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By dismissal, Kise asked me to buy a drink for the whole team. All of them looked tired so I decided to buy them a whole box of Gatorade. It looks like they have a practice game with some school again.

I ran to the convenience store, as fast as I could. I chose ten bottles of the same color and flavor. I decided to get my drink as well but it was at the top of the refrigerator and I couldn't reach it.

A man grabbed the bottle that I was reaching for and gave it to me. He asked, "Is this the right one?"

I turned around and took the bottle. A student with a green hair helped me. He doesn't look like a student from our school.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled.

"I'll help you with that since you're a girl."

"Don't underestimate my strength! I'm Aomine Mei. Nice to meet you, mister." I said as I went to the counter to pay.

"Aomine? You mean... you're Daiki's sister?"

"Yup... wait, if you know him then you're Midorima-san?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm a student in Teiko before and I've heard about the generation of miracles though I'm not into basketball." I said as I took my wallet out of my bag.

"I see."

"So are you guys going to have a match against Kaijo's team today?"

"Yes. I'm not surprised that Daiki's sister knows something about the generation of miracles and more." he wiped his glasses and continued, "I'm impressed."


I went back to the place where Kise is with Midorima helping me on carrying the bottles. There, I noticed that their team is Shutoku and finally realized that I'm with their ace for how many minutes.

"Oi! Shintaro. What took you so long?" their coach asked Midorima.

"I helped this girl who's actually the sister of Aomine."

"Really? Her?" a black haired player pointed at me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kazunari Takao but you can call me Takao."

"Sure. I actually need to go to Kise if you don't mind." I smiled.

I went to Kise who is sitting on the bench looking right at me or maybe not. I'm not sure if he's looking at Midorima or me.

"Meicchi, what took you so long? Are you with that guy?"

"I had an argument with him but it is nothing besides he helped me carry these bottles."

"He has a funny accent." Kise laughed.

"Funny accent? I never noticed."

"He's a tsundere too."

"Tsundere? You really know him, do you? I'm not doubting it." I giggled.

I followed, "Anyway, he's the shooter of Shutoku, right?"

"Yeah and he's quite good."

"Well, good luck to both of you. I'm not going to cheer on just one team since I believe it is unfair so... good luck on the game."

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I have to do my homework."

"Aw, that's sad. I want to make you watch the game."

"There's always a next time."

"Anyway, come closer. I have to say something." he smiled in a way that it made me curious.

I went closer, "What is it?"

He whispered, "No more bullying. I talked to them while you were busy."


"Ow! Don't shout in my ear."

"Thank you, Kise! I'll make you dinner, lots of it, tonight." I smiled and hugged him.

"You're welcome." he smiled.

"Okay people, warm up!" Kaijo's coach said.

"I'll go now, bye!" I waved at the two teams.

I took the train on going home. There are so many people despite the time.

I decided to go down on the middle station and buy some ingredients for dinner. It's still early so there will be no problem.

I took a pushcart and a basket to separate the frozen food. This is the time when I have to decide the food to be cooked tonight. Chicken curry? What is Kise's favorite again? This is my thanks to him so this should be worth it and good! Onion gratin soup?

While finding some ingredients that we didn't have at home, I encountered a person who has a familiar voice. He dropped something and I picked it up for him.

"Is this yours?" I asked with a smile.


"Huh?" I looked at him once again. "K-Kagami? What are you doing here?"

He scratched his head and said, "Shopping with Kuroko, I guess?"


A/N: Nothing much to say but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Special mention to those people who gave me 20+ notifications one day and thank you for giving me 32+ notifications. I was shocked because I don't really experience those. Thanks! :D

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