My life is a living fanfiction???

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So I'm not sure how, but my life has become nearly a living fanfiction...

I'm dead serious, the past 6ish months of my life sound like the plot to a cliche band fanfiction. So lemme tell you this story

About 7 months ago, I was working a booth at a Christmas street fair. Pictures with Santa, I was the money taker. Yada yada yada.

Across the street, a band was supposed to be playing. Considering where I live, I thought it'd be a local country band. I couldn't hear them super well, but I was pleasantly surprised when they did a cover of Ride by Twenty One Pilots, and bonus, they didn't do a single country song so they obviously weren't country. I could at least see them and there were 3 members, a guitarist, and singer/bassist, and the drummer. I didn't notice much other than the singer was wearing a hoodie with the hood up.

They seemed pretty good from what I could tell, so after my shift and when they were packing up, I went up to them and told the singer that I enjoyed their show. I asked for their band name and then had a brief convo with the singer, who's name was Ryan, and we talked about performing and singing. Then they left and I thought that was that.

Their band name was PrisBros.

Now me being me, I found the band on social media, and not long after, the lead singer followed me back. No big deal, we live in a small town and everyone friends everyone on fb and Instagram. What I didn't expect was the message I received a month later.

It was the day of my 18th birthday party, and quite honestly my day had been kinda horrible. Some of my friends were fighting and some people didn't show up like they promised. Then I got a notification that the singer had messaged me on fb. I had no idea why, we didn't talk at all and I hadn't seen him since the show in December.

He told me that his band had a song that was meant to be a duet, and they needed someone to sing with them. He knew I was a singer and had actually heard me sing in my school choir at a Christmas concert at a local church.

Sounding like a fanfic yet? Yeah just wait, it gets better.

He asked me to do the song with them. He said I would go to their shows and perform with them and I would even be on their album. It completely turned my day around and I was excited as hell.

Fast forward a few months and I finally get together with the singer to start working on the song. It's called Friend, and I freaking love it. At first you know it was just a business acquaintance, we weren't really friends or anything, just working together. I went to a couple band practices and met the other two guys. They were hella chill and super funny. The drummer's name is Alexis and the guitarist's name is Izzy. I enjoyed hanging out with them.

I got really attached to them, ngl. They made me feel comfortable and they were super kind. The lead singer agreed to do a song with my sis and I for our school's talent show, where he sang, my sis did drums, and I played bass and did some backing vocals. We did Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz. It was fun tbh.

The singer, Ryan, and I got along really well. One time I came by his place to drop something off and it turned into a four hour convo on his porch about random stuff. He's easy to talk to. And once again, ngl, (and ryan if you ever read this, know that I got my stuff together a long time ago you know this lol) he is super attractive and I was crushing on him for a bit. But he made it clear that we would never be anything bc he doesn't date people he works with, which I understand so I backed off a longggg time ago. But anyway, they were super cool and I especially got along with the singer, so yeah.

I did their show with them at a local festival. It was super fun. They did really well. Yada yada. I thought that was probably the last I would see of them until their next show in August. I was wrong.

My friends and I were planning a grad party the day after graduation, and my friend wanted to know if PrisBros would play since he knew I was friends with them. They said yes, which meant I would work with them some more at practice.

In the process, I ended up inviting them to my graduation, so the guys came to my graduation, or at least two of them did. It was kind of nice to have some friends there since not a lot of people show up to any of my stuff and my friends of school were graduating too so 🤷🏼‍♀️ btw these guys have all graduated, two of them are 21. I'm 18, so these guys are my first adult friends, and it's weird asf but also super cool.

They played my grad party, and stuck around for a little while. I stayed hella late and Ryan drove me home (3AM).  When we got to my place, I stopped to thank him for coming and we ended up having a super long (2 hour) conversation about a lot of things involving our lives and such. During this conversation I ended up explaining to him my situation at school and how unliked I was by my classmates. I actually broke down in tears, describing how annoying I was and how it really felt like no one cared. I explained how afraid I was that I would scare him and his band mates off because of how weird or annoying I was. I said I was unlikable and what he responded with wasprobably the most meaningful thing anyone's ever said, yet the simplest.

He said, "you're not annoying. You're not unlikable. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't talk to you like I do, I wouldn't have played at the party tonight." He said, "Brianna, you're my friend and I care."

I nearly started sobbing. People always run from me, avoid me like I'm the plague. I'm usually pretty unlikable and I've never been able to befriend someone like him or the band. Him telling me that he cared was the most important thing ever because for the first time, besides my best friend, someone was there telling me that I mattered in some way. Unless you know my history, its not that big of a deal, but it made all the difference.

So that's when I realized that these guys were my friends and weren't going anywhere. They weren't just being nice to me bc we worked together, they were being nice to me because we are friends.

After school ended, my long term boyfriend and I broke up, but it was mutual and on good terms.  We are still friends. Yada yada. Then I ended up talking to the drummer for a while, and I really liked him but I ended that too after a couple weeks bc I was rebounding and I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship or my relationship with with the band. That blew over kind of. Anyway.

I went to Ryan's cabin for a weekend which was honestly so much fun. The guys of the band and their friend Joseph and I was continually been hanging out all summer. Somehow, these guys have become #friendship goals. Like we just randomly text each other to come over and we go to parties and like two days ago Izzy made chicken parme and sent it to the group chat (yeah we have a group chat) and I said I was jealous and he legit told me to come over so I drove 40 minutes to go to his apartment and eat dinner and hang with him and Ryan. Goals.

And now Ryan is over here at my house helping my little sister study bc she's a new hire at the local Dutch Bros and he works at the DB a few towns over so he's helping her learn the recipes.  We did the recording for the duet version of the song I do with them a few days ago, but they aren't releasing it until the album, which is a while out, but their first EP is coming out this summer. I've been talking with them about their shows and helping them however I can. When I go to LA, in going to try to find gigs for them to play, and I already have a connection to possibly get them signed. They're awesome people and super talented, and they deserve to get big. I care about them and I want their dreams to come true. I hope it works out for them.

So in summary, my friendship with the band is the plot to a cliche fanfic, minus the romance. I'm really close friends, working on best friends, with a band that is going places. Ryan even told me that I am/was technically the band's first fan (that wasn't somebody he knew and invited to see them). So I'm lw gonna toot my horn about that hahaha.

I've linked one of my fave songs by them up above so give them a listen and follow them on social media. Their name is PrisBros. But yeah so I'm doing really well lately and that's also why my updates are slow bc 90% of my free time is spent hanging with them. Sorry 😅 keep in mind that they're recording on their own with a 200$ system, not a professional one so for what they have, they're doing great. Please give me a listen and if you like them, follow them or comment on the song saying Bri sent you

Oh and to Ryan, Alexis and Izzy, and Joseph, if you ever read this, just know that you guys are one of the best things to happen to my life and some of my greatest friends. Thank you for putting up with me.

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