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(Myya's POV)

I was just getting out of school I was wearing one of my new outfits and Steve hasn't seen any of them. I was walking to the tower with Peter when we got there I decided to take off my sweater. That's when he saw all of my battle scares over the years.

Peter-Myya what are those?

Myya-Battle scars.

I said calmly.

Peter-There everywhere.

Myya-Yep, on my legs too. There are a couple of small ones on my face if you look closely.

Peter-Why are you so calm didn't those hurt?

Myya-Like hell.

Peter-Then I don't understand.

Myya-I'm not going to cry over these Peter I haven't cried in 9 years and I damn sure not going to start.

Peter-Myya I'm just trying to help let me help...please?

Myya-I never asked for your help I don't need help, I need guns more then I need help. Which reminds me I need to ask Bucky to go gun shopping with me.

Peter-Do not change the subject.

Myya-Peter why the hell do you care Wade is the only one who truly cares about me?

Peter-Myya I care the Avengers care, you're not on the streets anymore you can show more feelings besides anger.

Myya-I-I y-you care.

Peter-More then anything.

Steve-And so do we.

Then I saw the Avengers and then some at the door.

Tony-Like what capsickle said you can just call.

Bruce-You can talk to any of us.

I couldn't help it anymore everything left I cried in front of everyone.

Myya-T-Thank y-you all.

Wade-MyMy I brought you a chimichanga.

Myya-Thanks Wade.

Clint-How did you even get in here.

Wade-I felt a sad vibe coming from my best friend next to Petey.

Everyone then joined in a group hug.

Pietro-Ve vill always is here.

Wanda-Vow brother I didn't know you were emotional.

Pietro-Shut up.

Myya-Right I had to do something, Bucky will you take me to this new gun shop?



Myya-Why you gotta ruin stuff momma Steve?

Tony-Yea why?

Steve-You are too young to go there.

Myya-I've been in clubs that a kid shouldn't be in I'm pretty sure I can get in, and I know the guy that runs it.

Tony-Rewind how did you get into clubs.

Myya-Because im savage.

Thor-Why is lady Myya calling herself a savage.

Peter-That's just how kids say cool now.

Nat-I can go with Myya and Bucky, Steve, so they won't get into trouble.

Steve-I don't know.

Myya-Please there having a sell on AK-47's and Pistols and plus I need more C4.

Bruce-Who sells this stuff to a child?

Myya-I would sell this to a child.

Sam-Of course you would.

Myya-Wanna fight me bitch.



Sam-I'll take a pass on that.

Myya-So can I go.


Wade-Yes mother fuckers.

Myya-Peter you coming I can buy you a nuke.

Bucky-Actually I need another one sine SOMEBODY took my other one.

Myya-You poor thing how dare anyone take this mans beloved weapons its injustice.

Steve-How was me taking it injustice?

Myya-Right to bare guns.

Bruce-She would technically be right if a nuke was a gun, Steve.

Myya-If anyone of you take MY stuff there will be a bloody consequence I'm talking to Clint, Loki, and Scott.

Scott-How did you know it would be one of us?

Myya-You all like pissing people off.

Loki-I do not fear you mortal.

Myya-And I do not fear you goat.

Thor-Lady Myya please do not call my brother that.

Loki-I'm not your brother.

Myya-I do what I want.

Wanda-How did this go from sad to I don't know what?

Wade-The writer is bored.

Myya-Well tells her to stay on script.

Wade-She's too fucking lazy.

Tony-What are you two talking about?

Myya and Peter-Just don't ask.

Peter-Myya I would love to come.

Tony-No your aunt would freak.

Myya-If Peter's not going neither am I online shopping time.

Peter-Do you want to go to the skate park?


Steve-Who brought you that outfit.


Steve-And kids were that.

Myya-Well I do.

Steve-I like the Brooklyn tights.

Myya-I thought of you and Bucky when I saw it, well bye.

Peter and I then walked to the skate park.

Peter-Look Myya I know we know each other for 2 weeks.


Peter-*Blushes*B-But w-would you go out with m-me?

I was just processing the moment which I think he took wrong.

Peter-O god you don't like me like that I'm so stupid, I'm sorry.

Myya-Shut up yea I will go out with you.

Peter-You will?

Myya-Yea I like you to, if the feelings the same we should date.

Peter-Ok I have the perfect date how about a movie, pizza, and ice cream.

Myya-Sounds perfect.

Peter-Great how about tomorrow at 5?

Myya-Fine by me.

And we then reached the skate park and skated and all I can think about was tomorrow.

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