Chapter Six- "Dreamcatcher"

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Apr 1, 2014

"Alan, I'm calling off the wedding," Austin says calmly/

"What?! No, no, you can't! Please, I love you!" I scream. I can't let him leave me, not at my state. 

"I'm sorry, but you're no good for me," he speaks. I shake my head.

"You can't! Please!" I beg, falling to my knees. 

"Sorry," he mumbles as he walks away. 

He held my heart, and now he's walked away, ripping it straight out of my chest. 

I jolt upward, breathing heavily. I didn't even realize the facts that 

1. I am naked. 

2. I am screaming my lungs out. 

Well, isn't that just wonderful? 

"Alan?" Austin says worridly, running into the room. I burst out into sobs. 

Austin quickly runs to me and wraps his lanky arms around my tiny figure. My dream keeps replaying in my head. 

I'm calling off the marriage.

"Shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare," Austin coos. Just a nightmare? Just a nightmare? It is the worst thing I have ever felt and imagined. It didn't happen - in real life - but I still feel my heart shattering. Why do I even bother living? I hate this, I hate it.

I frantically shake my head, adrenaline still rushing through my body. I just.. I can't even think straight. That dream - the nightmare. It's caused me uneven palipations, and frankly, that somewhat scares me. Afterall, what if I have some heart attack or a stroke? I can't even breathe normally. Hell, I can't fucking breathe! 

"H-Help," I stutter, trying to catch my breathe. I clutch my chest, feeling intense pain. 

"Shay! Help, please!" Austin yells, sobbing. I try to breathe, but I am unable to. Fuck, fuck, fuck, am I going to die?! Oh, no no no...

"Wha-" Shayley says before cutting himself off, placing his hand to cover his gasp. "Is he okay?!" 

"No, he's.. He can't breathe!" he yells. I cough and yack, just trying to get a single breath into my lungs. Anything, any oxygen, I need it. Boy, do I need it now. 

"Then let's get him to the fucking hospital!" Shayley screechs. Austin picks me up, carrying me bridal style. I feel as if I'm going to pass out.

"H-Help," I whimper, my voice scratchy and hoarse. I barely can function. Is this what it feels like to die this way? 

"We're getting help, Princess," Austin reassures me, an obvious hint of worry in his voice. 

I give up trying to breathe, it's clear that I can't. I might as well let myself die instead of trying to fight it, right? 

But, there's Austin. I can't do this to him, not again.

"O-Ok-kay," I whisper before letting the black fade my vision.


Am I dead? I don't even know. I can still hear what they say. Maybe I am dead, just a ghost? The walking dead? Who am I kidding, I am not a zombie. Although, that'd be pretty rad. 

"I see you're back with Alan again, Austin," a voice says. I recognize it almost immediately. Doctor Bruce. Guess he's back from his honeymoon with his husband. 

"Yeah... Except this time we don't know why," he says softly. I hear the small cracks in his voice. It makes me want to cry, I could never see him hurt. It would kill me - even if I were already dead. 

"What were his symptoms before he blacked out?" Doctor Bruce asks.

"He couldn't breathe, and he held his chest as if it were going to collapse any moment. His heart beat was extremely fast and uneven. I heard him murmur things about being scared to die, but I don't think it was a panic attack. He wouldn't have passed out from that," Austin explains.

"Or at least he hasn't before," Shayley chimes in. 

"Well, from your description, there's only three things I could think of," Doctor Bruce answers. 

"Do tell," Shayley insists. 

"Panic attack, which is still very possible, Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, AKA PSVT, or Abnormal Heart Rhythms, AKA AHR," Doctor Bruce replies. 

"Are... are they.. d-deadly?" Austin stutters. By the sound of his voice, I can tell there are salty tears sneaking their way down his face. What scares me, is that... Am I dead? I don't even know. I can't leave Austin. I am not allowed to leave him. Only he is allowed to leave. Does that even make sense? Oh, who cares! Why should I care if I make sense or not if I am probably dead?

"Panic attacks can be, but in very rare cases. PSVT is a very extreme medical condition and needs attention as soon as possible, as it can cause death moderately. AHR is also a very extreme condition and also needs medical attention very early, but it is not as terrible as PSVT," Doctor Bruce clarifys. 

Oh, I probably am dead. How great! 

"Is.. Is h-he..." Austin trails off, unable to ask the question. I hear the sobs, and it breaks my heart to hear them. C'Mon Alan, you can do it. You have to be strong, strong for Austin. Your fiancee, you have to do it. Go, Alan, fucking go! 

I begin to hear the flatline of the heart monitor that always lay beside the hospital bed. That can't be it! No, I am not dead. It... It can't be. I'm trying, I'm trying to wake up. Maybe I had really done it this time. I can't be brought from the dead. 

I overhear Austin sobbing his life out, and Shayley crying his eyes until they're unable to create anymore tears. I can't be dead. I won't allow myself to. 

"I'm sorry," Doctor Bruce says softly, moments of silence later. I feel him place the bedsheets over my body and begin to prepare me to be hauled away. I can't let him do that! I AM NOT DEAD! 

Suddenly, the heart monitor picks up at an unbelieveable speed. The beeping and beeping, that's my proof for that I am still here. And I will never leave.

"H-He's a-a-aliv-ve?" Austin stammers, a hint of hope in his voice. 

"He... Alan is," Doctor Bruce confirms in astonishment. I slowly open my eyes. Austin has saved me from this nightmare, he gave me the strength to keep myself alive. 

"Austin, you're my dreamcatcher."


Word Count: 1088

i'm so so so sorry that i'm an evil person :c 

but hey at least it has a cute ending? 

whatever oh well enjoy it. 

hooray for 2K reads on Book 1 c:

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