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"Morning." I said as I yawned. "Here's your hot chocolate."

"Thanks." he hugged me from behind. "Did you ask Meiko yesterday?"

"I forgot to. I'm sorry."

I wasn't myself. I did not ask her because I was scared at some point.

"I'll ask her later, okay? Is that good?" I yawned once again. "Stop hugging me."

"It's very cold, you know."

"So what am I going to do? I need to take a bath, Ryouta. I'm done eating my breakfast so you should eat yours and take a bath as well. You don't want to be late."

"You sound just like my mother."

"I know. Move faster or else I'll leave you here."

He removed his arms around my waist, the warmth is still there. I believe him, it's pretty cold this morning.

I turned and asked Ryouta, "Hey, about the friendship stuff that you were saying yesterday. You'll really introduce me later to your friends, right?"

"Yeah." he answered with a smile.

We arrived in Kaijo High on the right time. Ryouta went straight to their basketball practice and I went to my boring class; the first subject is Mathematics which is horrible. I hate it.

"Meiko, please answer number five."

Let's see if this Meiko passes my standards. She needs to have not only beauty but brains as well.

"Teacher, the answer is 3.23x10 raised to the power of 7."

Not bad. I will really ask her later.

After three subjects including Mathematics, it is already lunch break.

"Meiko." I walked towards her. "Can I eat my lunch with you since Ryouta isn't present, can I?"

"Sure. Take a seat." she smiled.

I took a seat facing her, "I was wondering, Meiko, what is your ideal type in a guy? Sorry for asking this suddenly."

"My ideal type? Hmm." she took a sip from her cup. "Athletic, caring, good looks, gentleman, sweet and brainy."

Brainy? Is Ryouta brainy? Wait, he's an exact idiot.

"How 'bout you, Mei?" she looks at me with curiosity.

"My ideal type is only found in 2D characters. I don't have any interest with guys in reality." I smiled.

"Really? How cool!" she took a bite on her sandwich. "Anyway, your name is Mei and I'm Meiko, you can call me Mei too!"

"I think it's better if you would call me Sakura instead of Mei. Confusing stuff, you know."

"No, no. It's okay with me. Friends?"

"Friends." I smiled. We both smiled at each other. "By the way, I want to tell you something. I mean, ask you something."

"What is it?" she raised an eyebrow. "Wait a second, I wanted to tell you something too."

"Go ahead."

"You are the first friend I've ever made here in this school."

"Really? I am...honored."

"All of the people here ask me if I want them to be my friend but it's either I approve or reject them. Some guys flirt because of my looks and I find it creepy."

This is your chance, Ryouta.

"I know a guy who isn't like that. He may be an idiot for studying but he has all the traits you need. A gentleman? Check. An athlete? Check. Sweet? Absolutely check!"

"Who is he?" she smiled sweetly.

"My bestfriend, Ryota Kise." I proudly said.

"I've heard of his abilities inside the court. Would you let me meet him?"

"I would be glad to introduce you to him or you should better go alone in the back of this school, he's always there during the second lunch break."

"You should go with me!"

"Okay, your choice."

The second lunch break went on and I already introduced Meiko to Ryouta. He made her call him Ryouta. What a lucky girl. I bet they are having fun right now.

Ryouta said that he will introduce me to his friends but he never did. Promises are really meant to be broken, aren't they?

I don't want to interrupt the two so I decided to go to somewhere, more like at the swimming pool or probably at the court where the basketball practice is held.

The end of the school day is here and I feel so exhausted. There are a lot of club activities! The volleyball club will be going to some place soon and to be honest, I am the captain of that club.

I did see Ryouta at the school's entrance gate but he's not waving at me like he always does. I was about to approach him but he is mouthing the words, "I'm going with Mei." which kind of hurt. I am Mei, right?


A/N: Hope you like this chapter! I had to change or edit parts from the previous one so sorry! >_<

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