Chapter 22- "I Need Another Sign"

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Apr 17, 2014 

"He's here."

The very two words I never wanted to hear. I know that Austin would have to return at some point, his stuff is still occupying the very room that I've been alone in for the past few days. Let me say, that is has been pure hell.

But in the bright-side I have a lot of songs written?

Oh, who cares about that.

"Alan, he's fucking here, what do I do?!" Shayley asks me frantically.

"Let him in, if he's got the guts to show his face 'round here," I answer emotionlessly. I need to put on my "I'm okay" facade. I can't let him know how much he's destroyed me. He'll think I'm weak, he'll make me weaker than I already am. Fuck, is that even possible?

"Are you sure?" he asks. I nod.

"Yes," I say, confirming him.

"Alright," he replies, leaving the room. I hear the door open and a conversation perks up.

"Alan's in the bedroom," Shayley tells him emotionlessly.

"Good," Austin says. "I'm here to talk to him."

"Don't get violent," Shayley mutters. Austin sends a deadly glare towards Shayley, creating a "bitch please" face. I can tell that he's disgusted by Shayley, but he has no reason too. It was his fault he cheated, I know he enjoyed it. Austin never pushed Gielle away. Never.

Shayley leaves the room. Austin looks at me.

"We need to talk," he says. I look at him, my face void of emotion.

"There's nothing to talk about," I reply. 

"What do you fucking mean there isn't?" he hissed, pulling me closer to him by the collar of my shirt. 

"There isn't," I choke out, starting to lose my breath. 

"Let me ask you again," Austin snarls, pressing his forehead against mine. "What do you fucking mean?

"C-can't b-brea-the," I stammer, my hands flinging up to my neck. 

"Fucking answer me!" he screams, throwing me against the desk. My back slams into the piles of notebooks and papers, knocking everything over. The desk collapses beneath me. 

"Fuck!" I yelp in pain. 

"Tell me, bitch!" he hollers, picking me back up, slamming me into the wall. 

"S-stop, p-pl-lease," I sob. I didn't think that he'd be abusive... 

"TELL ME!" he repeats, battering my head into the wall. 

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Shayley shrieks. Austin turns around. 

"Fuck off, Bourget. You have nothing to do with this," he says menacingly. I quickly shake my head. 

"Please don't leave," I mouth. Shayley can read lips, which I am so thankful for. 

Shayley nods and starts to leave. What? I just told him not to! 

"Thank you for cooperating," Austin says. 

"Don't kill him," he mutters, disappearing out of the room. What the fucking hell?! 

"I won't promise you that, Shay. He's been a pretty bad boy," he says, seductiveness lacing around his words. No no no, please not again... 

"Why?" I whimper. 

"You've been a very bad boy, Alan," he whispers, kissing my neck.

"N-No," I stutter. 

"Oh, but you have. You need to be punished," he replies, winking. "If you know what I mean." 

Fuck, this can't be happening! 

Austin takes me and throws me onto the bed, ripping my shirt off in the process. He jumps on top of me, practically straddling me. 

"I hope your ass is as perfect as it was last time, baby," he articulates. This situation is much more intimate than I preferred. Preferrably no intimacy. 

"Please stop," I whine, trying to pry myself from his hold. No such luck. 

"But babe, I thought you wanted me," he complains, a pouty face appearing to his facial features. I shake my head.

"I don't want to be raped!" I yell, struggling to get out. 

"The more you struggle, the harder it will be," he snickers. I shake my head again. 

"Please stop!" I cry out as he yanks my pajama pants and boxers off of me, leaving me stark naked on the bed. He smirks.

"I see you've got a few bruises and cuts here," he points out, his hand trailing along my thigh. I wince as he comes across a relatively new one, a deep one too. 

"Oh, does that hurt? I'm sorry," he says, pulling off his pants. At this point, I'm too frightened to move a single muscle. Hell, I don't even think I'm breathing right now. 

"This might hurt a little more," he states, lining his member towards my hole. I close my eyes and wait for this to be done and over with. Why did this have to happen to me? 

Austin slams in immediately, causing major pain in my area. I scream out in pain. Austin's expression turns from sexual to alarm. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, worry filled in his voice. 

"Alan, can you hear me? Are you okay?" he asks again. What? Of course I can hear him... 

"Alan?!" he says. I feel my body shaking. 

"Please answer me," he whimpers, his voice cracking. Is he crying? Crying over me? 

"Please, I need you, Al," he whispers. I feel tears dripping onto my chest and my eyes fling open. 

"W-what?" I stammer. Austin looks at me. His eyes show weakness, sadness. Does he still love me? 

"We need to talk," he says.

"Austin, why would you do that?" I ask quietly. He looks down at his hands.

"I don't know," he replies, shaking his head. 

"I thought you didn't love her," I whisper.

"I don't." 

"I don't know if I can do this anymore, Aus," I say, regretting it as the words come out of my mouth. Austin's face falls and I can tell that I'm breaking his heart. Alan, nothing is as broken as yours. 

"Please, can I just have one more chance? Please, Al," he begs. "Please, I love you so much, I can't just lose you... Not again." 

"I'm sorry, but I just need another sign that we were made to be together." 


Word Count: 1015

its a little short. and i hated writing this so much, ugh. ONLY THREE CHAPTERS UNTIL THE END! 

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