Chapter 24- "No Really, I'm Fine"

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A/N: them feels man um yeah so beware of feels, therre gonna be screwed with :c | Apr 18, 2014

*time lapse - 1 1/2 weeks -- still Alan's POV* 

Those in Glass Houses. 

The name of the song I wrote the last time I was sulking in my own sorrow. 

The Storm.

The name of the song I helped Austin write about Gielle. 

Bones Exposed.

The name of the song I wrote just a few weeks ago when Austin cheated on me. 

No Really, I'm Fine. 

The song I'm writing right now. 

Yep, you guessed it. Austin can't seem to keep his fucking dick in his pants around Gielle.. It's as if he loves her, but yet still loves me, also, and I don't understand how he could love her! She's caused so much trouble, and really, not to be funny or anything, but she's a fucking major cockblock. Hey, guys get "excited" sometimes! 

Shayley checks up on me every now and then, but he doesn't say much. I know he's so angry at Austin, and I know he's also jealous. Had I mentioned that Shayley accidently blurted out the fact that he has a 'little' crush on me? 

*FLASHBACK - one week ago* 

"Shayley, I don't know what to do!" I sob. "He keeps going back to her, but begging for me to stay!" 

"Goddammit, Alan!" Shayley yells. I know he's frustrated, he is with the both of us -- Austin and I. 

"Alan, you need someone better than him. If he's treating you this terribly, maybe you need someone else. Someone who won't cheat on you, someone who won't play you," he begins to say. I remove my hands from my face and I look up at him, staring into his bright blue glistening orbs. I must admit, his eyes were beautiful. 

"You need someone who can take care of you, protect you, but you also need someone who you can return the same too. You need someone who loves you genuinely, someone who isn't choosing between two people. Someone who won't ever fucking leave you!" he says, returning my gaze. His eyes entrace me, I can't look away. 

"Who wouldn't leave me?" I whimper out so quietly not even a microscopic organism could've heard me. 

"Someone like me," he blurts out, immediately covering his mouth with his hands. His face blushes a bright fiery red, much more bright than my dead-looking hair. In fact, I weren't breathing or had my eyes open, I'd probably look like a corpse. It wouldn't surprise me. 

"Y-you like m-me?" I stammer out, unable to blink my eyes. Shayley looks down at the floor and sighs. 

"A little," he admits, his face bursting into even more pink than it was previously. How had I not noticed he liked me? Hell, how did I not notice he was gay? 

*END OF FLASHBACK -- still Alan's POV* 

I feel my face heat up at the memory. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Shayley likes me.. I mean, really. I'm me. 

(So sing along,

and learn to heart)

You leave yourself dead where you stand,

So soft, pretty, and delicate. 

I scribble down the simple lines that will begin the song. I have the song planned out, I just don't know how the order should go.

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