mendel whispered picking at the leather in the side of the car. Marvin jumped like the idea had physically hurt him. He snorted.

"No, I think you just want to say hi to your girlfriend!" Marvin snorted again, he had nothing else to say to Trina. He divorced her. End of story right? Wrong, not when you have to see your kid every weekend and your best friend is secretly dating her! What kind of Tight-Nit family was this? His family web was looking more like a spiderweb. Very messy.


"Whizzer? Who else? It slipped when he had tried to show me how to make a pop tart in the microwave. Don't do that by the way, very messy. He said 'oh geez you know who would like this? Jason, maybe Mendel could call Trina and-'" Marvin sighed, then looked over at Mendel who was glaring out the car window. "Don't be mad with Whizzer, he did nothing wrong, he was just being-" Marvin looked for the appropriate word.

"Whizzer?" Mendel cleared his throat, "I don't need your permission to date her you know, I'm not a kid,"

"I'm not saying that," Marvin pulled onto the interstate the quickest way to get to the hospital, another place where Whizzer could have wondered off to. "It would have been nice to hear it from you and not covered-in-chocolate-pop tarts-Whizzer."

"I know, I'm sorry," Mendel whispered, he glared out the window again while Marvin kept his eyes on the road. After a few minuets of dead silence Marvin swallowed his pride.

"So... you and Whizzer talk?"


"Do you guys like, talk a lot?" Mendel slapped his hand on his forehead.

"Oh my goddd..." he whispered, "you're totally jealous of our relationship!"

"Did he call it that?" Marvin's eyes were wide, "relationship?"

"Oh my word," Mendel shook his head sadly, "you remind me of little orphan Annie,"


"'Cause you're desperate for attention, for love! You should have married him!" the car became dead silent. Not in a good way, more as in a if-I-start-talking-i'm-going-to-scream/cry way. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling you what to do with your personal life,"

"Yeah, you're right," Marvin gripped the wheel, turning off onto one of the nearest exits, "maybe Whizzer went home, he likes our home, unless he told you otherwise?" there was a bitterness that Mendel had sensed in Marvin's tone. He didn't want to talk nor did he want to listen. It was hard to get him out of this mood. Like when he got annoyed that he couldn't understand a word of baseball. Hard to get him out of the moody state he was in.

"No, let's go,"


Marvin was the first to walk in the apartment, he turned right back around and closed the door. There was a stench, it smelled faintly of something trailing through the house. It smelled like a salon, in a bad way. Mendel just rolled his eyes, thinking that Marvin was being over dramatic, and walked through the front door. Marvin was outside choking on air when Mendel had angrily run upstairs to the bathroom, where the smell was coming from.

"Whizzer- ough!" Mendel coughed, throwing the door open, the room smelled faintly of bleach, "what the heck are you do-" Mendel stopped, Whizzers hair was full on pink. Like the singer but brighter. Mendel had to adjust his eyes for a second, the hair color was so bright. "Why-"

"Shush!" Whizzer whispered, "it's fake, I was going to scare Marvin, did it work? Does it look real?"

"Yes, real-ly bright!" Mendel blinked a few times, and turned to walk downstairs. The whole house reeked of bleach. It was even worse when Whizzer went through his nail polish faze and the whole house smelled of a nail polish remover factory. Mendel frantically ran around the house opening every window and door he could find. He even went up to the sunroof and flicked that open too.

Marvin's eyes were pink, he was rubbing them the smell was getting to him. He had tears running down his face. Marvin, Mendel had learned, was very sensitive to strong smells. That's why Mendel chopped the onions, or else Marvin would be bawling over them.

"Whizzer -" Marvin whimpered, finally seeing what his idiot of a boyfriend did. "You dyed it?!" he screeched, "your beautiful hair!" Marvin had a coughing fit, and relaxed a bit when Mendel had gotten him tea and sat him by the window. He forced Whizzer to go out into the garage and think about what he had done.

"He's insane!" Marvin whimpered, "he's insane-" Mendel couldn't help but smile, knowing the real truth was fun! Until it wasn't...

"GUYS!" Whizzer screamed from the garage, "I think I'm having a reaction to the dye,"

"Geez," Mendel sighed, running out to the garage where Whizzer was sitting on the concrete floor, rubbing at his neck. "One thing after another, we should get a comedy show or something,"

"I can see it now," Marvin was at the door muttering something, 

"I'd be a three part mini opera, that's for sure,"

1,028 words

"The most beautiful thing in the world," - Jason

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