Twenty Nine / 29

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"Honey, come out," Whizzer mumbled, knocking on Marvin's bedroom door, which he had run off to. Mendel was awkwardly standing in the corner, glaring at his shoes. Whizzer was going to resolve this, even if his boyfriend was being a big wimp.

"Leave me alone!" Marvin wailed.

"Marvin I'M the drama queen here!" Whizzer screamed loud enough to be heard from the corner of the street, "if you take that away I'm nothing but another pretty face!" Mendel sighed, throwing his face in his hands. Whizzer crossed his arms glaring the door down.

"With an audition," Mendel muttered, walking over the door and leaning against it shriveling into a ball. Whizzer and Mendel both knew the door wouldn't open any time soon.

"Yes! With an audition," Whizzer nodded.

"Whatever!" Mendel screamed, "I'm over this! You don't like it that I'm in love?! FINE, some friend you turned out to be!" Mendel threw himself forward and walked off to his room. Whizzer stood glaring at the door.

"Is he gone?" Marvin's muffled voice was clear through the door.

"Yes!" Whizzer beamed, as Marvin opened the door, his arms were crossed and he looked just as upset as Mendel.

"You're on his side?"



"Guess I'm a sucker for a happy ending,"


"What I mean is, we're not going anywhere are we?" Whizzer paused, Marvin stared at the ground, a silent no. "I guess I wanted someones life to turn out just the way he wanted it, happy and in love. And if that can't be us then why not our best friend?"

I'd kill for that thrill of first love. Whizzer's words rang in Marvin's ears. He couldn't remember the last time he thought Whizzer was unhappy. Was he unhappy with their relationship? What did he do?


"So why don't you cry a river build a bridge and GET OVER IT! Seriously darling, grown a spine! Mendel's in love, he's happy and he's doing the dishes. I repeat someone in this house is doing the dishes without a blood bath war beforehand!" Whizzer sighed, "Now what are you going to do, are you going to stand here listening to me lecture or are you going to apologize to your friend?"

Marvin muttered something unintelligent and slumped over to his roommates door. He knocked.

"Get lost," was Mendel's responds from his bedroom. Marvin shrugged turning to leave. He caught Whizzer's full on GLARE as he did so.

"He doesn't want to talk, maybe when he wants to," Marvin shrugged, slamming his bedroom door shut. Whizzer shook his head sulking as he made his way to the kitchen for something to eat. Then an idea struck. It was a Friday, which meant that tomorrow Jason would be over. Whizzer had less then 24 hours to put his plan into action.

"FAMILY MEETING!!" Whizzer went around the house with a pan and a wooden spoon making the miraculous noise that Marvin liked to call 'a gigantic headache'. "HERE YEE! HERE YEE!!" Whizzer screamed as both guys ran downstairs to see what the whole racket was. Both avoided eye contact. "I DECLARE THIS FAMILY MEETING IN SESSION!" Whizzer hit his pan and spoon against each other, giggling.

"We aren't even related," Mendel brought up, "we legit don't have anything that could make us qualified as 'family'. We're just some losers who can't pay the electric bill with our own jobs," Mendel sank into the chair that was closest to him at the kitchen table.

"Which is good enough family for me!" Whizzer sat down at the head of the table, eyeing Marvin to sit down as well. He did, only because Whizzer was kind of scaring him.

"Now, I've heard there's been some sort of fuss between you two,"

"He's dating my EX wife!" Marvin shot, glaring at Mendel.

"I'm not dating her, I'm just in love with her!" Mendel shot back, "there's a difference!"

"Gentlemen!" Whizzer smiled, "here's what I suggest, tomorrow when Trina drops Jason off, Marvin you can hang out with Jason. 'N Mendel you can ask her out on a date!" Whizzer cleared his throat.

"What if she doesn't like me?!" Uh-Oh. Mendel was going into shut down mode. Whizzer was going to have to turn this around. "Or worse, what if she's an Off-Broadway person, I can't be with someone who ONLY listens to Off-Broadway!" Mendel wailed.

"Just go for it, muchacho!" Whizzer mentally praised himself for using Spanish in a conversation. Those Spanish soap operas were paying off!

"Besides if she doesn't like you, you always have the option of staying single!"

737 words

"I never wanted to love you," - Whizzer

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