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As his bestfriend, I thought I was special. I thought I was unique in his eyes but no, I am just a bestfriend who does everything he wants. Being in the friend zone is hard.

I better be a psychologist confronting his thoughts and being with him in his hardest times. I am more like his sister or mother, a family member.

I nodded at his words. This is what I am afraid for, being left alone without any friends.

I did not went home immediately. I stayed at school until eight. I am fixing the club's schedules and activities for this coming week. We're going for an island trip to have our practice under the heat. I bet it will be fun and relaxing at a point.

"Mei, it's already late. You can bring those home or work it tomorrow. You need sleep."

"The deadline of this is tomorrow. I cannot waste any time."

"You better go home or your parents will worry about you."

"Teacher, I don't have any parents to worry about me. Please let me stay here for a few minutes and I'll going home by ten minutes, please?"

"I'm sorry abour that." the teacher paused, "Well then, ten minutes."

"Thank you!"

Ten minutes passed and I went straight to the convenience store to buy chocolate or an energy drink.

While on the way, Ryouta is calling through my phone.

I answered, "Hello? I'm on my way home, okay? Don't worry about me. I'll be there by nine or ten."

It isn't my fault that my house, our house, I mean, is kind of far.

"I'll go there."

"No, don't. You are wasting your money. Spend it tomorrow instead, bye." I pressed the end call button.

When I reached the convenience store in just minutes, there is a basketball team that looked familiar. I entered the store and directly went to the drinks section. I grabbed two cans of Monster energy drink and went to the counter to pay. I didn't mind the people in the store that much.

I hear the whispers of the people from Seirin's basketball team. I'm sure it's Seirin. They are talking about me. I did not mind them. It does not matter anyway.

I went outside after I pay at the cashier. There is a suspicious looking man dressed in a navy blue coat with a black umbrella. There, I knew that it is raining. I did not bring my umbrella.

I ran straight to the waiting shed and waited for the rain to stop a little. I noticed the man with a navy blue coat beside me. He looks creepy.

"Mei, do you want me to take you home?"

His words made me freeze in my place. How did he know my name? He isn't Ryouta or someone I know.

I cannot answer him. He is smiling differently. I tried to stay away from a small distance, by footsteps, but the rain is stopping me to do so.

"N-No, I can manage my way home." I answered with a shivering voice. "Who are you? Why do you know my name?" I asked with some courage.

"Let's say...I am your admirer from afar. I always know what you do."

"I'm going to go now."

"With the heavy rain?"

This man got me cornered. Nowhere to go.

"Excuse me but this girl has a boyfriend already, right?"

I turned and was shocked to see a tall red-haired man who I think I saw earlier in the convenience store.

I went with the flow, "Yeah, I already have a boyfriend."

The man with the navy blue coat went away in a minute after hearing those words.

"Thank you..." I paused because I don't know his name.

"I'm Taiga but it sounds girly so... Kagami Taiga." he smiled. "My surname's much better."

"Thank you, Kagami. If you're not there, I was probably somewhere right now or whatever."

"I should take you home. Is your home somewhere near or kind of far?"

"The train's last station, sorry. I just need an umbrella, do you have one?"

"I only have one. I'll just go with you. A lady like you shouldn't be alone at this time of the day."

"I think so but I can go alone."

"That man may follow you again and creep you out, you know. Just saying."

"Well, you're right." I paused for a while, "Okay, I'm going with you."

We took the train and while inside it, we chatted about our personal information which is the basic information, exchanged numbers and emails and such. He seems to be a good guy.

He told me that he is the ace of Seirin. Too bad he'll be going against Ryouta soon. I told Kagami that Ryouta is my bestfriend; Kagami's face was totally embarrassed about boasting. I told him that it is okay.

A couple of minutes later, we arrived at my house. The lights are still on; maybe Ryouta is waiting for me or talking with Meiko on the phone.

"Thank you so much, Kagami." I patted his shoulder as an appreciation. I don't know if he knows.

"You're welcome." he smiled.

"Anyway, you have teammates with you, right? Then..."

"Oh crap! I have to go!"

"Take care!" I waved my hand.

Today's been a long day. I am exhausted. Super exhausted.

I entered the house and an angry Kise Ryouta faces me.


A/N: I hope you like/love this chapter! Don't be afraid to put some comments below-

I'll be updating lots of chapters this week so yeah. :) Vote? or share?

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