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There is an activity in my school where participants of the said game will be chosen randomly. Two players from each sections but will individually work. I was picked. Honestly, I don't know what waits ahead of me. I'm scared of games like this and it is Halloween and people will take advantage of it.

I don't get the fact that they have to pick two representatives for the class when we will actually work individually. What is the point?

I was getting ready for the said game when one of my classmates talked to me, "Mei, I heard that this game was done every Halloween or every October, I mean."

"But why didn't they do this last year?"

"You were absent when it happened."

"I was?" I continued, "You're my classmate before?"

"Yes I was!"

"Oh, sorry. My memory is not that good these days, you see." I smiled.

"For the participants of the game, please gather at the entrance of the said building near the school and to all students, please stay at your classrooms. All non-participants will watch the game for as long as you like with the monitors in your classromms. Thank you."

"Oh, Mei... you have to go. Good luck!"

"Thanks. I'll go now." I said as I finished tying my rubber shoes.

It's just three in the afternoon yet everyone's focus is in this game. I don't feel any nervousness or anything though we'll be viewed by almost everyone in the school.

I ran to the gathering area and I saw the other participants from different classes. There are juniors and the seniors.

"Kise-kun, good luck!"

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yes, I will." the idiot left his fans with a charismatic smile. He was also chosen.

"Everyone, I'll explain the goal and rules of the whole game but before that, is everybody here?"

"Yes." we all answered.

"Alright then. The goal of this game is to hunt the designated room for each of you and complete the puzzle. For each puzzle, there are two or three pieces scattered near your rooms so find them carefully! After those, you'll come back here but there is a twist!"

"Twist?" I said.

"What kind of twist is it?" one participant said.

"There will be creatures, probably ghosts, inside that will chase you. If they caught you, game over. Now, there are two participants in each section, am I right?"

"Yes." we replied in chorus.

"If one participant in a section was caught by a ghost, the remaining one will have to get a partner from the different section. It is all about survival inside so good luck to all of you!"

Everyone reacted with the goal and the twists as well. No one noticed that there are no rules except me so I asked, "Excuse me, teacher."

"What is it?"

"What is the rule if there is any?"

"Oh right. Good question. The only rule of this game is that you'll just have two hours inside the building including the puzzle making."

Everyone was shocked about the rules and some even wanted to back out but it was too late.

Somehow I thought I was a dense person after hearing all of teacher's words.

"Go inside, one by one. By the way, you'll see your section's name near your designated room so no need to worry, 'kay?"


"Start!" teacher shouted.

We all went inside separately and one by one. Each of us had our own flashlights and stuff to guide us all the way in. I'm overwhelmed by the fact that I've seen using my eyes that the building is small but there are many hallways inside. Something like that.

I started walking calmly as I search for the room.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps as if it was following me.

"Who's there? Show yourself. If you're gonna chase me, chase me now." I said.

No one answered. I kept on walking and I still have not found the room. I already heard others scream and it was announced that class F's participants were already caught; both seniors and juniors were caught. I really thought that they are the bravest ones. I really do.

I looked at my watch and realized that forty minutes already passed. That is where I saw the room for me. The puzzle board completely scrambled. There were missing puzzle pieces as well.

I figured the puzzle immediately and found two pieces as well. I realized there is one piece missing and I already searched the nearest areas. One hour and five minutes already passed. I decided to go out of the room and tried to find the piece somewhere.

When I stepped out of the room, there was someone standing in front me and I froze.

"Finding this?" he said.

I took a deep breath and said, "You scared me!"

"Sorry, my classmate was already out so I decided to find you. I'm not yet done with my puzzle but I got all the pieces but..."

"You mean... my classmate was caught?"

"Didn't you hear it?"

"I was too busy."

"I'll give you this but there's a condition."


"Be my partner until we finish this, please?"

"I got it, I got it. I'll do it, okay?"

"Thank you, Meicchi!"

"Don't call me like that. Just call me Mei like you used to."

Kise and I finished our puzzles and got out of the building by four thirty in the afternoon. We did not win but we're part of the top three.

"Mei, thank you for today."

"Yeah, right. Thank you as well." I smiled.

"If you do not mind, I won't see you as a friend like before."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see you as a lady that I love."

"Don't... don't say that here, it's embarrassing." I lowered my head.

"Tomorrow, dinner."


By that moment, I was sure. I was sure that my feelings did not die. I still love him and like him. Is it true?

But still, tomorrow... dinner.


A/N: Thank you for reading this! YEAAAAAAH. We are reaching many reads, I am so glad that my fanfic is maybe good? Is it? Uh... well. Hahahaha. I'll try my best to update often. Thank you again! :D

Anyway, I'm doing a poll or survey, whatever you call it. I'm going to make my next fanfic soon! It's a FREE! fanfic. Now, who do you want to see?

Rei? Haru? Nagisa? Rin? or Makoto? Please comment below or mention me on twitter since I'm very active there! @lastoffantasy

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