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Kise and I had that talk before and Kagami followed us. We had a misunderstanding. Kagami's jealousy is the root. He puts his emotions first and talks without thinking. We broke up.


Once a bestfriend, always a bestfriend. He is the one who comforted me. He told me that he accepts my relationship with Kagami despite him being jealous. Yes, he told me that. He is honest and he has the courage to say his feelings. The problem is, I may not look at him like I always did. Who knows? I may be the one who is dense. I may be the one who's putting Kise into the friend zone.

Today's Halloween and the theme of our class is a host club where the females actually are dressed as males.

I was walking through the corridor of the school when Kise approached me, he's wearing a vampire costume. He knew my face even though I'm disguised as a male.

"We need to talk... in somewhere private."

"Somewhere private? We can talk here." I said.

He insisted that we should really talk in a private place. I cannot say if he convinced me easily. He grabbed my arm and walked.

Kise brought me to a vacant classroom which is actually Kise's classroom. The windows are covered by black curtains as well.

"What are we doing here? And what kind of talk is it?" I asked.

"Mei, I can't hold back anymore." he pushed me against the wall.

"B-But this is too early, isn't it?" I faked a smile.

"I don't think I will be able to..."

"What?" I am nervous as I speak.

"Mei..." he looked at me with such gentle eyes though I cannot fight his strength when he pushed me.

"We actually need a good relationship before doing this kknd of... thing!" I closed my eyes in fear. I thought that he is going to do something to me.

"Mei, what are you thinking?" he laughed.

"Don't tell me that you are just trolling me, idiot. Don't you dare tell me."

He laughed even more, "I am."

"You piece of―"

He kissed me on my lips unexpectedly. What is with this guy? Just right now, he made my heart flutter.

"Confirmed. You are red as a tomato, Mei." he smiled.

"N-No, I'm not a to...mato. I-Idiot..."

"Yes, you are!"

"Why would you do that?" I yelled.

"Do you want me to bite your neck?"

"I will dress as a zombie later and I will eat your face. Remember that... it's not that I am...err... forget it!"

"So do you approve?"

"Of what?"

"Will you be my princess?"

"I'm a prince!"

I just had my break-up with Kagami. I need to give myself a break time.

"Kise, you know that I just broke up with Kagami and..."

"I'm willing to wait." he smiled and said, "I got your first kiss anyway. Kagami never kissed you, am I right?"

"" I paused, "Get back here, you son of a―"


A/N: Late update! I was busy! I attended a convention last Sunday and my feet was killing me! I SAW A SEME AND BISHIE KISE COSPLAYER. HE IS A GUY. SENPAI DESU! /slapped/ Anyway, enjoy the short chapter <3

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