"Forever and Always" Sumia x M!Robin

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I love this song and I think it works well with this

No copyright intended quotes taken from the song: Forever and Always by Parachute

Quotes from S Class support between Sumia and M!Avatar
She's sitting at the table
The hour's getting later
He was supposed to be here
She's sure he would've called
She waits a little longer
There's no one in the driveway
No ones' said they've seen him
Why, is something wrong?

"Sumia, please calm down I'm sure _____ all right." Cordelia says trying to calm her friend down.

"D-do you think _____ went through with it? Do you think he snuck out and killed Grima on his own?" She paced and panicked.

"He wouldn't." Cordelia said firmly. Nothing could calm Sumia down. She felt it. She knew something happened. Something bad.

She looks back to the window
Suddenly the phone rings
A voice says, something's happened
That she should come right now

"Sumia! Come quick!!" Lissa screamed as she barged into the barracks, "Something's happened to ______." Everything inside Sumia froze for a moment.

Her mind goes to December
She thinks of when he asked her
He bent down on his knee first

"'...Sumia? I can't help but notice that you aren't carrying a book.' Robin says insightfully.

'I'm done with books! No more make-believe for me! At least, not until I gain more confidence in who I am.' Sumia says trying to stand tall.

'Oh? What brought this on?' Robin inquires.

'I realized I was using those stories to run away from myself. Every time I messed up, I'd read a book and pretend I was someone else. Well, that's just not healthy! ...Plus I was running out of books. Anyway, I decided it was time to stop before I became totally hopeless.'" She says sadly.'

And he said

'He said so sweetly, "'You're not hopeless, Sumia.'

'Oh, posh! It's nice of you to say so for my sake, but you can be honest with me.'

'I am being honest, Sumia. I've been thinking of you ever since we started sharing books. In truth I... I think about you all the time. And I've grown incredibly fond of you.'

'Um, are YOU pretending to be a character now? Because I can't believe that—'"

I want you forever
Forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
Forever and always

"'I bought a ring! ...For you, I mean. I'm a simple man with little in the way of wealth or land or social opportunity. And I certainly can't make you a princess like the heroines in your stories. But I can promise to love you more each day that we are together. Sumia, will you marry me?'

'Oh, _______... I don't need to be a princess! I don't need anything else if I have you! I accept! I accept with all my heart!'

'Oh, Sumia, I'm so happy! It's like we're in a storybook of our very own.'

'And we'll live happily ever after!'

She pulls up to the entrance
She walks right to the front desk
They lead her though a million halls
A maze that's never ending
They talk about what happened
But she can barely hear them
She tries to keep a straight face
As she walks into the room

"...chance of _____'s survival," Lissa said quietly. Sumia hadn't been paying attention to what she was saying until she saw _____'s body... pale and harshly breathing.

"S-Sumia?" He said weakly.


She sits by his bedside
Holds his hand too tight
They talk about the kids they're gonna have
And the good life
The house on the hillside
Where they would
Stay, stay there forever

"Once you get better we can get Libra... and be officially husband and wife..." Sumia says sweetly.

"Heh he... I can't wait my love. Hey... I was thinking... I really like the name Morgan... we should name our child that." He said dreamily.

"Morgan... and you know I want a Cynthia! Let's make a compromise we can have a two kids. I can't wait to start a family with you. I can picture us now... living on a hill with a view of a castle. Like a fairytale." Sumia says cheerfully.

Forever and always
Through the good and the bad and the ugly
We'll grow old together
And always remember
Whether rich or for poor or for better
We'll still love each other
Forever and always

"No... Not a fairytale... Not a fairytale at all. Our dream... it'll come true I promise..." She noticed his breathing started to slow.

"Hey, ____! Let's get married right now."

"Married? Of course. Of course! I'm so happy"

The way _____ was speaking...

Then she gets an idea
And calls in the nurses
Brings up the chaplain
And he says a couple verses
She borrows some rings
From the couple next door
Everybody's laughing
As the tears fall on the floor
She looks into his eyes and she says

"'It's so nice to feel special for once. To love someone more than anything in the world, and have them love me back...' I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. I love you! I want you forever. Forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together. And always. remember. Whether happy or sad or whatever. We'll still love each other. Forever and always...Forever and always...Forever and always..."

She finishes the vows but
The beeps are getting too slow
His voice is almost too low
As he says

He reached his hand out and held her cheek and weakly says, "I'll love you forever. Forever and always. Please just remember. Even if I'm not there. I'll always love you. Forever and always."


"Goodbye my love."

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