Sixteen (2)

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Kise went downstairs to get an ice pack. I had deep thoughts in my mind by that time.

Should I say it all to him? Every detail?

Kise, I hate that I love you.

"Meicchi!" he smiled as he placed the ice pack on my cheek. He became cheerful again.

"Thank you."

"Who did this to you? You should report it to the school. Bullying isn't allowed and it is obviously illegal."

"I'm scared to say their names... you are the main reason so why should I say this to you?"

"If I am the main reason then I have the right to know what's going on and... I am your best friend, right?"

"You're right."

"Just let me make a move."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Just wait and see on Monday." he smiled. "Wait for a while, I'll get you ramen. You'll have to wait for three to five minutes."

After I ate, we watched some movies together until midnight. No romantic movies, it is just action and emotional ones.

"Mei, why are you crying? This is Pacific Rim."

"Can't you see that it is emotional?"

"The first part is actually one but the middle part? The fighting part?"

"Mind your own business."

We finished three movies this night and we went upstairs to sleep already.

Before I entered my room, Kise grabbed my arm gently and he looked into my eyes.



"Good night." he smiled.

"Oh right. Good night." I smiled too.

He kissed my forehead after I greeted him.

Monday morning...

"Are you really going to do something because if that is something that..."

"Why don't you trust me, Meicchi?"

"I trust you but I really doubt it."

"Just watch and learn. Later." he winked.

"Get ready for your class!" I yelled as I threw my books at him.

I went inside the classroom and sat at my seat. Exactly, the bell rings.

The first class started which is English then the second to the third and finally, everyone's favorite... lunch!

I think I forgot my lunch again. It's either in Kise's bag or at home.

I ran to the indoor court where the basketball practice is held.

"Coach, can I excuse Kise for a minute?"

"For what reason?"

"I need to check his lunch bag because I forgot mine. Maybe we switched bags?"

"Ryota! Your girlfriend's here."


"Coach, he's my bestfriend." I faked my laugh.

Then minutes later, I got to talk to Kise.

"I knew it. It's there."

"You did put your lunch here."

"No, I didn't. You did."

"It's you."

"I did not! Ugh! Just give me my lunch and continue your practice, okay?" I smiled despite the small argument that we are having.

"See you later."

"I won't be home by six."


"Bye." I ran away.


A/N: Sorry for rushing some chapters before. I repeat, this fanfic was supposed to end at chapter twenty but I extended it.

Thank you for reading and voting. :)

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